Adding Little To No Hair Products?


New Member
Hello everyone. Is there anyone here that uses little to no products in their hair? What I mean for example, say you wash & blowdry once a week and add your hair products that day. Can you make it a whole week without adding anything else to your hair, or must you add SOMETHING on a daily basis? I just don't like my hair to be weighed down with a bunch of products. I'm wondering if I should try adding products only on wash days (which is once a week for me). Any suggestions? Thanks.
Yeah I'm trying to do this too because I;m trying to add more body to my hair but still keep it moisturized.
I am a simple girl. I simply use all my products on wash day and don't add anything else until the next wash day. I don't like a lot of product on my hair so it works fine for me.
I don't use any products in my hair. I dislike weighed down greasy, oily hair.

I find that i have to conditioner wash it more often because i don't use products. I conditioner wash approx 3 times a week.
When I straighten my hair with heat, I apply products only that day, and it gets me through to my next wash day (typically 5-7 days later). Like the other ladies who responded, anything more would weigh my hair down.
I add products on wash days and only add NTM on other days however I wash 3-4 times a week so that is almost everyday
Before I joined LHCF, I didn't use anything on my hair but relaxer, shampoo, grease, and a blowdryer once every 2 weeks or so. My hair was in good condition. It was always light and soft. When I discovered LHCF, I started trying different products. My hair didn't look the same and would sometimes feel heavy or looked scrawny/dingy from using more products. Then I later went back to keeping it simple. Now that I'm natural, I use little to no products.
I usually don't put any products in my hair after wash day either. My hair doesn't suffer for it. I find that If I try to use a moisturizer I find little broken off pieces when I comb.
To be honest i dnt really use much! i dnt condition my hair...all i do is wash, dry and oil!...i oil my hair 3/4times a week..thats it and wash oncea wk/2 wks...
That is a good question -

When I wear my hair in twists I just spritz it with my oils in the AM - but when I get a flat iron I do not like to add anything, because the minute I had a microgram of anything it just lays flat and looks greasy...
I was praying I was not sacrificing the health of my hair by not adding anything between shampoos...
I shampoo every day unless I have pressed my hair and I rarely put any product in my hair at all anymore- only when I press.
The only thing now that stays in my hair is some rinse out conditioner watered down after I get out of the shower if I am "plopping" that day, otherwise I just pull my wet hair into a ponytail or throw on a head band and let the curls fall where they may!