Acronyms for newbies!


New Member
So, as I'm reading these threads I often have to google and find out what these abbreviations and acronyms mean! If you have some that you use regularly, please post them here and help us out! For example, what do these mean?

OT/OP?- original thread/post?
SSK- single strand knot?
DH- dear husband?
ITA- I totally agree?

Please add to the list!!
There is a great comprehensive listing on the As I Am product website

Eta: hhj = healthy hair journey
Eta= edited to add
Yes to the other ones u have listed! Nice job figuring those out :-)
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coyacoy said:
There is a great comprehensive listing on the As I Am product website

Eta: hhj = healthy hair journey
Eta= edited to add
Yes to the other ones u have listed! Nice job figuring those out :-)

Thank you!! I'll def check that out!

Sorry, I have trouble linking threads from my phone and didn't get to my computer today but I see someone already shared the link.

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