A Change of Pace - Day 1 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

Blessings to you, too, Shimmie... I've been having problems logging on as well...this too shall pass. :yep:
5. Believe in the power of asking. (James 4:2) You have not because you ask not---If there isn’t enough of something in your life, ask God who gives GENEROUSLY (James 1:17).

6. Know Him as Provider. That’s one of His names: Jehovah Jireh—The Lord your provider!

Think It & Say It:

I expect abundance today because Jesus came to give me abundant life. He is the God of MORE than enough, and I expect His favor and blessing to profusely abound in my life. He is Jehovah Jireh, and because He loves me, He will provide for my every need, in Jesus’ Name. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

God WILL provide for all of our needs, we just have to ask for it in faith.
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 12 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 12

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says,

“It’s not always God’s will for me to succeed/prosper.”

This mentality will keep our faith and expectations limited.

Let’s Change It Today:

1. Remember our re-defining of ‘prosperity’. True prosperity IS the presence of God with us. Therefore, it’s always God’s will for you to prosper, because it’s always God’s will to BE WITH YOU!

2. Success always comes! Since ‘success’ and prosperity are the overflow of meditating on God’s Word, then it’s always His desire for you to succeed. (Psalm 1:1-3, Joshua 1:7-8)

3. Understand God’s ‘ABOVE ALL’ desire for YOU. 3 John 2 says, “Beloved, I wish ABOVE ALL THINGS that YOU mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.” (KJV)

4. Dispel the myth that some people are meant to fail or be poor in life. Jesus NEVER left someone in a worse condition than how He found them. The lost were saved. The sick were healed. The blind gained sight. The hungry were fed. The fallen were forgiven. The dead were raised. THAT’S GOD’S WILL IN ACTION.

5. This is God’s idea. Men might abuse success, money or prosperity; but they are unmistakably God’s idea. Isaiah 48:17 says "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way you should go.”

Think It & Say It:

True prosperity is the presence of God with me. And because it’s always His will to be WITH ME, it’s always His will to prosper me. As I meditate on the Word of God consistently, success always comes. It’s God’s idea and desire for me to prosper and succeed. I expect Him to teach me how to profit in all things, in Jesus’ Name.

Blue... the color of peace... One of my most favorite colors... 'Blue"

Here is a 'Love of Blue for each of you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Have peace in your faith. Trust God and receive His peace as you trust Him each moment of each day. God is.... "True Blue". :giveheart:
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 13 "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 13

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “I’ll never get it back.”

We all know what it’s like to lose money through investments, or bad decisions, or missed opportunities. Doubt enters our minds telling us that we won’t get back what has been lost.

Let’s Change It Today:

1. “God will repay.” Stop expecting sins to be repaid. They are forgiven. Expect lost years to be repaid. Joel 2:25 says, “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten...”

2. God is the God of restoration. He restored Job double (Job 42). He restored sight (Mark 8). He restored health (Jeremiah 32). He restores MONEY too—Ezekiel 16:53; Deuteronomy 30:33; Jeremiah 29:14 (NASB).

3. He specializes in finding (and restoring) lost things. Luke 15—lost coin, lost sheep, lost son. EXPECT lost things restored today!

4. Call on the seed you’ve sown. Declare to your past seeds, “Harvest, come forth from the seeds I’ve sown”. Galatians 6:9 “...in due season, you shall reap if you faint not.”

5. Speak life over your finances. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of your tongue...”

6. Expect MORE NOW, MORE than ever. Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do exceeding abundantly above and beyond all that we can ask or think...”

Think It & Say It:

I believe God will restore to me all lost money, lost opportunities and lost year. He will repay me for all that has been lost. I declare to my harvests, COME FORTH! My due season is coming; my seeds are coming forth. God is my source in times of darkness, and I expect MORE now MORE than ever, in Jesus’ Name! Amen!


Precious Lambs:

Time and again... "God Restores" for His Gifts are without Repentence"

In your home, your marriage, your children, your life... and yes... Loved ones, God restores even your hair. :yep: So don't give up, I am a mid-back chemical free, witness.

