Prosperity Gospel

Ecclesiastes 1:18 - For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow.

Jesus and the Apostles warned us several times to "let no man deceive you." Deception is never obvious or forthright, always appeals to the senses and snares the emotions. This is why we have to be forever vigilant towards the words we receive from ministers (Matthew 16:6, Matthew 16:12, 1 Corinthians 5:6, Galatians 5:9). I have been looking at the Word of Faith movement since I was a teen and it spiritually starved me. Sometimes, it is not only their lifestyle or what they teach, but what they do not teach or try to hide from the public.

Let us take for example Joel Olsteen. I first saw him on a TV program featuring the stadium he now teaches in. Something about him creeped me out, so I asked my sister what his ministry about and why was he so popular. She told me he preaches spiritual candy for baby Christians. Wanting to see this in action, DH and I watched the guy a couple of times. What we saw and things we learned later sent up red flags.

His cool, soothing manner of speech, the polished image, the moving back and forth on the stage, the unnatural blinking of his eyes... these are the techniques of a highly skilled motivational speaker. What is wrong with that? Why use psychological techniques on millions of people? Who wants to be conned into believing in Christ?

Do a search on Youtube, "larry king olsteen" and check out the two interviews he did. What is wrong with the Gospel straight up, no chaser? What about taking up the cross and following Christ? What about death to self? What about battling and struggling against sin with help from the Holy Spirit? What about persecution? The truth would wreck his hustle, big time!

I am sorry, the vast majority of these televangelists are preaching a different Gospel, one designed to keep believers spiritually immature. Why? They are the hirelings we were warned about, those who lead His sheep astray. Please, do not take my word on it; pray and do your own research!
I am talking about the label Prosperity Gospel.
All believers know God is Prosperity.
Christians believe the Gospel is about Jesus-Christ and the Kingdom of God.

We all know about Prosperity and our fleshly nature wants all the time material and physical prosperity.
But let’s meditate on these :

Is. 45: 7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.

Eccl. 7.14 In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.

2Cor. 12.7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 12.8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 12.9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 12.10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Ph. 4.12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 4.13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Mat. 16.24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 16.25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 16.26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 16.27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

1Tim. 6.6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 6.7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 6.8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 6.9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

Blessing to all!
Ahh.. OK I wasn't clear. Thanks for explaining...well my take on the "Prosperity Gospel" is that it's a phrase coined by the media and others who don't agree with Word of Faith teachers. I'm a believer of the Word, not a doubter.

If what someone preach doesn't line up with the Word of God, I simply won't listen to them or I'll chew the fat, spit out the bones. The people who preach this "prosperity gospel" also include Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, John Avanzini, Gregory Dickow, John Mumba, Mike Murdoch, John Hagee, Myles Munroe, Dr. Charles Stanley ( and countless others.

I've seen people take 'snippets' of what these preachers say on being blessed and not listen to the entire sermon, thus taking what they say out of context by focusing only on the part about riches. IOW, they didn't 'get' the message. What these teachers are preaching is not 'riches' but the blessing, of which monetary wealth can be a part. The Word of God is their source for everything they say. They also caution people NOT to be lovers of money, NOT to sin, to honor God and His Commandments, to love thy neighbor, to have a clear understanding of Gods' Word. But we don't hear about those we?

Unless a person is sitting under those ministers or faithfully listen to their broadcasts, to know for themselves what is being preached, they won't fully understand. They'll go only by what the government, the news outlets have to say, as well as by other people's opinions.

Just putting my two cents worth in after trying to search the threads on what people's thoughts are on the prosperity gospel. I have not read all of the posts in this thread. But I got to this post and had to thank it. IA.

The preachers you listed are often referred to as false prophets. The bible clearly says a false prophet is one who takes you away from Jesus Christ. The above ministers consistently encourage in our spiritual walk with Christ whether that be prayer, fasting, worship, evangelism.

I thanked you for this post because sometimes when I read the posts or YT vids opposing the prosperity gospel it can be scary. And my main concern is making heaven not how many pounds I have in my bank account.

Not on any occasion have I ever heard any one of these preachers mention that wealth won't come with good old hard work and perseverance(faith). Check out the lifestlye of those who are not experiencing monetary prosperity more often than not neither hard work or perserance (faith) is a part of it. In addition, time and time again in the bible, the prominent people in the bible had wealth. God loved blessing these people financially and material. All the wealth is His what would be the point of keeping it to himself.

