After Taking Out Braids


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I've had my hair in braids (singles) for almost 3 months and I'm going to be taking them out soon. I'm was hoping ya'll could give me some suggestions on what to focus on. Should I focus on moisture or protein? What are some products that you suggest using? I'm a natural, by the way.

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I am bumping this up for you so hopefully others can chime in.

I'm not sure what regimen you followed when in braids but I don't change my regimen when in braids from the one I follow when not in them so I don't do anything special or out of the ordinary when they are out. I DC once a week w/ protein and wash and condition twice a week (the DC is on one of those washes). has a braid regimen and they might have a suggestion of what to do.

Sorry I don't have anything clever to suggest.