After a setback i'm back on track for 2007!


New Member
I was kinda down last month because I had a setback. I had to cut off about 1.5 inches from the back of my hair because it was thin and damaged. (i just updated my fotki with my haircut.) I just hated the way it looked and i was mad so I just chopped it off. The reason for the setback was completely my fault so I can't blame anyone else.
1) I had relaxer stretched for waaaaay too long and
2)I have come to the realization that since I had relaxed my hair, wearing a weave is too much for my hair to take. It is just to stressful for my hair and everytime I took my weave out I would have breakage. I didn't notice it but progressively over time my hair thinned on the ends.

On the bright side.....:D I have finally jumped on the rollersetting wagon and my hair has been lovin' it! No more direct hear for me. I have to sent a shout out to Macherieamour(thanks girl!!!) because she has taught me how rollerset my own hair via her web page on rollersetting. I have tried so many times before and failed at it but after viewing her page, i think that i have it down! For now on, I will be rollersetting my hair every week.

Just a word of encouragement..........
I just want to say that if anyone has had a recent setback, don't let it get you down for too long. We may tumble down temporarily but we can't cry over spilled milk...the past is the past. We have to get up, dust ourselves off and look to a brighter future! That is what i'm gonna do for 2007! ;)
Smooches ladies!!!!!!!
godsflowerrr said:
I was kinda down last month because I had a setback. I had to cut off about 1.5 inches from the back of my hair because it was thin and damaged. (i just updated my fotki with my haircut.) I just hated the way it looked and i was mad so I just chopped it off. The reason for the setback was completely my fault so I can't blame anyone else.
1) I had relaxer stretched for waaaaay too long and
2)I have come to the realization that since I had relaxed my hair, wearing a weave is too much for my hair to take. It is just to stressful for my hair and everytime I took my weave out I would have breakage. I didn't notice it but progressively over time my hair thinned on the ends.

On the bright side.....:D I have finally jumped on the rollersetting wagon and my hair has been lovin' it! No more direct hear for me. I have to sent a shout out to Macherieamour(thanks girl!!!) because she has taught me how rollerset my own hair via her web page on rollersetting. I have tried so many times before and failed at it but after viewing her page, i think that i have it down! For now on, I will be rollersetting my hair every week.

Just a word of encouragement..........
I just want to say that if anyone has had a recent setback, don't let it get you down for too long. We may tumble down temporarily but we can't cry over spilled milk...the past is the past have to get up, dust ourselves off and look to a brighter future! That is what i'm gonna do for 2007! ;)
Smooches ladies!!!!!!!

Thanks, girl...and keep it growing!!!
Hey Godsflowerr :) ,

Glad rollersetting is working for you! I was never able to rollerset for my life either, but when I looked at Macherie's tutorial, it became so much easier! I love doing on my own too, because there's no direct heat!

Good luck in 2007!
Your hair is beautiful!!! I just ended a major shedding setback so I know how you feel. I consider it a learning experience - in my case it seems my hair was missing its henna fix.
Keep up the good work:D
godsflowerrr said:
I was kinda down last month because I had a setback. I had to cut off about 1.5 inches from the back of my hair because it was thin and damaged. (i just updated my fotki with my haircut.) I just hated the way it looked and i was mad so I just chopped it off. The reason for the setback was completely my fault so I can't blame anyone else.
1) I had relaxer stretched for waaaaay too long and
2)I have come to the realization that since I had relaxed my hair, wearing a weave is too much for my hair to take. It is just to stressful for my hair and everytime I took my weave out I would have breakage. I didn't notice it but progressively over time my hair thinned on the ends.

On the bright side.....:D I have finally jumped on the rollersetting wagon and my hair has been lovin' it! No more direct hear for me. I have to sent a shout out to Macherieamour(thanks girl!!!) because she has taught me how rollerset my own hair via her web page on rollersetting. I have tried so many times before and failed at it but after viewing her page, i think that i have it down! For now on, I will be rollersetting my hair every week.

Just a word of encouragement..........
I just want to say that if anyone has had a recent setback, don't let it get you down for too long. We may tumble down temporarily but we can't cry over spilled milk...the past is the past. We have to get up, dust ourselves off and look to a brighter future! That is what i'm gonna do for 2007! ;)
Smooches ladies!!!!!!!

Here Here!!:cheers: I am just going to finish making sure I am on track this by the end of the year and stay there. Macherieamours rollersetting guide is what helped me too. Its going to be like heaven in 2007!!
Your hair is beautiful!!! I glad that the setback did not set you back too far!!!! Keep up the good work. You are right...rollersets are the best.
Wow! Your hair looks great. Airdrying my hair has set me back. My hair hates it. I'm going back to rollersets now.
Your hair is gorgeous girl!! I love it. :D

When I finally relax, I am going to do bi-weekly rollersets; if they come out even 1/3 as nice as yours, I will be happy!!

You are very beautiful as well -- beautiful skin!!:)
This sounds just like my story! I had a bad setback from using too much direct heat. I used to rollerset my hair when I was in high school, but I had never done it on my natural hair before. This weekend I took the time to perfect it on my natural hair and now I can dry and straighten my hair without using and heat!
Wow!! thank you ladies sooooooooooo much for your kind words of encouragement because i really needed it!!!!! :) Honestly, your comments really made me feel better about looking towards the future and not dwelling on the past. i love being a part of this board. you ladies are the best:) ;)