Advice Needed on Lunar Phases and Haircuts....


Hi there!
Hi all. I've been reading some old threads here about cutting hair during the 'correct' phases of the moon. My mom told me that her mom, etc. used to do this. I'm interested also, so I'm going to experiment just for fun. I added the websites at the bottom for reference.

The general concensus, from what I've read, is to cut the hair during the waxing moon (increasing light) in CONJUNCTION to a fertile sign that coincides with it (waxing moon). Yeah, something like that lol.

I'm a bit confused because I AM a fertile sun sign (Pisces), but according to the Moon Phase link below, Pisces is in a phase of the WANING (losing light) moon. That means that chopping/trimming during this two day period could discourage faster hair growth. At first I was going to wait to chop on the 24th or 25th (Pisces phase) because it seemed the best time, but now I'm not sure.

The Farmers Almanac website said that the optimal days to trim or cut this month would be the 13th and 14th.......weird becuase even though those days ARE during the waxing phase....Libra isn't one of the most fertile signs.

If anyone knows anything about following the lunar phases, let me know if cutting my hair (big chop) would be a good thing to do on either the 16th or 17th of this month, because not only is the moon waxing, but it's also a Scorpio (another fertile sign) phase.

see the following links.... (moon calender) (astrological exlpanations) (Farmers Almanac site)

Hope that wasn't totally confusing :lol:
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I use the lunar almanac site and lookup the moon phases. The signs of the moon then your sign is way too confusing. a quicker way that works since I've been using it is to just look up when the new moon starts and when the full moon appears (moon increasing). Now if you want length you cut/trimm from the new moon to the full moon days, if you want thickness you cut from on the full moon. the decreaseing or waning moon cuts are for people who want their hair the same length or shorter.
Thanx Lucia. Your approach seems a lot easier. :) Just for safe measure, I'll still try to wait till that Scorpio phase coming up on the 16th-17th, but for future trims, I'll just go by the waxing phase and the new moon. I'm not really concerened with thickness, because my hair is naturally very thick.
It is part of my spiritual tradition to do things by the phases of the moon. I don't pay attention to the aspects of my own sign, but rather just what phase the moon is in. For example, I waited until the New Moon to do the big chop and I would do any trims at this time as well, or at least during the waxing phase of the moon. Btw, if you don't have a calendar handy, but you want to know if the moon is waxing or waning, here is a way to figure it out. Look at the moon and if you can cup its shape (the light part) with your left hand, it is waning (From Full Moon to New Moon). If you can cup it with your right hand it is waxing (from New Moon to Full Moon). That helps me when I lose track but need to know what phase the moon is in. Good Luck with your experiment!
Good avice from Lucia and Cichelle. I do follow a lunar calendar, but I try to not get too crazy about it.

My grandpa used to plant by the moon. It's only recently, in the past 100 years or so, that people have stopped following lunar calendars.
One of the sites I went to said it was good to cut/trimm on July 15. Is it the 15 or the16? Please help me because I am going to start using the lunar calender.
Was that an almanac that said the 15th? Anyway, on a simple level, the moon will still be waxing on the 15th up until the 21st.
I guess that some people choose to chop or trim during the new moon phase (when it looks like there's no moon) and others during the waxing phase. This time I'll experiment with the waxing phase.....around 9am cst on the 16th, to be exact. Not only is the moon 'growing' and gaining light, but it's also when scorpio moves in. I know that the astrological part isn't really necessary, but I'll try it just this once. Can't hurt :). I would have chopped around the full moon, but my hair is thick enough in it's natural state lol.
Cichelle said:
The next Full Moon is July 21st beginning at 7am (Eastern Time), but it is Void of Course until 8:55 am.
Somebody who knows about Void of Course! Finally!!! :) I'll PM you Cichelle.
Is there any scientific evidence that this stuff works? My mom used to cut my hair on the new moon based on tradition. Her mom, grandma, and so on used to do it. I really think that this is all superstition. Back in the day people probably used the new moon or full moon because it was a reference point and easy to identify which allowed them to make sure they trimmed each month. What do you girls think? I'm not knocking this, but is there proof that your hair grows any better than if you used something like the 1st day of the month to cut or trim.
Kikootie said:
Is there any scientific evidence that this stuff works? My mom used to cut my hair on the new moon based on tradition. Her mom, grandma, and so on used to do it. I really think that this is all superstition. Back in the day people probably used the new moon or full moon because it was a reference point and easy to identify which allowed them to make sure they trimmed each month. What do you girls think? I'm not knocking this, but is there proof that your hair grows any better than if you used something like the 1st day of the month to cut or trim.

I think you would get different answers to that question from different people. For me, following the lunar phases is spiritual and not just a hair growth method. It is not "superstition", as that is something based on fear. I don't follow this way because I am afraid something bad will happen if I don't. However, I think I understand what you mean. The answer is probably that some people will say it works for them and some will say it doesn't, pretty much like anything else.