AFTER You BCd, Did You Have The Hair You Wanted?

i got a relaxer when i was around 12, so i thought i knew my texture (every1 used to say i had rudy huxtable hair lol), i broke countless combs (literally snapped in 1/2) and broken teeth outta every blowdryer attachment i used in my day...even when i was relaxed i had to heat train my hair lol and it was still never bone straight... plus i'm nigerian american and so i expected the thick coarse hair that my naija fam has ...i guess back then my hair was not properly moisturized and heat damaged, because my hair is way looser than i expected (3c/4a waves and spirals for those who are into hair typing)...i actually would have preferred tighter 4a/b curls i like the styling versatility better, my hair cant hold a proper 2strand twist for nothing lol (esp in the front/crown where my waves are ridiculously loose and seeming to get looser as it grows)
I'll be honest. I was very surprised at how kinky my hair was. When I BC'd I was expecting (and hoping like hell) I'd be a solid 4a/b. That is my DREAM hair!!!

Well I got something between a 4b/c. It intimidates me, and I have no idea what to do with it, so I've been in braids and twists since my BC in March. But one thing I know for sure - I absolutely have NO desire to relax again. Even with with this tangled mass of kinks that is OWNING me right now, the thought of a relaxer hasn't even entered my mind, so I know that chapter in my life is closed for good.

I wanted coils (ANY sized coils), but what I have is this huge cloud of puff and naps. I don't know what to do with it or what to put on it. :nono:

I'm pregnant, so I'll be in braids/twists at LEAST until next June when my maternity leave will be up. After that - I don't know. Eventually I know me and my hair will call a truce, but right now? :nono: