AFTER You BCd, Did You Have The Hair You Wanted?


New Member
Hi ladies,

Before you BC'd I am sure some of you had some type of texture to lead you to assume your hair would be in a specific category. For sake of argument, say it was somewhere within the Andre Walker system. Like me, I believe I am 3c/4a mix based on the 13wks of new growth and 20" of relaxed hair that is on my head. From what I have seen in pictures, I hope to have the type of curl I see on 3c/4a'rs because I like the look of those type of curls. That's just my personal preference.

So I am curious, did you get what you wanted after you BCd? If not, how did it make you feel?

And after you BC'd how close was your guesstimate?

Were you completely off?

I really didn't know after I Bc'd. The hair was way too short for me to even see what hair type I was lol. i had to wait a few months to know whether or not liked it. It looks so much different when it grew out. When I Bc'd I loved my hair because I was free and haven't seen it in such a long time. did I have the hair I wanted? I didn't want any kind of hair but my own. I wasn't at the stage where I was checking out celebs and hair models and saying "Ooo, I want that." And I'm glad I wasn't like that around my BC lol. I would have been sorely disappointed.

I originally thought I'd be around a 4 a /4b simply because that's what most black women were and my dad is a 4b, my mom a 3c. I thought I would fall into the middle with just 4a. I'm actually a 4a/3c.
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well since I remember my hair as a child/teenager I knew I was a course 4b.

my NG however was much more "well behaved" and by that I mean it naturally clumped into pen-spring coils. This does not happen without the relaxed ends on.

I wasnt suprised at all

Oh and I just realised I didnt answer ur question ... My Avi tag says it all :grin:
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My darn hair is so short, I can't tell! But I do have defined curls all over without any product (but lots of frizz!) so IDk where I am, I hope by December I'll be able to tell for sure.
I don't know if you want my response, but since I transitioned for a year, I pretty much knew exactly what I was going to have (my true hair type was apparent at around month 9) with the exception of the front, which was somewhat straight before I BC'ed, but then changed into 3c wave/curls after I chopped. Whether or not I wanted this type was really not a question - I wanted natural hair regardless. But I do love my hair very much and I wasn't surprised at all when I chopped. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Hi ladies,

Before you BC'd I am sure some of you had some type of texture to lead you to assume your hair would be in a specific category. For sake of argument, say it was somewhere within the Andre Walker system. Like me, I believe I am 3c/4a mix based on the 13wks of new growth and 20" of relaxed hair that is on my head. From what I have seen in pictures, I hope to have the type of curl I see on 3c/4a'rs because I like the look of those type of curls. That's just my personal preference.

So I am curious, did you get what you wanted after you BCd? If not, how did it make you feel?

And after you BC'd how close was your guesstimate?

Were you completely off?


Well, for me I BC'd before I'd ever heard of hairtyping..let alone knowing what a BC was lol. That was almost 7yrs ago. I didn't have plans on any particular type of "good hair" or "Bad hair" I would have. I just knew I was ready to be rid of the relaxers for good! I love my hair regardless of it's texture.

OP, if you don't have the hairtype you desire..then what will you do? Go back to relaxers? Hate your natural hair?
I wasn't surprised by the hair type but more that I had two strand sizes and each has it's own unique issues. On the top is extremely fine versus the hair on the bottom which is is more a combination of fine and medium.
No, I did not have the hair I envisioned. I thought it would be more 3C and more silky looking. But after the initial shock wore off, I was cool with my hair. There are times where I want my hair to behave more like 3c and times I want it to behave more like 4b, for the most part I really like my curls/kinks.
I transitioned for 16 months or so; I had a pretty good idea what my hair was going to look like. Just like another poster said I was more surprised to learn that I had varying strand sizes, and a lot of them; which answered a lot of questions I had about my relaxed hair.

I went natural because I wanted healthier, longer hair; I realized when I straightened my hair for the first time I knew that my relaxed hair in no way could compare, so no disappointment here.
I loved the freedom my BC came with and being able to wear my natural hair for the first time in years. I'd played with my curly NG all the time during my transition and wanted to be natural so bad. When I first chopped, it was really frizzy and I realized it was from over-manipulating because I couldn't keep my hands out of it, lol.

I'm finding that my hair is starting to change as I learn to care for it and developing more of a curl pattern and less frizziness. A lot of other people say their curl pattern didn't really stand out until about 1 month after the BC, but I'm sure if you're ready to go natural you're going to love your hair whether it's a cute poofy fro or 3c looking waves!
I think I should have known all along, but there were just so many posts on how you couldn't tell your hair texture until the BC.
After 19 months of transitioning :lol:, I was so shocked to find that I already knew my hair texture. I suppose I thought it would be a little kinkier, because everybody said the length of the relaxed hair was loosening your texture. I'm pretty sure you can already tell after 3 months post.

The difference I did find was how manageable my natural hair is without the relaxed ends, but the curl pattern was basically the same.