Praise be to God in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Selah ... :Rose:

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 13 "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

Shimmie, I've loved all of these devotions so far, again,thanks for posting. But today's is very dear to my heart for this season, I had to thank you again. This is so on time, because I am in a season of restoration in my own life. AND, I have misplaced a very important piece of jewelry that I am believing the Lord to help me find. When I read that in today's devotion I couldn't believe it! I have been really beating myself up about not being able to find it. I believe that I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me, "it is not lost, and I will restore it at the appointed time." And then to read this, I believe it is confirmation!

Blessings to all of you in this season of restoration and renewal. We are going to go into 2011 with restored visions, and restored purpose!
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 13 "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

Shimmie, I've loved all of these devotions so far, again,thanks for posting. But today's is very dear to my heart for this season, I had to thank you again. This is so on time, because I am in a season of restoration in my own life. AND, I have misplaced a very important piece of jewelry that I am believing the Lord to help me find. When I read that in today's devotion I couldn't believe it! I have been really beating myself up about not being able to find it. I believe that I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me, "it is not lost, and I will restore it at the appointed time." And then to read this, I believe it is confirmation!

Blessings to all of you in this season of restoration and renewal. We are going to go into 2011 with restored visions, and restored purpose!

I cannot tell you how many times, I've lost the knowledge of the whereabouts of something that mattered to me. I've learned that when we lose things, that it's the knowledge of its whereabouts, that we have 'lost' [misplaced] and not the lost of the item itself. Always remember that, dear one. :yep: Always.

And what does God promise to give us if but only ask of Him?

He gives us Wisdom and knowledge and leading us in the path we need to walk.

Each time, I've been unable to find something, my prayer has been, "Holy Spirit, please show me where 'this' is? And it NEVER fails, He ALWAYS shows me OR brings it to me by someone who either had it or knew where it was.

And it doesn't matter how big or how small 'it' is... Our Precious Holy Spirit never fails to show me AND He has even 'replaced' something that I've needed.

One day, the small plastic cap on my bottle of Jamaican Black Castor Oil just cracked apart and I just stood there at my bathroom sink in disbelief at what had just happened. I'm on 'auto-pilot' with this prayer :yep: "Holy Spirit', please show me what to do. I can't leave this bottle open like this, it will spill." In just a matter of seconds, I noticed a small cylinder shaped plastic cap on a small bottle of WEN hair creme that was empty.

It was a perfect fit on the bottle of JBCO; it was actually a better fit than the original one, which is so like our God, so like Him to replace something with something else that is better, no matter how big or how small.

For your jewelry, precious Joy2Joy.... Mark 4:22 " ... for there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested, neither is there anything kept secret which shall not come abroad."

In Jesus' Name, Amen... :Rose:
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 15 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 15

Today, we're fasting from the thought that says: "After what I’ve done wrong, I don't deserve to be blessed."

Let’s change it today:

1. Stop focusing on your "wrongs," and focus on His "rights." We've all done enough wrong in life to send us straight to hell. But God doesn't judge us based on our right or wrong. He judges us based on what Jesus did right. We need to believe it.

2. It’s His choice. God has appointed you to bear fruit and that your fruit remain—John 15:16.

3. Blessing flows when you believe you are forgiven. Romans 4:7 says, "Blessed are they whose sins are forgiven." This is amazing! Putting your faith in God's forgiveness is the gateway to blessing in your life.

4. Jesus IS WORTHY of God's blessing, and you are IN HIM. Galatians 3:29 says, "If we belong to Christ, we are Abraham's seed and heirs according to promise."

5. Stop condemning yourself. STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP WHEN YOU MAKE A MISTAKE. Romans 14:22 says, "Blessed (happy) is the man who does not condemn himself."

6. He took the curse so you could take the blessing! HE deserves to see you blessed, because of what He went through to take your curse! "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us... on the cross...that the blessing of Abraham might come on us through Jesus Christ." (Galatians 3:13)


I take my eyes off all that I have done wrong, and put my eyes on all that He has done right for me. He blesses me because He has chosen to. I receive it. I choose to believe I am forgiven, and therefore BLESSING FLOWS. I belong to Christ, therefore I am blessed with Abraham. Genesis 24:1 says Abraham was blessed IN ALL THINGS - therefore that's what I expect.


