Adults Only: Hair Pulling by the SO...

mild tugs while against a tree or in a sauna is nice :giggle: I'm a nature girl ... what can I say :blush: No breakage problems with mild tugs!
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OMG! yall are too funny! I am dying over here! Funny things is i started messing with someone new and i was like he aint gon' see me wearin my hair bonnet no time soon, so i started sleeping on a satin pillow case which i hated in the past by the way, i be slidin off that thing!. But ive gotten so accustomed to it that i actually like my satin pillow case. ive even considered taking it with me when i take trips to see him and use it at his house. lol dunno if thats excessive but my hair is only a priority when im sleeping not coloring which is a hilarious term i might add. when im coloring im all for it!

Coloring stimulates blood flow because you are "working out" and if the hair pulling also adds to blood circulation around the scalp, hence hair growth stimulation, then i dont see any negative affects as long as you dont feel any burning sensations after, like when you get your edges braided by the know ish aint right!
Ive noticed since I've done my BC that he's all up in it now. During, I don't notice. But after I'm like, "what are you trying to hold on to?" my hair is like 1/2 inch long. His hands are big too so they cover my whole crown.
Silly guys lol
OMG this thread is just too funny!!!.. I havent had this problem yet but DH seems to be giving more compliments since Im almost to APL... So maybe we will see if he wants to tug.. :look: I surely wont deny him grabing a