Abundant Life Challenge

John 10:10- "The thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. "(KJV)

Ok ya'll, God began to minister to me concerning this thing. Please be patient with me as I try to share what He has given me.

Why would Jesus say that He came that we might have life? Aren't we breathing? Aren't we aware of ourselves? Didn't God already breathe the breath of life into my lungs? True enough, we are technically alive, but God began to tell me that there is a BIG difference between existing and having life!

For years, I wandered around just "existing", thinking that I was living because my heart was still beating, I had air in my lungs and I was still waking up every morning. God let me know that true LIFE comes from Him. Once we receive salvation, we then accept life. But it doesn't stop there. The rest of the scripture reads "...and that they might have it more abundantly", meaning that there is salvation, and then there is living in the abundance of God!

God reminded me of some things that He told me for the year 2007. He let me know that this is a year of prosperity for me. He let me know that wherever I was bold enough to walk, He would bless me with it. Even though God told me this, I was still afraid to step out on the things that He said were mine! I was afraid because of the things that I had tried and failed at in my past. God let me know that I am praying "abundany life" prayers, but I am just "living" yet my mind was still in the place of an "exister". God let me know that if i don't get moving, then the only thing that I am going to posess is the ground right under my feet!

So with all that being said, this is the challenge ladies. If there is something that God has given to you to do, or something that He has placed in your spirit, start moving! Don't hesitate any longer! Stop thinking of all the reasons that you can't do it. Examine yourself to see if you are existing, living, or abundantly living.

I challenge you to put away that mind of an "exister" and realize that you have the Spirit of the Living God dwelling within you! Realize that all this have become new. Realize that if God gave the vision to you then it is for a reason! Realize that there is no failure in God, and if God is dwelling within you, then YOU CAN'T FAIL!!!!!

Let us be accountable to one another as to the things that God has given us to get busy with, so that we might encourage one another. We will check back peroidically to see what has been set in motion. I will start.....

God wants me to: Do some real estate investing in the San Antonio area.
I will start this task: Tomorrow
In order to accomplish this I need to: Finish studying the necessary materials.
Short-Term Goal: Own atleast 3 properties by April 30th.
Long-Term: Financial Independance.

I thank God for the opportunity to share this with you all. I hope that you find this helpful. This is a year of prosperity for the Body of Christ! Don't miss out! Get your inheritance!!! Be blessed.....
thegirltolove said:
John 10:10- "The thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. "(KJV)

Ok ya'll, God began to minister to me concerning this thing. Please be patient with me as I try to share what He has given me.

Why would Jesus say that He came that we might have life? Aren't we breathing? Aren't we aware of ourselves? Didn't God already breathe the breath of life into my lungs? True enough, we are technically alive, but God began to tell me that there is a BIG difference between existing and having life!

For years, I wandered around just "existing", thinking that I was living because my heart was still beating, I had air in my lungs and I was still waking up every morning. God let me know that true LIFE comes from Him. Once we receive salvation, we then accept life. But it doesn't stop there. The rest of the scripture reads "...and that they might have it more abundantly", meaning that there is salvation, and then there is living in the abundance of God!

God reminded me of some things that He told me for the year 2007. He let me know that this is a year of prosperity for me. He let me know that wherever I was bold enough to walk, He would bless me with it. Even though God told me this, I was still afraid to step out on the things that He said were mine! I was afraid because of the things that I had tried and failed at in my past. God let me know that I am praying "abundany life" prayers, but I am just "living" yet my mind was still in the place of an "exister". God let me know that if i don't get moving, then the only thing that I am going to posess is the ground right under my feet!

So with all that being said, this is the challenge ladies. If there is something that God has given to you to do, or something that He has placed in your spirit, start moving! Don't hesitate any longer! Stop thinking of all the reasons that you can't do it. Examine yourself to see if you are existing, living, or abundantly living.

I challenge you to put away that mind of an "exister" and realize that you have the Spirit of the Living God dwelling within you! Realize that all this have become new. Realize that if God gave the vision to you then it is for a reason! Realize that there is no failure in God, and if God is dwelling within you, then YOU CAN'T FAIL!!!!!

Let us be accountable to one another as to the things that God has given us to get busy with, so that we might encourage one another. We will check back peroidically to see what has been set in motion. I will start.....

God wants me to: Do some real estate investing in the San Antonio area.
I will start this task: Tomorrow
In order to accomplish this I need to: Finish studying the necessary materials.
Short-Term Goal: Own atleast 3 properties by April 30th.
Long-Term: Financial Independance.

I thank God for the opportunity to share this with you all. I hope that you find this helpful. This is a year of prosperity for the Body of Christ! Don't miss out! Get your inheritance!!! Be blessed.....

Thanks for sharing! This message is a confirmation and has been very inspirational. There are projects that I have started but have been timid to move to the next level.

God wants me to: build a marriage & family resource center.
I will start this task: Yesterday... I have started but I have lost some of the enthusiasm. Sometimes I feel like I'm working in a vacuum. However, I am recommiting myself today and each day until this center is birthed.
In order to accomplish this I need to: Revise the vision and plan & reincorporate as a 503(c). Currently we're LLC, but the vision has expanded and I think God wants me to go the non-profit route.

There is other research that I need to do concerning curricula. I also need to build a team of committed family life educators & coaches (2 or 3 to start) and a board of directors/advisors (ideally 3-5). Please join with me in prayer that God will send the right people into my path who will share this vision.

Short-Term Goals: Continue building and sending out the online newsletter. Determine which classes will be offered to the community.

Long-Term: Own a building dedicated to this organization and its mission.
I don't know what God has in store for me quite yet. All i do know is that God wants me to get closer to me, i need to take the gift of theholy spirit, i need to grow stronger in faith. I am doing this, and will continue todo so, i can't fail now!

Crissi, x