Even apostle Paul advocated minsters taking monetary gifts, he decided not to take gifts so that no one would a bad word to say about him. In fact the levites were set aside by God Himself to receive monetary gifts.
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That's why I don't believe in it. Besides, the gospel is supposed to be referring to the Messiah coming. These folks are all wrapped up in name-it-claim-it mumbo-jumbo magic and abracadabra, wealth pops up on a plate. That's not the good news :lachen: It's a perk if God decides that it's for you, but it's not the good news. And I think that the only ones truly gaining wealth are those in the pulpit preaching it because they are constantly asking poor folks to give money to get a financial miracle, as in a seed of faith. I didn't know seeds were made of paper.:spinning:

I agree. I find it interesting that the "faith to prosper" that they perpetuate is only realized by taking from those who have not.

What would the properity do if they stopped receiving all that money and had to go out and struggle like everyone else. They are not depending on God. They are depending on the people to support their greedy lifestyles. Why don't they just practice what they are preaching to others.
My take on the prosperity message is this:

One of the main things God wants us to do as believers is spread the word. How can one spread the word broke? A broke/poor person only has time to worry about himself and where his or her next paycheck is coming from, a broke person can't effectively spread the word.

Secondly, prosperity is more than just $$$. It's health, it's emotional stability, wellness, successful relationships & every other area of our lives. To be rich does not equate to being prosperous. Being prosperous is the ability to be a blessing to others in your lives in every way.

Jesus himself was RICH. But Jesus was humble and he was meek and he didn't allow the desire for things to consume his existence as some Christians & preachers have done.

I agree with the prosperity message when taught properly, when the main focus is not just getting material things & money but using ourselves & stuff to bless others and recruit members into the body of Christ. How sweet it is to have money to really help others & how sad it is to want to help others but not have the resources to do so.

eta:the prosperity message in my understanding, doesn't teach that one won't experience trials & tribulations. But, being under the blessing of God "none of these things move me." (Acts 20:24)

It says the Son of man had no where to lay his head. He was spiritually rich. When he spoke to to multitudes it was not in a lavish building, and neither was He saying 'give me your money.' The Word of God should not be preached for money. It is free. We received it freely. We have a two class system. Clergy and Laity. The Laity pay someone to preach the free Word of God to them. Then pay them so that the Clergy can live in lavish homes and drive expensive cars. "A workman is worthy of his hire", but aren't we all workers in the Lord's vineyard? Aren't we called as a body of believers to be a 'priesthood and a holy nation?' Not a priesthood over the priesthood. How does that line up with God's Word?

I can show double honor even to others in the body who have showed great faith and example. Does that mean I am to hand over my money to them? Is not the shepherd to take care of the sheep? Where does it imply that the sheep have to provide food for the shepherd? Why does the Word say that 'many pastors have destroyed by vineyard? Why does Ezekial 34 talk about shepherds that take the wool off the sheep, and that feed themselves? Why does it say "Woe to the Shepherds!?"

I do not see anywhere that it is supposed to be the way it is being done. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Just putting my two cents worth in after trying to search the threads on what people's thoughts are on the prosperity gospel. I have not read all of the posts in this thread. But I got to this post and had to thank it. IA.

The preachers you listed are often referred to as false prophets. The bible clearly says a false prophet is one who takes you away from Jesus Christ. The above ministers consistently encourage in our spiritual walk with Christ whether that be prayer, fasting, worship, evangelism.

I thanked you for this post because sometimes when I read the posts or YT vids opposing the prosperity gospel it can be scary. And my main concern is making heaven not how many pounds I have in my bank account.

Not on any occasion have I ever heard any one of these preachers mention that wealth won't come with good old hard work and perseverance(faith). Check out the lifestlye of those who are not experiencing monetary prosperity more often than not neither hard work or perserance (faith) is a part of it. In addition, time and time again in the bible, the prominent people in the bible had wealth. God loved blessing these people financially and material. All the wealth is His what would be the point of keeping it to himself.

Even apostle Paul advocated minsters taking monetary gifts, he decided not to take gifts so that no one would a bad word to say about him. In fact the levites were set aside by God Himself to receive monetary gifts.

We no longer have a 'Levitical priesthood'. Our priest is Christ. The Lord is our shepherd. He told us we are not to call others Leaders. Is there anything wrong with being wealthy? No. But it is not a lottery. In the Scripures the first ones to receive where to be the farmer, a stranger and the poor who were invited to eat the tithe. But many preach that the 'farmer has to give to him first, and out of what is left over...he is to pay his bills etc and feed his family.