To each of you... "Forgetting those things which are 'Behind'....
For God has surely forgotten, otherwise your eyes would not be reading this message..."


Today is your new beginning, your brand new start. Receive it from God's pure heart. :giveheart:
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 16 of the "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 16

Today, we’re fasting from the thought that says,

“I just don’t make enough money at my job.”

While your salary may not be what you would like it, THIS IS A WRONG WAY OF THINKING AND MUST BE CHANGED.

Let’s change it TODAY:

1. Your job is not your ‘source’. God is your source. Philippians 4:19 says, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches...in Christ Jesus.” Notice, He meets your need according to His riches, not according to your salary.

2. See your job as your SEED capital. Remember, SEED meets NEED. (Genesis 8:22) THIS THINKING MUST PENETRATE OUR LIVES. Our SEED is what determines our harvest. Our job provides us with seed to sow into God’s Kingdom.

3. THINK SUPERNATURAL. Don’t let life brainwash you into NATURAL EXPECTATIONS. Believe in the supernatural provision of God. Ephesians 3:20 says God is able to do exceeding abundantly ABOVE AND BEYOND, ALL you can ask or think.

4. Don’t forget to ASK big, and think big! (Ephesians 3:20)

5. EXPECT harvests. If you have tithed, sowed, given—you have stored up harvests that will come. Galatians 6:6-9 says “In due season, you shall reap...”

6. Expect stolen things restored 7-fold! (Proverbs 6:31-32) Identify money, opportunities or blessings that have been stolen from you by the devil. And demand that he give it back. (Matthew 18:18)

Think It & Say It:

God’s riches are available to me, as I put Him first in my life. God is my source. I will not be limited by my salary. I expect SUPERNATURAL harvests from all the good seeds I’ve sown. God IS doing beyond what I have asked or thought. I command all stolen opportunities, money and blessings to be returned to me, in Jesus’ Name!

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 16 of the "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

You know what Angels?

Our jobs are but a 'crack in the ceiling'. God gives us the entire open sky. I can't tell you how many times God has blessed me way beyond my pay check. So many times, God gives me and my family 'favor in the market place', time and time again. I have a home that my pay check could not buy, yet God bought it.

Years ago, God gave me this scripture from Isaiah 55:1

"... every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath NO MONEY; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. "The Word of God works, Precious Darlings... it really works. I live it and long enough to know that I know that I know... how God's Word works.

This is what I stand upon... God's Word. It does not change nor does it fail. It's not a cluster of words in black and white [and Red, to note what 'Jesus said']. God's Word is alive and as we speak it, we give life, God's life to every situation around us. Every one.

Angels... Give "Life" to your life... Speak the Word of God into your situations, and what whatever was weakened, come to life.

Love and blessings, Darlings.... :giveheart:
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 17 of the "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 17

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says,

“I’m so worried about my financial condition.”

As our thinking ascends to God’s way of thinking, worry dies.

Let’s change it today!

1. Recognize God’s faithfulness—Psalm 37:25 says, “I have been young; now I am old; yet not once have I seen the righteous abandoned or his descendants begging for bread.”

2. Think “long term”. A long term view of the economy reveals God’s faithfulness to His people; and a long term plan puts the power back in your hands.

3. Be specific with God. Phillippians 4:6-7 says to make your request known to God. Whatever is worrying you matters to God. Let Him know what you need.

4. Remember, worry is a SIGNAL to pray! (Phil. 4:6-7) James 4:2 says, “You have not because you ask not.”

5. Destroy powerlessness. All negative emotions, including ‘worry’ comes from feeling powerless to change our situation. Destroy it with Deuteronomy 8:18 which says “It is God who gives you the POWER to get wealth...”

6. Be on the giving side of life. Life is to give. Luke 6:38—it will be given back to you—so much more.

Think It & Say It:

God will never abandon me. He will never leave me nor forsake me. I attack worry by praying the Word of God regarding my finances. God is determined to establish His covenant through me, therefore I have the POWER to get wealth, and succeed, in Jesus’ Name!

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 17 of the "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

From my heart...to yours :giveheart:

Precious Ones, whom God so loves: If you believe nothing else for the rest of your life, believe this...

