After 3 years natural...I'm relaxed *pics*

It looks really pretty. I wonder if the reason it is so thick and healthy is because you went natural for three years. Do you notice it is more thicker now than when you were relaxed 3 years ago.
It looks really pretty. I wonder if the reason it is so thick and healthy is because you went natural for three years. Do you notice it is more thicker now than when you were relaxed 3 years ago.

this is how my hair was when I went back to relaxing after being natural for close to 2 years. I so wanted that thickness when I was relaxed but never seemed to have it.
Just felt like changing my hair again. I loooooved being natural and I will most definitely transition again in the future.

ETA: I went to Morena's salon, Divas, in Raleigh, N.C. They gave me a cut as well.






WOWWWWWWWWWW, that is beautiful hair!:lick:
It looks really pretty. I wonder if the reason it is so thick and healthy is because you went natural for three years. Do you notice it is more thicker now than when you were relaxed 3 years ago.

Yea, when I first went natural my hair was still kind of thick but not as thick as it is now. Probably because I had a lot of damage.
OMG sweetfacekay, your hair is just absolutely gorgeous. You wear your relaxed look very very well.
The shine! The thickness. The body. Beautiful!!!!! Your natural hair is so lovely too.
Good for you!!! You are enjoying your hair to the fullest!!
I love your hair girl so thick and beautiful relax or natural did your hairstylist give you a trim if so how much did she cut off?
Just felt like changing my hair again. I loooooved being natural and I will most definitely transition again in the future.

ETA: I went to Morena's salon, Divas, in Raleigh, N.C. They gave me a cut as well.





Your looks so thick and luscious!
Nice girl! I too just texlaxed after years natural, I wanted a change and I had also just did the BC for the second time. I do believe I will transition again once I get older.

:lachen:@ someone saying "welcome back to the dark side", that's exactly how I felt. :look: