Added pics to Yahoo..not hair pics

Hey just did my yahoo photo album and thought id share to add a face to the name. /images/graemlins/spinning.gif Most of these pics are old though. No recent hair pics but I'll put some up early next year. If the link below doesnt work, try using the link in my signature. : Yahoo Pictures
MF --- your hair is sooooooooo beautiful - the length, the thickness..... love it, love it are just inches shy of waist length /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gifthanks for sharing.......
WOW your hair is unbelievable! and your very pretty! Sorry i didn't get to meet you at the N.Y. meeting last year. I heard your hair was the hit of the meeting /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Thanks guys. Tonya, that is a very nice picture of you in the avatar. Lmao @ Audra Chanell /images/graemlins/trampoline.gif Sorry I miss you too FoxyBrown. I'm sure I missed out on seeing many of you at the last NY meeting, since I heard much more people were in attendance. I think I had to work then and now Im stuck in Tallahassee for school. Maybe there will be a chance that a meeting will be held during my break.=/ Where are the tally heads /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif I'm surprised my hair has grown since Ive been here since Ive been struggling with my roller sets by myself. I was so excited to be able to relate to Supergirl's post.Approximately 2 inches to go guys!!! Edited to add: Shout out to Britt, my favorite hair buddy, who took me to the NYC meeting. Your new pictures are nice. That sure looks like a lot of new growth. I dont think you need a trim like you said before.