Adopt/Befriend a Sis?!


New Member
Ok , i know lots of us were not able to be adopted.

Personally i'm not a newbie to LHCF but i was a lurker who didn't really apply herself and finally i'm fully applying myself to have healthy hair.

Anyway, i was thinking if maybe since a lot of us weren't able to be adopted if we could kinda adopt or befriend a sis who has similiar hair goals as yourself and just trade information, woes, successes and hopefully by that time there will be more big sis' to adopt us.

What do you guys think? ANyone down??

Here's my stats if anyone wants to befriend me:

Natural 4a, 5-7 inches all over ( did a MAJOR cut so it may be less now)
currently on the Crown & GLory method until Jan 08

Goals: retain length, increase growth, do more protective styling, maintain moisture

Anyone want to be my friend?? (lol i sound so lonely)
I'll be your friend!:grin: Although:

I'm not natural I'm 4a relaxed,
I'm not in the AAN challenge,
I'm between SL and APL
and I guess you could still consider me a newbie.

We do have the same goals though:yep:. Except I don't want to do protective styling :look:(which is why I never joined the AAN challenge):ohwell:. But I am on a challenge to be APL by 12/31/07. So are we friends?:grin:
I am lonely too :)

I am not natural...not yet..but I am 4A/B midback textalaxed hair in the DMV...
I am a hair PJ junkie and we can be buddies!!

Hit me up on my PM any time to chat or kick it..
Awwww you are not alone! I have been looking to be adopted too, but was too late! So here is my info as well.

Still not sure of hair type..dont know if I can define it!! We'll say 2a/3c/4a all in one LOL! Relaxed, but last relaxer was April 2007. Don't know if I am transitioning or just stretching at this point. Seriously leaning toward a texlax though.

No major staples or challenges yet since I just started really getting serious....trying out a few things though, but I am so CLUELESS it ain't even funny sometimes :nono:

Goals: to learn what works best for my hair, protective styles that flatter, maintain balance with protein and moisture, thicker APL and beyond max goal would probably be BSL

Will you adopt me????:grin::yep:
OOOHHHHH pick me, pick me...I want a big sister to adopt me too!!! I'm not sure of my hair type either. But check out my fotki and my newgrowth...maybe someone can help me tell what type of hair I have. It is very fine/thin though
I'll be your friend. I'm new and any support helps.
Relaxed 3c/4a

Goals: retain length, and maintain moisture
I'll be your friend too. :grin:

I have 4a/4b relaxed hair, close to APL

Problem areas: ends, nape, balancing moisture and protein

Challenges: APL by Christmas, Just use it up PJ challenge, and I'm going to join the HYH til Valentine's Day Challenge.

Goals: Healthy, full APL
u guys are so sweet! I'm definitely cool with us just exchanging our successes and our setbacks! Hopefully others will come in who don't mind partnering up each other to just support one another while we wait for the Adopt a Newbie to open up with more Big Sisters
Hi ladies! I'm a newbie as well. I am in the adopt a newbie challenge and I learning alot from my big sis. I just wanted to say hi to all. I would love to join your group as well. I have been on my hair journey since July. I spent the first 2 months of this journey just trying to figure how to get started. I would love to share my journey with you all. :grouphug2:

Here is my stats:
4a relaxed
Current length?
Goal length-BSL