'God will NEVER abandon you'... Never!

I've learned that sometimes we 'worry' as a way of putting our guard up. We 'fear' being disappointed for what we are believing God for and so to protect ourselves from being disappointed, we tend to put 'worry' up as a shield and armour.


It's not an armour, it is more like a trap door blocking us from moving closer to God and believing in Him. God promised us that He would 'do' whatever it is we have asked Him to, accordingly to His word.

The closer we move towards 'Believing' Him, the weaker worry becomes and it is not worry that blocks us, but our Faith in God that propels us along with mighty force, mighty faith, mighty praise.

And Angels, This I know for God is for us, and if God be for us, who dare be against us. For we have been made more than Conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Amen... :giveheart:
Re: A Change of Pace - Day 18 of the 40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

:flowers: "This Message is going to change someone's life today...profoundly! Quite profoundly so! Praise God!

Revolution Day 18

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says,

“Will I ever be free from this financial pressure?”

Let’s change it today, and break free from financial pressure!

1. Understand the power of decision. Decide that you will deal with money the way God’s Word says to. (John 2:5) No matter what.
2. Understand the kingdom of God. Heaven is a place; but the kingdom of God is God’s way of doing things. When you seek to do things God’s way, provision comes. (Matthew 6:33)
3. Understand pressure’s goal: to get you to make a decision that temporarily relieves the pressure, even though it doesn’t produce results. (Luke 4:2-4) Resist this pressure by speaking the Word of God.
4. Look outward, not inward. Find someone worse off and help relieve their financial pressure. You will be sowing for a supernatural harvest. (Proverbs 19:17)
5. He must increase but I must decrease. (John 3:30) As you increase your focus and attention on Jesus, pressure loses its power over you. (Hebrews 12:1-3)
6. Take spiritual inventory. THERE ARE MORE FOR YOU THAN THOSE AGAINST YOU. (2 Kings 6:15-17)

Think It & Say It:

I walk in the power of the kingdom of God. I do things God’s way; and I have supernatural results. I refuse to make my decisions to relieve pressure, but I make my decisions in line with the Word of God.

I declare that God provides for my every need, and my decisions line up with God’s Word.

I fix my eyes on Jesus and trust that God has an army of angels surrounding me, helping me, in Jesus’ Name.

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 18 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

From my heart to your heart, into your life... :giveheart:

Whoever you are... It's Done! God has done it!

Your days of shame and pain and empty pockets, empty finances are over! Today is that Day! And this message bears no expiration for it is eternal from an Eternal God... who is our Father God who art in Heaven.

Jesus is prayig for you, all of you.

...and so am I. :kiss:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

with love,

Shimmie... :Rose:
Revolution Day 19

Today we’re fasting from excuses! True success will never come to the person who makes excuses. We must eliminate excuse-making mentalities such as: “I can’t do it without...” “I don’t have enough resources...” “If I only had...”

Today we are going to eliminate excuse-making mentalities.

Let’s change it today!

1. Refuse to excuse mediocrity. 1 Thessalonians 4:1 says “...Excel still more...” Don’t give in to the temptation to settle for where you’re at. Wherever you’re at in life, right now—thank God; and press forward for more of what He has for you. (Philippians 3:13-14)

2. Refuse to excuse lack and failure in your life, saying that you were born on the wrong side of the tracks or you’re limited by your upbringing. You may have been born on the wrong side of the tracks, but you're not bound to stay there. Cross the tracks NOW. (Romans 8:37)

3. Refuse to excuse unforgiveness. We sometimes think, “you just don't know what they did to me”, but the truth is: God knows what WE did to HIM and He still forgives us. Let it go.

4. Refuse to excuse lack of support. In John 5:7 the lame man said, “I have no man to help me.” He used that as an excuse to remain in his condition. Even if everyone lets us down, God will support us. (Psalm 27:10)

5. Redirect your effort and work. It takes EFFORT to come up with excuses. If we would redirect the same energy, and instead MAKE a WAY, doors would open. John 14:6 says Jesus is the WAY. When tempted to make an excuse why you can’t do something, ask Jesus to open the door that man can close. (Revelations 3:8)

6. Get up on the roof! Luke 5:18-20 says, “When they could not find a way to get in, they went up on the roof and lowered their friend...right in front of Jesus” Refuse to accept that there is no way. Faith finds a way! Success will come.