ETA: I forgot to answer you initial question, lol! Yes I'm very happy with my natural hair. It's even better than I expected.
I think my favorite hairtype is 4a/b, but I'm also very glad to have my 3c/4a because I believe it's probably easier to manage and I think my own natural hair suits me perfectly. :yep:
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I had a good idea of what my texture was before I BC as I was natural years ago. Now the question is do I like my texture? NO especially since it is short, however when it grows to my desired length I may fall in love with it or I may not. IDK yet. I am 4B with little to no curl its just an afro and I don't want to wear a short afro. It's just not for me. My head my rules. ;-) LOL
I really didn't know after I Bc'd. The hair was way too short for me to even see what hair type I was lol. i had to wait a few months to know whether or not liked it. It looks so much different when it grew out. When I Bc'd I loved my hair because I was free and haven't seen it in such a long time. did I have the hair I wanted? I didn't want any kind of hair but my own. I wasn't at the stage where I was checking out celebs and hair models and saying "Ooo, I want that." And I'm glad I wasn't like that around my BC lol. I would have been sorely disappointed.

I originally thought I'd be around a 4 a /4b simply because that's what most black women were and my dad is a 4b, my mom a 3c. I thought I would fall into the middle with just 4a. I'm actually a 4a/3c.

The bolded was exactly the way I felt about it. I didn't have a clue what my hair type would be (Still don't know now :lachen:), but I was happy with the new possibilities the BC gave me and getting to know my hair :). My hair doesn't look the same anymore 6 months after my BC though.
i just expected the worst, lol but i actually like the texture i have now it's really soft and curly. lets see how long this last though haha.

does anyone have a scenario where when you BC it's really soft and curly but as your hair grows it also changes texture ?
I knew what it would be..If it had been different..I think I would be disappointed..I luv my hair..I just want the length and it will be all GRAVY!!!!!
I wasn't really sure, but I asked on my hair board. My hair is still changing, and actually changes daily lol...but it's cool, I just roll with it because I love my hair!
Had scab hair so thought I was a 4b...texlaxed and transitioned again and the "new" hair was a mixture of looser and tighter 4a. I guess I was kind of surprised by that. However, my father has 3c hair and my mother has 4a hair so I guess I could have made a more educated guess. Love my hair...although I may texlax in the future to mix it up.
I had the hair I wanted. I knew I was 4b but what I didn't know was that I had so many coils! My hair is a lot more softer and full of coils.
i did not know what my hair was going to look like when i did the bc because all through my 11 month transition i flat ironed. when i did the bc the front of my hair was still bone straight from heat damage and the rest was curls. i love my hair now that all the damage is gone.
when i decided to go natural i wasnt really thinking about what type i would be. i was just thinking i didnt want my hair to be extra silky, fine, curly/wavy hair like some of my family because that hair tends to be so thin(in my family). i ended up with very fine 3c hair that is not sily at all. i love my hair. but had i ended up with my family type hair or 4c hair i would still love it because my going natural had more to do with not wanting chemicals than it did with wanting a certain curl pattern.
Good question. I didn't care how my hair would turn out, because I didn't go natural with any expectations, only for principle. I had the hair I wanted because it was mine!

But I had an idea of my hair type already, because I was natural until I was 12 and remembered my hair type. Plus even while relaxed I always relaxed once every 3 or 4 months, so I was usually well aware of my new growth.
no, i most certainly did not. it was dry, brittle, tangled, etc.

i knew i wasn't going to have silky 3b curls but i ain't gonna lie and say i wasn't surprised by my nappyness. i had no idea hair could be so kinky.
I BC'd with no expectations other than that it was gonna be nappy hair. I knew my hair would be a combo of my parents textures and that is what it truly is. Alitte bit "cooly" and lot's of Mama Africa!

Black folks are so mixed up you never ever know what your going to get and truthfully the texture & condition of my hair continue to evolve as I go about this HHJ
i love my hair more thaan i thought i would. very surprising to me because i grew up hating my natural hair
I knew I had 4B hair after I was well into my transition. After I BC'd - I was shocked because I hand't thought all the way through, what I was going to do with my hair. But after trying different things I came to realize that I've always had the hair I've always wanted (thanks to my trusty leave-in and Eco Styler)
I was relaxed for a long time and I forgot what my natural hair was like. One of the things that surprised me was that I can easily slick my hair down in a ponytail now that I'm natural. When I was relaxed and I had new growth, I could not slick my edges down for nothin'.
texture-wise: like someone else stated, i have the hair that i want because it's my natural hair. it's as simple as that. i could care less about textures because i think that all hair is beautiful anyway and i'm constantly seeing gorgeous pics from all of the different hair types. BUT i hate my ends. that's the only part of my hair that bothers me. i'm also a little surprised that my hair isn't one texture. i thought it would be for sure. it's annoying to deal with different textures on your head and i can never do wash-n-go's (which i previously thought i would be able to do) because my growth pattern is a mullet (sigh)
I don't think I count because I have been natural most of my life. However I always had a twa so this is the first time it has been grown out of that stage.

I love my hair and the feel of it. Its combination hair 3c/4a/b. The only thing I don't like about is it takes longer to show length on me. I get a lot of shrinkage and its killer detangling 4a/b sometimes. Also my coils in some places are very, very tiny so I can get breakage easier.

I do get disappointed because of the growing challenge for those practical reasons. However before the board I never thought about it.
well, yes and no. yes, I knew i would be a 4b but i was surprised to find that i have a patch of 4a hair at my nape. who knew? :lachen: