Advice Gone Wrong! Bad information and All That It's Worth!


New Member
I've been reading this board here\there how everything is sooo great! I know like many of you, someone had given you advice only for it to turn out to a "Hell Mother *uck'n No!* moment...lolol Ok, I'll be nice...:lachen:"Trial~n~Error" report.

Sooo, I thought that I would start a thread of Advice gone wrong...
We are NOT going to name\names here; but please list any advice that you were given on ANY negative results that it had on you. Also, please feel free to tell your correction resolutions for your issue.

I'll go first....

I have been reading how "henna" is the way to go! The great affects, coloring results, etc.... Well here is my short version.

I henna - post 2 months natural
- Results - hair HARD AS H*LL
- Followed the instructions, and advice of many about using conditioner with the mix. Allowing it to stay on my hair for XXX hours. Even the great way of rinsing it out.. crumb everywhere.
- Overal Results - HAIR DRY AND HARD-- AS A CRACKED LEAF IN THE WINTER MONTHS. Makes you want to touch it, but if you do it crumbles and ready to fall apart in your hand.
- My resolution - Moisture\Oils\More Moisture\Leaving in Conditioner\oils..etc.
- did it work? H*LL MOTHER S*cken Naw'll!!! :wallbash: :lachen:
- It took 30 days of deep conditioning\ trying new products (Even Aussie-3min) and yet still no results.
- It wasn't until I moved over to Suave Humectant cheapie Conditioner that my hair finally revatilized back to itself *whew*
- I keep Suave as a staple now and mix it with EVERY conditioner that I put in my hair.

C'mon my LHCF sista --give input. I'm QQ'n and
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I will not call it bad information just proof that what works for A,B,C will not necessarily work for me. I like that I try some things out so it will satisfy my curiosity and although I hate negative results, I learn from my experiences.

In my case
Use MN: Ridiculous Headaches
Use ORS Nape &Temple Balm: Peeling scalp!

:nono: Never EVER EVER will I try any of the above again! I tried them over 2 years ago and since then I have stayed far away from growth aides.
Funny!! Last weekend I did my first henna, ji ji ji!!! and It went just wash n go is much better now...I purchased some henna mixed it with cholesterol and honey...left it overnight and then I shampoo and applied the henna and left it for an hour...then I did an ACV rinse and left it for an hour and then I deep condition 30 with shower cap and 30 minutes under the dryer...Nonetheless, I'm sorry this happened to you maybe you can try again with another brand of henna.
I think as with all advice everything is NOT for everyone.

So even with what may NOT be working for us it may be solid gold or a holy grail for another.

Just a disclaimer for those who are new and may be looking for something to help in their healthy hair journey.

Now having said that I have discovered that I am a little protein sensitive, so I can't use certain products on a daily or weekly basis.
Advice: Only do twists on soaking wet hair to prevent frizziness.

Result: Limp, half-dry twistout: A hot soggy frizzy mess!

My twistouts are always so defined if I do the twists on dry hair.
I dont think Henna was bad advice....What works for some ...Won't work for others....You have to remember this when taking advice...

I personally am extremely protein sensitive....So I shy away from Henna
ITA that some hair advice will work for some and not for others... like some products are miraculous for some but misery for others (V05 anyone?) but the products themselves do have some merit.

But SOME hair advice is just WRONG and nobody should do it!

Advice: Weave smelling funky? Saturate your hair with white vinegar.

Result: MY EYES! MY EYES! Sweet baby Jesus please stop the burning! :cry3:

Better advice: Get Sally's GVP Tea Tree Conditioner, dilute w/a bit of water, and saturate your cornrow base with it. Leave it on for an hour or more. Then rinse out. Repeat whenever the weave base starts smelling questionable. Or, purchase 2 bottles of Parnevu Tea Tree oil and saturate hair with it. Sit under dryer or heat cap, let cool, then rinse.

Even better advice (directed to myself, by the board at large): Honey, your hair is too thick and long to be wearing a weave. Your cornrows are like an inch thick no matter how tiny you make the parts. It's time to let the weaves go. (as I scream "From my cold, dead hands!")
I used the Aphogee two step treatment when I was having some breakage. Boy was that a big mistake. My hair started to break off so badly that I stopped combing my hair for a month because my hair was coming out in clumps when I was finger combing. I thought I was going to have to chop off all of my hair, but I did not have to but it took about 2 months before I got my hair back on track. I found out the hard way that my hair does not like heavy protein.
Yes! Like how cowashing everyday doesn't work for me. Constant water on my hair leaves it dry, brittle, and ready to break. I don't care how much babying or condish I use. I don't care what condish I use. It just doesn't work. Baggying leaves my hair mushy, too.
Advice: Dont manipulate your hair it will cause you to lose hair