I eliminate excuse-making from my thoughts and words. I will no longer excuse or justify mediocrity in my life; I will not allow lack or failure in my life. God has made me a success and I will press on to experience it.

I am forgiven and I will not withhold unforgiveness from others. God takes up my cause and is my greatest support. I believe there is always a way to succeed. I release my faith by asking God, and expecting Him to open the door that no man can close, in Jesus’ Name.
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Re: A Change of Pace - Day 19 of the "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Today we’re fasting from excuses!

True success will never come to the person who makes excuses. We must eliminate excuse-making mentalities such as:

“I can’t do it without...”, “I don’t have enough resources...”, “If I only had...”

Today we are going to eliminate excuse-making mentalities.

Let’s change it today!

1. Refuse to excuse mediocrity. 1 Thessalonians 4:1 says “...Excel still more...” Don’t give in to the temptation to settle for where you’re at. Wherever you’re at in life, right now—thank God; and press forward for more of what He has for you. (Philippians 3:13-14)

2. Refuse to excuse lack and failure in your life saying that you were born on the wrong side of the tracks or you’re limited by your upbringing. You may have been born on the wrong side of the tracks, but you're not bound to stay there. Cross the tracks NOW. (Romans 8:37)

3. Refuse to excuse unforgiveness. We sometimes think, “you just don't know what they did to me”, but the truth is: God knows what WE did to HIM and He still forgives us. Let it go.

4. Refuse to excuse lack of support. In John 5:7 the lame man said, “I have no man to help me.” He used that as an excuse to remain in his condition. Even if everyone lets us down, God will support us. (Psalm 27:10)

5. Redirect your effort and work. It takes EFFORT to come up with excuses. If we would redirect the same energy, and instead MAKE a WAY, doors would open. John 14:6 says Jesus is the WAY. When tempted to make an excuse why you can’t do something, ask Jesus to open the door that man can't close. (Revelations 3:8)

6. Get up on the roof! Luke 5:18-20 says, “When they could not find a way to get in, they went up on the roof and lowered their friend...right in front of Jesus.”

Refuse to accept that there is no way. Faith finds a way! Success will come.


I eliminate excuse-making from my thoughts and words. I will no longer excuse or justify mediocrity in my life; I will not allow lack or failure in my life. God has made me a success and I will press on to experience it.

I am forgiven and I will not withhold forgiveness from others. God takes up my cause and is my greatest support. I believe there is always a way to succeed.

I release my faith by asking God, and expecting Him to open the door that no man can close, in Jesus’ Name.

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 19 of the "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

From my heart to your heart.... :giveheart:

How many times have we said, "I can't do this because, I don't have enough money, I don't have time, I don't have the right outfit...etc.

When I met Jesus, every excuse that ever arose, was eliminated one by one. For He gave me something from His word that empowered me to do so many things that presented to me as impossible. He warmed my heart with these empowering words:

"I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me..." (Phillipians 4:13).

I've lived the 'Truth' of these words over and over again and they never fail me.

One day, I had over strained my legs in an exercise class. I didn't 'warm-up' properly and I pulled a muscle in my leg. Now this may not seem like much to some, however, I need my legs for what I love to do most which is walking and dancing. I can remember getting up the next morning in so much pain and unable to walk without crying.

Taking a warm bath helped but it didn't do all that I needed it to do. The pain was beyond Advil or Tylenol and I didn't have them on hand anyway. However, I had a committment to fulfill that day, many people were depending on me and I could not stay home. I had more than an excuse, I had a reason.

My prayer: "God there is no way that I'm going to get through this day without you, no way. I thank you for helping me and strengthening me to get through this entire day and all that I have to do. Holy Spirit, please show me what to do. "

I was able to get dressed and out of the door: I had to take those steps of faith and the steps of faith were literally that, 'REAL STEPS of faith.'

At the end of the day, it occurred to me that I was standing straight and the pain was gone. This is a living testamony of God's Word proving true in my life. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. "

I needed God's strength and He did not deny me. He never does.

