After rollersetting what do you do?


Well-Known Member
Do you leave your hair down?
Do you pin it up?
Do you bun it?

I leave my hair down, I got burnt out of protective styles but I'm thinking of pinning it up now so I can retain length better. I rollerset 1x/week.
I wear it down. I never ever wear my hair up...well only at the gym. If I'm going to spend that much time doing my hair i want to enjoy it.
I wear it down. I never ever wear my hair up...well only at the gym. If I'm going to spend that much time doing my hair i want to enjoy it.

lol. my thoughts exactly.
my question is if you always wear your hair up, when it gets long wont you be afraid to wear it down
i love my hair swanging:lachen:
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After I rollerset I leave it curly or saran wrap to get a straight look.
To keep it curly for a few days I pin curl it at night.