Do you judge your hairdresser by her hair?

No one with jacked up hair will ever get to touch my hair again. Not only does the person who referred me have to have nice hair, but the stylist does as well. Like Lucky'sMom said "if you cannot take care of yours...You can't take care of mine......"

And being 'too busy' is no excuse. Part of being a professional is good organizational skills/time management. If she (he) is not organized enough or cannot find the time to take care of themselves then the level of service I get from them will more than likely be below par.
I wouldn't say that I judge a stylist by her own hair, although a stylist with a healthy head of hair is very impressive to me. I guess I feel this way because oftentimes, they're so busy doing everyone else's hair that they run out of time to do their own.

However, I'm more judgemental about a stylist's clients. If all of her clients have neck length or shorter hair, I'm AUDI! I'm not trying to join the short hair club because I've been there and done that with stylists intentionally keeping all of their clients at the same length.

On the other hand, if she has a mix of clients (with various hair lengths), I might feel more comfortable that she can work with longer lengths and foster growth.
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I haven't had a woman stylist in almost 20 years. Men have always done a better job on my hair, straight or gay.
I go to my stylist now because most of his clients have really long hair. He TRIMS when it's needed and doesn't cut when it's not necessary.

I found him because I went for a consultation and noticed all the long-haired ladies in the shop, and the fact that he noticed my crazy swirl pattern on top of my head. I thought if he noticed that and can perm it, we're in business!

All the women stylists I visited had horrible hair and wanted to cut my mine.
I tend to judge their clients too. If their clients have long and healthy hair but their hair is not done than she gets a pass.
I think part of the problem is that there are too many STYLISTS... they only deal wiith style- and if theirs is a mess I'm not impressed. We need more hair care professionals out there, WITH hot styles.
I haven't had a woman stylist in almost 20 years. Men have always done a better job on my hair, straight or gay.
I go to my stylist now because most of his clients have really long hair. He TRIMS when it's needed and doesn't cut when it's not necessary.

I found him because I went for a consultation and noticed all the long-haired ladies in the shop, and the fact that he noticed my crazy swirl pattern on top of my head. I thought if he noticed that and can perm it, we're in business!

All the women stylists I visited had horrible hair and wanted to cut my mine.

Sharing is caring. Lead me to this man. I definitely agree: Men stylists are a 100% the best.:grin:
I have when to stylist that had jacked up hair, but all there clients hair was ON POINT!! O wel............her hair is not my business-what she does to MY hair is MY business IMO.
I had this one stylist who's daughter's hair was always looking a hot mess. I'm thinking, this is your grown child and her hair is see-thru, all chewed up.. and you're going to help ME?

The sad part is, that didn't stop me from going to her. It was her constant yapping and dancing merengue while doing my rollersets that made me stop going to her :lachen:
I must agree...I've had friends bite my head off for this before, but I refuse to let a stylist with jacked up hair touch my head. It's nothing against her personally, however professionally very much so. Like SEMO said (random..but do you go there? A few friends of mine do :P but that's off-topic lol), you wouldn't want health/dietary advice from someone who is overweight and unhealthy, so why would you want someone who can't maintain their own hair to do yours? That's like having a dentist with no teeth.

I don't expect hairdressers to be in a constant state of glamazon type beauty, but if your ends are broken off, and your hair is ratty, I'm going elsewhere.

I just saw that you posted this. SEMO is my undergraduate alma mater. I was still a student there when I joined LHCF (and I still can't think of a better screen name, lol). We may know some of the same people. ;)
I do I do I do! I hate when stylist even if they're good go around looking ratish. Look professional- like my money is going to good use. I can't stand the ones w/ the tore up weaves or that wear weave w/o a break. It's just me yall! I want to see the health of your hair. My stylist (in Iowa) isn't that great on styling but she keeps my hair healthy and have a head full of healthy hair too! I have to do w/o the pretty Chi-town updos..but, I do miss them.
Most of the stylist I've ever been to never have time for their hair. I don't go to the salon more than 2x a year, but in the past I always judged my hairdressers by their CLIENT'S hair. If they all looked a hot mess than I needed to get the fudge outta there quick LOL

my friend (a member here) is in school to become a cosmetologist and this past thursday she says "i see why most stylists hair looks a hot mess". that work can be very tiring and sometimes you're on your feet 12 hours a day. at the end of the day, they dont feel like touching their hair. thats like at my job, when I get home i don't want to answer a phone or touch any paper because i just got through doing all that for 8 hours, plus traffic. I judge stylists by their other clients' hair.