Whatever it is that you may feel that you cannot do, give to Jesus and allow Him to do it through you. And He will.

Love and blessings...

YES you can and YES you will. :giveheart:
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Re: A Change of Pace - Day 20 of the "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Precious Angels... We are half way there... This is Day 20 of 40 -- All Glory unto God.

Hasn't this been a blessing? Love to each of you. Here's Day 20. I'll be back later with what God lays upon my "Heart to your Heart". :giveheart:

Now Here's Day 20.... Just for you.

Revolution Day 20

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “What if God doesn’t meet my needs?”

Sometimes our needs are great. And even though on the surface, many of us trust God, there is this gnawing thought at times that God won’t come through for us in difficult times.

Let’s Change It Today:

1. He’s your FATHER! Luke 12:32 says your Heavenly Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom!

2. It’s HIS CHOICE TO BLESS YOU. Fear leaves when you know He has chosen gladly to give you His provision. (Luke 12:32)

3. He will never break His promise to you, because He CAN’T! (Hebrews 6:19, Joshua 21:45) His track record is perfect. In Psalm 37:25 David said, “...I’ve NEVER seen the righteous forsaken, or his descendants begging bread.”

4. SEED meets NEED. Throughout scripture, those who planted seed saw God’s miracle provision. EVEN GOD planted His Son in the earth, and reaped millions of children! (John 12:24)

* Plant Word seeds in your heart—Mark 4:14
* Plant financial seed in the kingdom of God—in your church, in a ministry, in a great cause. If you would like to plant seed toward your need now, click here.

5. He adds and multiplies! Expect addition (Matthew 6:33) AND multiplication (Deuteronomy 1:11) TODAY.

Think It & Say It:

God is my Father, and He gladly provides for me. It’s His choice to bless me, therefore I will not fear. He keeps His promises to me, in Christ. I expect additional and multiplied blessing to come into my life. I plant seeds to meet needs and I trust God will supply ALL my needs, in Jesus’ Name.

Praise God for today's message. I really needed it right now.

:kiss: There is more 'for' you in blessings that overflow and override what it looks like at this moment.

Precious Abdijz, keep moving 'forward' precious one. Keep moving forward. Because you will get 'past' this and it will all be behind you, never to hinder your paths again.

Abdijz, do not fear nor be overcome by your circumstances, for whatever you may 'fear' what may happen, God says this,

Isaiah 7:7-8 " This shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass; ... it will not expand its boundaries."

God is going to meet your needs over and far above your prayers. :giveheart:
Revolution Day 19

Today we’re fasting from excuses! True success will never come to the person who makes excuses. We must eliminate excuse-making mentalities such as: “I can’t do it without...” “I don’t have enough resources...” “If I only had...”

Today we are going to eliminate excuse-making mentalities.

Let’s change it today!

1. Refuse to excuse mediocrity. 1 Thessalonians 4:1 says “...Excel still more...” Don’t give in to the temptation to settle for where you’re at. Wherever you’re at in life, right now—thank God; and press forward for more of what He has for you. (Philippians 3:13-14)

2. Refuse to excuse lack and failure in your life, saying that you were born on the wrong side of the tracks or you’re limited by your upbringing. You may have been born on the wrong side of the tracks, but you're not bound to stay there. Cross the tracks NOW. (Romans 8:37)

3. Refuse to excuse unforgiveness. We sometimes think, “you just don't know what they did to me”, but the truth is: God knows what WE did to HIM and He still forgives us. Let it go.

4. Refuse to excuse lack of support. In John 5:7 the lame man said, “I have no man to help me.” He used that as an excuse to remain in his condition. Even if everyone lets us down, God will support us. (Psalm 27:10)

5. Redirect your effort and work. It takes EFFORT to come up with excuses. If we would redirect the same energy, and instead MAKE a WAY, doors would open. John 14:6 says Jesus is the WAY. When tempted to make an excuse why you can’t do something, ask Jesus to open the door that man can close. (Revelations 3:8)

6. Get up on the roof! Luke 5:18-20 says, “When they could not find a way to get in, they went up on the roof and lowered their friend...right in front of Jesus” Refuse to accept that there is no way. Faith finds a way! Success will come.

