Accidentally Cut Off 4 INCHES!


New Member
I know y'all are like how did you ACCIDENTALLY cut 4 inches off Melody? Being STUPID! Is the answer. Here's the story:

My ends have been looking really scraggly, dry, and I had extreme breakage (relaxed hair - I am still transitioning) - even after deep conditioning and sealing they weren't getting any better. I was tired of all my hair being so lush and thick and the ends looking a hot I decided I wanted to take a CENTIMETER off.

After looking up how to trim my hair on my own...I thought to give it a try. BIG MISTAKE...cutting hair...not one of my talents. So I tried and snip snip...and inch GONE. I let go and my hair was long at one end and short at the other - like a declining hill! I panicked and called my sister - WHO IS A COSMETOLOGIST - crying and telling her that I messed up my hair! After getting cursed out she told me to drive over so that she could fix it and even it up! I was out like roaches when the lights come on!

When I got there...she took a look...not good news. In order to make it even and me not look like a complete IDIOT she would have to match the shorter side...meaning I would lose 4 inches! If I pulled my hair around front on each would be where my nipple would be. :nono: Now...its a little under my collar bone! This happened Tuesday and I am still very sad today. I miss looking down my arm and seeing my hair...I miss sitting back in the car seat and having to pull my hair from behind me...I miss when I walk I can see my hair flop in the wind. I just miss my hair. So now I have like 9 inches to goal. Thats like 2 years if I play my cards right.

I know its "JUST HAIR" to some people...but I love my hair...I know it will grow back...Good thing hair looks SUPER healthy and thick!! But still...

Blessing in disguise?????? Love y'all LHCF!!
Awe, I can't relate because I've never had long hair so I don't know what it's like to miss it. But I definitely feel your pain.

But like you said, it's healthier, fuller and it'll grow back!!!!
Was the 4" relaxed hair that you would have eventually cut off anyway? If so then it just gives you a early "big chop" but you still have some decent length to work with.

I haven't been relaxed in a while and never had hair that long, so I would never tell you it is just hair.

Your hair is still a good length. It is healthy. And it will grow back. Probably by the end of the year or shortly there after you will be back to

...looking down your arm and seeing your hair
...sitting back in the car seat and having to pull your hair from behind your
...when you walk seeing your hair flop in the wind.
Yeah those ponytail and other self-cutting methods, etc. are really tricky. I'm sorry this happened to you, but at least and damaged ends are gone now. I would be upset, too...
i did this. i planned on cutting 1 inch, 1.5 at the most. i cut when my hair was in twists. i thought since my hair was relaxed their wouldn't be much shrinkage. wrong!

when i finished something made me examine the pieces i cut and when i stretched them they ranged from 2.5 to 4 inches. i now will not cut my hair again unless it is straight.
If you're still transitioning, you're just 4 inches closer to being natural now!

That is so true! And that's what my sister said. In life you HAVE to find the silver lining!! I am going to be extremely excited once I am fully natural...another 2-3 inches...depending on the area on my head. :grin:
This is exactly why I have never attempted to cut my own hair. I can barely cut a straight line on a piece of paper when I have a guide so I know good and well that I should never cut my hair or anyone elses.
That is so true! And that's what my sister said. In life you HAVE to find the silver lining!! I am going to be extremely excited once I am fully natural...another 2-3 inches...depending on the area on my head. :grin:

Absolutely!!! The silver lining is a necessity!!! You are almost natural hon! :congrats: :congrats: to that!!!
If you're transitioning, why are you counting your inches to WL with the relaxed hair? I'm not sure if you're committed to going natural. Your relaxed hair is obviously doing just fine for you.

If you aren't ready to see even more hair cut off anytime soon, you might wanna reconsider the whole transitioning idea. If you like being relaxed and your hair is healthy that way, why do you even wanna go natural in the first place?

I hope transitioning is your idea and you're not feeling the pressure from anyone else, especially not LHCF.
If you're transitioning, why are you counting your inches to WL with the relaxed hair? I'm not sure if you're committed to going natural. Your relaxed hair is obviously doing just fine for you.

If you aren't ready to see even more hair cut off anytime soon, you might wanna reconsider the whole transitioning idea. If you like being relaxed and your hair is healthy that way, why do you even wanna go natural in the first place?

I hope transitioning is your idea and you're not feeling the pressure from anyone else, especially not LHCF.

I knew that I would have to cut the 6 inches of relaxed hair off BUT I didnt want to do it until I was at MBL so that it would take me to right around BSL - which I am VERY cool with. But I really don't think my ends wouldve survived that long without a BC anyway.

I am going natural because I love the texture and health of my natural hair. I have that S shaped "curl". And I can do more with my natural hair than my relaxed hair. I have been going natural since August I am definitely committed...just didn't to BC so soon...
I'm sorry to hear your cut came out that way! But you were obviously doing something right for it to have been that long to begin with so you'll bounce back from this. I've had a couple of (intentional) mini-chops myself to get rid of horrible/damaged ends stemming from my pre-LHCF days, but like other posters said, it's worth it and sets you up quicker for full-length thick and gorgeous hair!

I know it sucks and you want your hair back, but just concentrate on caring for it now and you'll see how time flies by and you're reaching longer lengths again. Good luck!
This happened to me but dont worry! I was so upset but not anymore! Looking at your ends and seeing their thick lushness is a great feeling.
I feel so bad for you @Melody.Monroe, And you're right to feel this way, "Just Hair" my foot!!! If that were the case, then we all wouldn't be here, nor would this Forum! All rights reserved!
Maybe, since your transitioning, look at it like you did a mini BC a little early. I bet it still looks Great! Best Wishes to you Dear!:rolleyes:
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Thanks for sharing, I have never tried cutting my hair, it will now give me more thought if I decide to do so. Celebrate your gorgeous hair and fuller. Any pics?
I feel your pain. I cut 4 inches last year to get rid of scraggly ends and I hid my hair for 6 months til it grew back. I couldn't bear looking at it so "short". It was much healthier and I am better off for cutting my hair though.

Your attitude that "it grows back" is a good one to have. By the end of this year you will have those inches back.

Take heart. :)

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!