but there's a difference between the hair looking a mess (not combed/styled) and chewed up (ends look like a pickett fence, extra dry). the latter is definitely a no no.

whats also important is the crap they tell you. for instance (yes, this is a stylist rant, i wasn't going to but the thread prompted me). I went to the beauty shop yesterday, to a new stylist. I had some breakage from a straightening session 2 weeks prior so before i went to the shop i washed and dc'd with some ao gbp and left it on for the drive to the salon. my hair is rinsed and rollerset. mind you, during the rollerset the chick used at LEAST 4 oz of setting lotion on my hair. then after the comb out, during the flat ironing, she sprays my hair with oil and uses something like pressing wax on my hair. then she had the gotdang nerve to ask me, "did u use alot of conditioner, your hair is limp". Young, i have 3c VERY fine hair. WTF. i'm not the one to act a fool in public, so i just had to leave because there was no way for me to respond to her, in my anger, appropriately. my hair was a greasy/hard mess. im sitting here prepooing with some coconut/peppermint oil, getting ready to wash and recondition. all i needed was for her to open her mouth to let me know she doesn't have a clue as to what she's doing as a stylist.
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I do I do I do! I hate when stylist even if they're good go around looking ratish. Look professional- like my money is going to good use. I can't stand the ones w/ the tore up weaves or that wear weave w/o a break. It's just me yall! I want to see the health of your hair. My stylist (in Iowa) isn't that great on styling but she keeps my hair healthy and have a head full of healthy hair too! I have to do w/o the pretty Chi-town updos..but, I do miss them.
^^^@ Bolded :lachen::lachen::lachen:
In some stylist defense, they just dont want to do their own hair. I have seen some stylist whose hair looks like :nono: and their clients hair looks great and well cared for.
I feel any professional that you go to should be able to demonstrate they are capable, competent and qualified. With a beautician you have no other way to judge them other than there own hair health and the people they provide service to. Including family members. I would never judge a stylist based on the length of her hair, but certainly on the health.
When a stylist who is responsible for hair care has a young child who's hair is not routinely cared for.......there is definately a problem. You couldn't pay me to be a client :nono:.
Yes I do! I'm a hair snob when it comes to hair stylist. If you are a female hair stylist with: short hair, long icky hair with see-through ends, if you wear any type of fake hair on the regular, then I will not even allow you to hand me your business card... Let alone any where near my hair.
In some stylist defense, they just dont want to do their own hair. I have seen some stylist whose hair looks like :nono: and their clients hair looks great and well cared for.

Personally, I'm more likely to attribute a client having healthy looking hair with what that person is doing on their own outside the shop, rather than anything the stylist does. Unless that client goes to them weekly and does none of their own haircare.
Absolutely! :yep: I share your opinion, the health & upkeep of your own hair is a reflection of how important mine will be to you. Although I've only seen my stylist once or twice a year in a couple of years, she's been my stylist for about 10 years. In all that time, I've never seen her hair looking "unkept", under a baseball cap, etc. Healthy hair is extremely important to her and the time and effort she puts into caring for mine expresses that.

Now about the painter... if he does a bad job, you can "fix" it (even if you have to hire another painter). If someone jacks up hair (and I'm speaking from experience), you will spend A LOT of T-I-M-E wishing you had made a better judgment call. :wallbash:
I have to judge by the clients' heads. My stylist is natural and wears twists so as a bonelaxed head, I can't judge by HER head how she would do mine. Her relaxed CLIENTS however, are growing and thriving (so I see her once or twice a year).
People do that to me all of the time. I had one dude who came over and looked at my scalp. The top of my head. I was like, what are you looking for? I did not say it to him but I was thinking it! That is why I try to keep my hair always looking good. That will let people know that when they come into the salon, I know what I am doing because I take care of mines.
I hate to be the devil's advocate....but I've been going to my stylist for over 6 months and she does a wonderful job. She doesn't do very well for hair at all - in fact it looks like someone who doesn't care about her hair at all. When I first went to her I was reluctant to let her do my hair, but all the other stylists were occupied so I crossed my fingers and let her do her thing. Wow! She was great! I didn't expect the results. I've been going to her since and she does a great job everytime - eventhough she doesn't do the same for herself. Maybe she just gets joy out of seeing others happy about their hair - who knows?