I eliminate excuse-making from my thoughts and words. I will no longer excuse or justify mediocrity in my life; I will not allow lack or failure in my life. God has made me a success and I will press on to experience it.

I am forgiven and I will not withhold unforgiveness from others. God takes up my cause and is my greatest support. I believe there is always a way to succeed. I release my faith by asking God, and expecting Him to open the door that no man can close, in Jesus’ Name.

:kiss: "Thank you"
From my heart to yours... :giveheart:

"What if God doesn't meet my needs...?"

What a scary thought? And we have all at one time or another thought this way.

God showed me something.

Each time I sit before my computer and begin to type upon the keyboard, I do so without a thought of fear or doubt, that each character, symbol, and word that I type, will not show up. And each time I press upon a key, the words always show up, including my infamous 'typos'... :look:

God is greater than a keyboard. God is bigger than a keyboard, God is more reliable than a keyboard. And even when we don't ask Him to show up, somehow, He always does; in one way or another, God never fails to show up to save us and protect us and deliver us from the very fear that He would not.

God gave us the gift of memory. For whenever a 'new' challenge appears in our lives, we have access to our memory of the times He showed up for us in the past and how He has never failed us.

I can't tell you how many times, I've gone to work without money for lunch. I'm actually quite good at that, for often I leave home forgetting my prepared lunch in the refrigerator. Do you know that each time, God somehow managed for me to have lunch anyway? I had earned a free lunch entree, on my Cosi card; or my boss treated the office to pizza; or a friend would call to take me out; and better yet, I'd find a $20 bill in my purse (unknown as to how it got there). :lol:

Now lunch is only one of the 'little things' that He has taken care of for me. The bigger things such as my bills being paid, having favor when I needed it. Each day with God just gets better and BIGGER, because God never fails to show up! And whatever it is that you need Him to do for you, please believe that He will not disappoint you; God will not fail you... not ever!

He loves you too much to leave you hanging. :Rose:
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Re: A Change of Pace - Day 21 of the "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking


Revolution Day 21
Today we’re fasting from the thought that says,
“Will I ever have enough?”

1. Look for a higher vision, not a higher income. (Proverbs 29:18) Live for a cause bigger than your needs and you'll have more than you need.

2. Listen for God’s guidance for His next step for your life. Where God guides, He provides. (Proverbs 3:5-9)

3. Stop thinking about money.
Remember, God has a million ways He can provide--don't limit Him. (Psalm 78:14)

4. Don’t allow your current circumstance to dictate your future.
Your path is getting brighter and brighter every day. (Proverbs 4:18)

5. God adds interest to the things that He is interested in!
Fling yourself into what moves God's heart, and He will provide. (Matthew 6:33)

6. Ask God for ideas that will HELP PEOPLE rather than ideas that produce money.
And money will come when you're helping people. (Proverbs 19:17)

Think It & Say It:

I set my mind on God's vision for my life and I believe provision follows vision. God is my provider and is not limited by my current circumstances. I get my eyes off the provision I need, and ON the Provider! I expect ideas and ways to help the hurting, and the things that I need will find me, in Jesus’ Name.

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 18 of a "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"

From my heart to your heart, into your life... :giveheart:

Whoever you are... It's Done! God has done it!

Your days of shame and pain and empty pockets, empty finances are over! Today is that Day! And this message bears no expiration for it is eternal from an Eternal God... who is our Father God who art in Heaven.

Jesus is prayig for you, all of you.

...and so am I. :kiss:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

with love,

Shimmie... :Rose:

:amen: & :amen:
From my heart to yours... :giveheart:

"What if God doesn't meet my needs...?"

What a scary thought? And we have all at one time or another thought this way.

God showed me something.

Each time I sit before my computer and begin to type upon the keyboard, I do so without a thought of fear or doubt, that each character, symbol, and word that I type, will not show up. And each time I press upon a key, the words always show up, including my infamous 'typos'... :look:

God is greater than a keyboard. God is bigger than a keyboard, God is more reliable than a keyboard. And even when we don't ask Him to show up, somehow, He always does; in one way or another, God never fails to show up to save us and protect us and deliver us from the very fear that He would not.

