Advice from a hairdresser....


New Member
My friend was at the hairdresser last week and after telling her hairdresser the things she was learning about taking care of her hair, the hairdresse gave her some advice:

1.Biotin doesn't work
2.Biotin will only make hair grow on your face if ingested.
3.Don't use cholesterol because it doesn't work...It's too thick to be absorbed into the hair strands.
4. B vitamins do absolutely nothing for your hair. If you want your hair to grow really fast, take vitamins A and E.
5. Frequest washes/conditioner washes have no benefit because it won't make the hair grow any faster or slower ( about keeping it moisturized so it won't break off?)
6. (and finally, after both of us were having good results using cocoa butter at the ends of our hair because they were kept very moisturized...) Cocoa butter doesn't moisturize your hair, its only good for the scalp.

Just wanted to share why listening to the "professionals" just may leave you bald.
I have read the complete opposite about cholesterol and my mom's doctor told her differently about biotin and b vitamins. Did she recommend any alternatives besides coming to see her every week for treament and getting ends trimmed every 4 weeks?

I might be incorrect but I thought that I read that excessive amounts of vitamin A can actually cause hairloss.
LOL! It's a daggon shame.
Hairstylist are taught that type of thinking in school and therefore they carry it on into their profession. If word got out that some of the untraditional stuff like frequent washing and keeping ends moist were to get out to the general public, the hairstylist would loose their clientele. They have to keep telling us that what we are doing doesn't work. Remember it's their way of keeping us coming back.

The lady is just trying to scare you so she can make her money.

You will have to excuse her greedyness.

Should I take a wild guess and say that this hair dresser also prefers to do permed hair also?

I had hairdressers tell me the same but then again they prefer not to do natural hair.
I honestly feel that I know more about taking care of my hair then my hairdresser. Now before this hair board, they could of told me anything and I probably would have bought it or believed it. Now, I only go to her so she can apply my relaxer and occassionally trim my hair. Otherwise, just from talking to her about hair care...I would never take her advice at face value.
Biotin does work...It may not work for everybody because it depends on how much a person takes everyday.

I think she's passing on her opinions on to her customers.
If they only realized if the gave their cliens GOOD information, they are more likely to come back. Which of course means more $$$...HELLO, hairdressers of the world (that fit this catagory).
Yeah i honestly...believe hairdressers tell you bad info so you can keep coming back when your hair is fried and jacked up..thats why i like those who keep it very real and honest...the few...very few that do...!
I don't listen to a thing most hairstylists advise.
My last one told me I should deep condition less than once a week.She said the chemicals in the deep conditioner act on your hair and can damage your hair if you deep condition once a week.So she advised I deep condition rarely and just wash conditioner out of my hair after about 3 mins in the shower.
Now I know that is just utter rubbish!
Personally, I don't think that hairstylists intentionally give out wrong information. But then again maybe I'm biased because I used to be one. It is just that many stylist focus primarily on making the hair look beautiful as opposed to making sure it is healthy. As a result they know very little about haircare - don't listen to then when you know that what you are doing is working on your hair.
I have never seen the friend just came home telling me about what she was told...but apparently she has natural pressed waist length hair. This made me wonder if she uses the advice she tells the customers.

Personally, I don't think that hairstylists intentionally give out wrong information. But then again maybe I'm biased because I used to be one. It is just that many stylist focus primarily on making the hair look beautiful as opposed to making sure it is healthy. As a result they know very little about haircare - don't listen to then when you know that what you are doing is working on your hair.

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I used to be one too...and I have to say a lot of them do, its all about the $ to them. They have a responsibility to keep their clients hair healthy, regardless as to the style. When you pay a licensed somebody you expect to get professional work or advice. You wouldn't pay a Dr., Mechnic or anybody else with a license and expect to get bootleg work would you?? Why should hairstylist be exempt from the unspoken rule?
Personally, I don't think that hairstylists intentionally give out wrong information. But then again maybe I'm biased because I used to be one. It is just that many stylist focus primarily on making the hair look beautiful as opposed to making sure it is healthy. As a result they know very little about haircare - don't listen to then when you know that what you are doing is working on your hair.

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I used to be one too...and I have to say a lot of them do, its all about the $ to them. They have a responsibility to keep their clients hair healthy, regardless as to the style. When you pay a licensed somebody you expect to get professional work or advice. You wouldn't pay a Dr., Mechnic or anybody else with a license and expect to get bootleg work would you?? Why should hairstylist be exempt from the unspoken rule?

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What exactly are they teaching in hair school? This is HORRIBLE! Why do such a wide number of stylists think that their way is the golden way? Just because they paid a few grand $$ to practice on some guinea pigs?! Who cares if you're bald-headed, as long as you look good!!!

Excuse my bitterness...I just discovered total self-reliance and my hair is in the best shape ever. I am actually thinking about going to cosmetology just to see what their theory is all about
Well, beauty school is just like any other is school. You have to get out in the "real" world and learn. Beauty school is to teach you the foundation, and it is not where most sylist go wrong. Usually they go wrong once they get in the shop.

In defense of beauty schools, cuz I used to be an instructor, I wouldn't call it guinea pigs. There are lots of schools that teach using hands on after the student gets a certain amount of hours.

