Afrobella straightens her hair!

You can definitely tell when there's a full moon in the midst. :look:

Thanks for posting OP. Afrobella's hair is very pretty pre, during, and post flat ironing. :yep:

I'm really wanting to try Ms.Leatherwood's brush. I've heard a lot of good things about it.
If any of you follow her blog, you will know just to get her into the chair to straighten it was a huge leap. I'm surprised that she did it. Her hair looks great either way.
Wow! Your hair is beautiful......straight and natural. I love the color. I can't believe you had all of that done and then washed it right back out:lol:. But I read that you were proving a point. Well brace yourself because the naturals are going to come in here in say ONE time of straightening won't cause damage to your curl pattern.....only when you constantly do it:yep:. I really enjoyed your story and showing all of the steps. BTW your make up is pretty too.

That's not me, lol. I wish my makeup and hair looked that good!
Wow! Your hair is beautiful......straight and natural. I love the color. I can't believe you had all of that done and then washed it right back out:lol:. But I read that you were proving a point. Well brace yourself because the naturals are going to come in here in say ONE time of straightening won't cause damage to your curl pattern.....only when you constantly do it:yep:. I really enjoyed your story and showing all of the steps. BTW your make up is pretty too.

Gonna disagree with ya there. It only takes one pass of too high heat on virgin hair to damage your curl pattern.

You just confirmed what I was trying to say "what the naturals would say". I should have put quotes around the statement. I didn't quite say that correctly,

I'm just slightly confused in the message you are trying to convey.

The first quote says naturals say damaged is cause by multiple instances of straightening.

I disagreed and said it only takes one time to cause damage.

Not sure how I am confirming your point when I stated an opposite view.

westNDNbeauty You actually agreed with her but you didn't know that was the point she was making. She said that many naturals will say that only constantly straightening your hair will it cause damage but janeemat was saying that's not true. You said you disagree because you thought she was saying that as a fact but in actuality you two are making the same point.
I was getting flash backs when she mentioned the word marcel iron. :(

Thats how i got heat damage with my hair in April 2010. Went to a salon to get a trim she insisted on straightening my hair. When I washed it out. damage galore :(

I'll be praying to the hair gods.. that she has her curls back. Also I want that brush combie thingie.. That looks sooo coool :)
I was getting flash backs when she mentioned the word marcel iron. :(

Thats how i got heat damage with my hair in April 2010. Went to a salon to get a trim she insisted on straightening my hair. When I washed it out. damage galore :(

I'll be praying to the hair gods.. that she has her curls back. Also I want that brush combie thingie.. That looks sooo coool :)

Lute If you look at the pictures after they washed it and returned her to curly, her hair doesn't look damage at all. I wonder what the secret is for using a marcel iron/high heat and NOT incurring damage or if it depends on the hair texture. Cuz one thing I realized from watching the video on her getting her hair straightened, her roots and texture seems so straight and silky. She seems more 3c than a cottony 4a.
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Gorgeous hair, i wouldv'e kept it at least 7-10 days, at this point of the game manipulation and heat is a big deal to me, so i would make it count :)
I wonder how much she paid for all that? Seems like a bit of a waste of time if you ask me. Her hair is nice though.
Lucie If you look at the pictures after they washed it and returned her to curly, her hair doesn't look damage at all. I wonder what the secret is for using a marcel iron/high heat and NOT incurring damage or if it depends on the hair texture. Cuz one thing I realized from watching the video on her getting her hair straightened, her roots and texture seems so straight and silky. She seems more 3c than a cottony 4a.

ellebelle88 wrong poster mentioned. Cool thread though.
Some naturals kill me. " I just had to get back to my curls!" Or "I miss my hair! I'm ready to wash this out!" Or "I'm ready to take these braids out. I miss my natural hair!" And it's only been like 4 days. Girl stahp!!

Some can be do extra. Just had to get that off my chest.

Sent From My Pheauxne
Some naturals kill me. " I just had to get back to my curls!" Or "I miss my hair! I'm ready to wash this out!" Or "I'm ready to take these braids out. I miss my natural hair!" And it's only been like 4 days. Girl stahp!!

Some can be do extra. Just had to get that off my chest.

Sent From My Pheauxne


I thought I was the only one who noticed that. Doing the most :lol:

Some naturals kill me. " I just had to get back to my curls!" Or "I miss my hair! I'm ready to wash this out!" Or "I'm ready to take these braids out. I miss my natural hair!" And it's only been like 4 days. Girl stahp!!

Some can be do extra. Just had to get that off my chest.

Sent From My Pheauxne

I agree and I'm natural (never relaxed to boot) :lachen: I mean, your hair is not going anywhere. All that work for nothing. I'm guessing she got paid to do it.
They straightened her hair with a MARCEL iron and immediately washed it out??


Ain't no way! If I'm going to risk heat damage and the like for a style, I'm going to wear it until the wheels fall off. Why didn't she opt for a less risky method if she wasn't interested in a bone straight look?

I'm over here upset about what could have happened. :lol:
Her stylist didn't look to happy with her. :giggle: It may have something to do with the fact that she had to wash all her hard work down the drain.
I think a side part would have better flattered her round face. Other than tnhat it was very cute! The feathers were so pretty!
@westNDNbeauty You actually agreed with her but you didn't know that was the point she was making. She said that many naturals will say that only constantly straightening your hair will it cause damage but @janeemat was saying that's not true. You said you disagree because you thought she was saying that as a fact but in actuality you two are making the same point.

I'm back! Thanks for straightening this out........ this is exactly what I was trying to say. It didn't come out quite right, but I'm glad op knew where I was coming from.
Gosh her straightened hair turned out to be really beautiful!

........I damn sure wouldn't go through all that ish and turn right around and wash it out. Def. wouldn't do it if I styled it myself and no way if I'm going to be sitting in some stylist's chair for hours. That straight hair and I would be BFF for at least a week :lachen:

Natural hair is so versatile, I love it!!
Gonna disagree with ya there. It only takes one pass of too high heat on virgin hair to damage your curl pattern.

THIS!! Flat Ironing my hair only once ruined 2 years if good work.. Like I had to chop it off.... I think the kinkier your hair is, the more likely it is to damage...