God gave us the gift of memory. For whenever a 'new' challenge appears in our lives, we have access to our memory of the times He showed up for us in the past and how He has never failed us.

I can't tell you how many times, I've gone to work without money for lunch. I'm actually quite good at that, for often I leave home forgetting my prepared lunch in the refrigerator. Do you know that each time, God somehow managed for me to have lunch anyway? I had earned a free lunch entree, on my Cosi card; or my boss treated the office to pizza; or a friend would call to take me out; and better yet, I'd find a $20 bill in my purse (unknown as to how it got there). :lol:

Now lunch is only one of the 'little things' that He has taken care of for me. The bigger things such as my bills being paid, having favor when I needed it. Each day with God just gets better and BIGGER, because God never fails to show up! And whatever it is that you need Him to do for you, please believe that He will not disappoint you; God will not fail you... not ever!

He loves you too much to leave you hanging. :Rose:

Pro 27:17-18 KJV
(17) Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
(18) Whoso keepeth the fig tree shall eat the fruit thereof: so he that waiteth on his master shall be honoured.

Verse 17 is to thank you for sharpening your sisters in the spirit:hug3:... ( giving God thanks for hitting pause - on life - and reading your posts, the sword is now sharp again... watch out devil !...:bud::samurai:)
Pro 27:17-18 KJV
(17) Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
(18) Whoso keepeth the fig tree shall eat the fruit thereof: so he that waiteth on his master shall be honoured.

Verse 17 is to thank you for sharpening your sisters in the spirit:hug3:... ( giving God thanks for hitting pause - on life - and reading your posts, the sword is now sharp again... watch out devil !...:bud::samurai:)

***1*** Good Morning...

The light of God shines upon you and it's not my words of life, but HIS and His alone.

God is soooooo very gracious, with all of His loving ways which He showers upon us each and everyday. Everyday.

God always provides for us, no matter how little; no matter how small.

Even chocolate. :yep: My boss just came to my desk with 'chocolate' just for me. :yep: I'm so spoiled. :love2:

As His children, God spoils us 'all'. He really does.

Sooooo, Precious ***1***, look to being 'spoiled' by God your Father today. For unto us, He is Lord, He is God All Mighty, He is Father, our Abba Father, and He is our 'precious Daddy.

Re: A Change of Pace - Day 22 of the "40 - Day Fast from Wrong Thinking"


Revolution Day 22

One of the keys to success in any area of life is being a servant—getting underneath others and pushing them up to succeed. So today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “If I live as a servant, I’ll be taken advantage of; and feel inferior.”

Let’s change it today:

1. God prospers His servants! Psalm 35:27 says He takes delight and pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.

2. See yourself as a son or daughter of God.
(1 John 3:1) When you realize who you really are, you drive inferiority out of your life; therefore, you gladly serve others, pushing them up.

3. Serving is not a stepping stone to greatness; it IS greatness. (Matthew 20:27) Get rid of the mindset that serving is a temporary role.

4. The way up, is down. Understand that God promotes the humble, the servant. (1 Peter 5:6) “It is true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others succeed.” Napoleon Hill

5. Start serving by praying: pray for your leaders; for your employers; for those who use you, or take advantage of you. Prayer is loving—in the spirit.

6. Others recognize when you are a true servant and they promote you. (Genesis 39:2-3)

Think It & Say It:

I follow the example of Jesus by being a servant, and pushing others up to succeed. I know that I will reap what I sow. As I help others succeed, success will come to me. I have a treasure of gifts inside of me, and I use them to serve others, to bless others, and to advance God’s Kingdom, in Jesus’ Name!
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:giveheart: From my heart to yours...

Everyone... Please share your hearts in this thread. It's here for everyone to share and encourage one another. Afterall, as ***1*** pointed out in her post above, "Iron sharpens iron..."

We are the only 'Iron' that we each have with one another. So please 'sharpen' us. And please feel free to post the daily messages. Sometimes I am unable to log in until later in the day. So whoever wants to post the daily 'thoughts', thanks so much.

Love and blessings to you... :giveheart:
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