I tried it for 3 days and the day i decided to put a comb through that jammy it was hell to pay so i comb my hair evryday and manipulate that sucker with the big teeth comb hair has to shed no matter what
Eggs as a protein treatment. What a dry broken mess that left me. Good came of it though- learned I was protein sensitive.
Let me give this a try...oh where to start. (lol)

I read a post about growth aids and someone mentioned Shin Min to me. I tried that stuff, I was soo excited to get my 1 inch of new growth in -5 days. (lol) I ended up with huge flaky skin scales literally peeling off my forehead. I looked like a 3rd degree burn victim from the sideburns up...for about two weeks.

I tried not washing my hair because the "natural oils" were supposed to be the best conditioner, um that lasted four weeks and I was about to put myself in a straight jacket from trying NOT to scratch. OMG! Never again and that's the longest I've EVER gone without washing my hair, thank goodness it was winter.

Oh and lastly ACV rinses on freshly relaxed, THE BURNING, PLEASE STOP THE BURNING.:wallbash: Never again!
LOL, at these responses. So far the only things that didn't work for me were the growth aides like MegaTek and MN. Both were pointless and yielded NOTHING, but lost money. Also coconut oil does nothing for my hair.

Hopefully this will be all I'll ever have to say of products that aren't for me. ;)
Ditto on the henna. A long time ago, an awesome hairstylist told me not to use henna because it is drying. I used it anyway. Well I had the same hair as you.....hard. Never tried it again.

Another hairstylist once told me if I wanted my hair to grow just to 'go and get you some Always Super Lite'. I did it (before hair knowledge). It had herb and twig pieces in it and left my hair a Vaseline coated mess.
ITA that some hair advice will work for some and not for others... like some products are miraculous for some but misery for others (V05 anyone?) but the products themselves do have some merit.

But SOME hair advice is just WRONG and nobody should do it!

Advice: Weave smelling funky? Saturate your hair with white vinegar.

Result: MY EYES! MY EYES! Sweet baby Jesus please stop the burning! :cry3:

I am dying!!!:lachen:
girl - I tried that henna thing twice and I will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVA EVA NEVA EVA use that thang again. It was the devil for me and it damaged and set back my hair TWICE!!! You think I would have learned the first time. It wasn't so much bad advice I guess , but it didn't work for me- neither does that crappy coconut lime mix crap!
Some of these replies are funny! I agree with what everyone else is saying. Not everything will work for everyone. I use henna and get great results every time.

I learned that micro braids rape my hairline. :( So I don't do them anymore. MN gave me headaches so I had to stop use. That's about it for me.
shea butter and baggying are the bane of my existence. i have a thing of shea butter that i suppose will just sit there forever and ever amen.
I've been reading this board here\there how everything is sooo great! I know like many of you, someone had given you advice only for it to turn out to a "Hell Mother *uck'n No!* moment...lolol Ok, I'll be nice...:lachen:"Trial~n~Error" report.

Sooo, I thought that I would start a thread of Advice gone wrong...
We are NOT going to name\names here; but please list any advice that you were given on ANY negative results that it had on you. Also, please feel free to tell your correction resolutions for your issue.

I'll go first....

I have been reading how "henna" is the way to go! The great affects, coloring results, etc.... Well here is my short version.

I henna - post 2 months natural
- Results - hair HARD AS H*LL
- Followed the instructions, and advice of many about using conditioner with the mix. Allowing it to stay on my hair for XXX hours. Even the great way of rinsing it out.. crumb everywhere.
- Overal Results - HAIR DRY AND HARD-- AS A CRACKED LEAF IN THE WINTER MONTHS. Makes you want to touch it, but if you do it crumbles and ready to fall apart in your hand.
- My resolution - Moisture\Oils\More Moisture\Leaving in Conditioner\oils..etc.
- did it work? H*LL MOTHER S*cken Naw'll!!! :wallbash: :lachen:
- It took 30 days of deep conditioning\ trying new products (Even Aussie-3min) and yet still no results.
- It wasn't until I moved over to Suave Humectant cheapie Conditioner that my hair finally revatilized back to itself *whew*
- I keep Suave as a staple now and mix it with EVERY conditioner that I put in my hair.

C'mon my LHCF sista --give input. I'm QQ'n and

:lachen:to the bold!

shea butter doesn't do anything for my hair either but it's great for my skin. Try it :yep: HTH!

LOL, I felt the same way, until the summer time. And I guess it's the only time I can use it, since it melts easier I guess. IDk, but I know I won't be buying any more!!