In defense of some hairstylist, not all of them are bad. Some people come to the salon with jacked hair and expect miracles on the first visit. People would ask me to make their hair look like mine. Well my hair didnt get like this in one "Do". I put a lot of effort into taking care of it and keeping it healthy ON A REGULAR BASIS...well that is not what they wanted to hear. Attitudes would start flying and they would be upset, some would even walk out the door...BYE
The ones that stayed would say "Can you give me a freeze?" Or "Can you spritz it while your curling it?" LOL

Stylist think their way is the golden way because people keep coming back to them and paying for the service. If somebody spoke up maybe more of them would see the light.
when I first started getting weaves, my old stylist told me that I needed to re-weaved every 4-6 weeks and wash it every week. I paid $120 for those weaves and washing was 35. That would be like over $200 bucks a month at the salon!!! Did she have me in mind or HER pocket???

Even my stylist now will try now and again to throw a scare on me: you need this and that (at$15-20 for every this or that)But I stand firm and get what I NEED. I've had stylist who've had me panicking: If I don't get a trim my hair will fall out. Or if I don't come every week my hair won't grow. It's really ridiculous and unfair.
The last stylist I went to told me I had to get my ends trimmed every time I got a touch-up so my hair would grow. Of course this was after I wouldn't let her trim my ends.
This is why I haven't found a decent hair dresser in Texas. I need someone who studies hair and do their home work...knowledge is power
you should have asked her ifshe was a dietian, or if she is a living proof that these vitamins don't work and if so how long was she tatin them for.maybe she took them got no results because she was not absorbing them.
Yeah i honestly...believe hairdressers tell you bad info so you can keep coming back when your hair is fried and jacked up...

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I used to think my mom was paranoid when she said things like this. But now I really believe it's true! IMO, they believe fear+dependency=steady cash flow. I called the lady that hairjacked me ( I stole that term from someone else on this board!) in a panic over all the broken, sprinkling hairs after my last touch-up. She tried to get me to come in every week for a "treatment".
The ones that stayed would say "Can you give me a freeze?" Or "Can you spritz it while your curling it?" LOL

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The few (very few) good stylists I've had used to refuse to do these kinds of styles. Even though it meant losing money. I was in the salon one time when this woman was going off-- cursing, yelling, etc. The sylist just stared blankly at her and said, "Your hairstyle isn't supposed to last two weeks."
She told me her biggest fear was having a bunch of women with broken, dried up hair sticking out of a fake ponytail telling strangers on the street, "I go to Renee every week!"
Now Renee that's funny! I don't blame her!

I agree with all of the other ladies. It's to keep clients coming back to them and the majority only care about the $$$. As for that stylist having waist length hair and passing on advice that she actually does for her hair. I wonder too.

The last stylist I went to had very nice hair! It was shoulder length, swinging, and just really healthy looking! I started going to her because she helped my neighbor's hair grow and brought it back to life. I was told (by the neighbor and her) that she was really into the health of the hair and not the styles. So...I went to her faithfully for a year (or longer). I was patient at first because I knew with the damage my hair would take awhile to repair. Well let me tell you what she did:

First, I had just come out of wearing braids off and on and had a lot of new growth.

She cut ALL of that off! From then on...

Relaxed my hair starting from the back which I found out now is my weakest area.

Put me under a HOT dryer for about 45 minutes to an hour

slapped some shiny creamy stuff on it which was supposed to be for protection then hot curled my hair with spritz, combed it, sprayed some oil sheen on it and whala! she was done! I'd pay her, tip her and I was outta there. Oh and I would purchase the creamy shiny stuff for about $15 because she said it was the best. I later read the ingredients and found mineral oil and petroleum in it.

Ok, this was the normal ongoing procedure for my relaxers. The other things she did and advice she gave me:

You MUST get in here and get your touch ups EVERY 4 WEEKS! Or your hair will snap off!
I did what she said and she cut my hair (the little new growth I got) every time! every 4 weeks after every relaxer!
She told me from the beginning that she had a rule. If you don't let her trim your hair everytime you visit then she won't do your hair. She was a hot comodity back then.

I went to her weekly for wash-n-sets. But...she always did that same heat/spritzing routine. And when I told her I was going back to braids because my hair wouldn't stop breaking off so badly she said "You still have to get your hair relaxed every 4 weeks or your hair will keep coming out!"

Well...needless to say my hair never went beyond my ears and it was thin. The color rinses she did helped to thicken it up some so it looked better then. I used to pay $70 for my touch ups, $35 for wash-n-sets and $15 for a color rinse. For my daughter, because her hair wouldn't get straight. I paid $100 for her touch ups. These were called virgin relaxers and all she did was pull the same relaxer all the way through to the ends of the hair strands.

I have not been back to that lady in over a year. I do my own hair now (and my daughter's and it has grown and improved tremendously! I'm working on pics

Oh and I forgot to mention she tried to sell Elucence shampoo and conditioner to me for $30! I found it at the Pleasant Image website for $ together. She's not the first stylist to do these things either. I guess I was the fool for not knowing any better. I am now scared of hair stylists and avoid them like the plague. I've come too far now and have worked too hard to loose my precious strands.

Sorry this is so long. I just had to share.
Sounds like I'm in hair rehab huh?