It is wrong to defraud others using the Word to manipulate, or frighten people into giving money to feed a lavish lifestyle. Is there anything wrong with contributing to those in need in the body? No. It should not be in, I preach the free word of God...and you give me money. That is how I see it. If the purpose of the preaching is to make it a full time job so that you can have all your needs and wants met as a 'pastor', then I do really question that. I guess the point for me is: "Where is their faith that God will provide for them, without having to take from the sheep who are struggling, some on welfare, and U.I.C., single moms etc. barely scraping by, and poor widows. And those that are giving are often treating it as a 'lottery', a 'su su' club.

Why would we think that their methods are right, when it says we are to give 'freely and not under compulsion? Most do give under a feeling of compulsion...that God will punish them if they don't, that God will only be good to them if they give money to someone else. I understand that the Scriptures say that the money given is meant for the 'poor and the widows and the fatherless children' how does this fit in with the Prosperity Doctrine....Give me money so God will bless you....and they never seem to get enough of the money. You see it on their back, and where they live, and in what they really raises some serious questions as to the motives of such men. They are not looking out for the widows and the poor and the orphans. It is the other way around.

I have to ask this question: If they were not receiving the money from the poor, the widows and the orphans to support them and keep them from having to work, would they be willing to 'sacrifice their time' to preach the Word, and to comfort the people? Would they suddenly 'lose their calling' they claim is on their lives? I would like to see them work with their own hands, and then demonstrate their faith in God. I would like them to demonstrate 'being content with what they have', and not making it a weekly habit of having their hands out for more. I would like to see them STOP being a bottomless pit of receiving money for themselves. I would like to see them take the offerings and give it to those in need among them and not be money changers. If they are taking from the poor and then just returning what the poor gave them, to me that is just being a 'money changer'. They often do this 'through their boards', and claim that they are innocent of what happens.
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I, too, believe that people can be misguided by their reading of scripture.
I see Jesus speaking from His divinity, not humanity with that statement. He was showing them that He was the fulfillment and that "I AM THAT I AM," which is what God's name was throughout Jewish history. He was demonstrating that He is part of the God-head (from a christian perspective). Afterall, Jews were taught in scripture that God is One and has no physical form.

Now, this is where I beg to differ. I've never heard anyone say we receive God's dna upon belief in Jesus. The Holy Spirit is just that, a person of the godhead, but Spirit, not flesh. But I understand you to be saying that He gives us authority through His Name to perform miracles and such. That, I agree with, it's scriptural. But all is according to His will. He sometimes refuses to heal a person because it's not His will because their suffering might be more valuable. There are many people of great faith and they have not been healed or prospered materially. I'm sure they have been prospered spiritually.

Paul's thorn in his flesh? Not healed. He is one of Jesus' beloved apostles, His great friend. Does it mean they lacked the faith necessary to be healed? I don't believe so. My point is not that God cannot heal and prosper us, but that He sometimes has other plans in mind. I believe in His great blessings because I've seen them. Absolute miracles! Buuuttt, there is a lot of difference between tricking desperate innocent and bible-believing people into giving money to get a miracle. These are two distinct types of prosperity "gospel" I meant to address. Not sure about the OP, but it seems she was directing her message towards the extreme end of it.

"I Am That I Am". YES. And that is His name forever. Eyah Asher Eyah (Ahaya Ashur Ahaya). From Exodus to Revelation it is stated.
I like this :
Another example concerns Peter. In Galatians 2:11-14, Paul said that Peter had wrongly separated himself from Gentile Christians because he was swayed by the opinions of other people, and in turn Peter swayed other Jewish Christians to do the same. In this case, an apostle was led astray by the voice of other Christians, and this apostle led other Christians astray! It's easy for us to be deceived, which is why we need to know how to discern what we're hearing from the "voice" of other people (more on this later). All of us have preconceived biases which act as "filters" when we read the Bible, and therefore even your pastor or my pastor can be deceived and teach us things that are incorrect. If an apostle can be deceived then certainly a pastor can too! This is why it's important for each one of us to study the Bible for ourselves and ask God for discernment so that we can recognize the Truth when we see it.
Or the lie when we see it.

I truly agree. We need the Spirit of Truth to protect us against the Spirit of Error.
Dear Laela, I can really tell that you love the Word but I think what the other sisters are saying here is that many preachers abuse it not only monetarily but also sexually. However, to the others such CreoleNat, you do have a point but I think that we need to pray for these people and everyone is responsible for reading their Bibles and asking God for understanding.

I do believe the Lord wants us to be prosper and I do believe in reaping what you sow. For example in 2008 I got a job such so that I could pay my tithes and give offerings everywhere I felt touched so I could put this "prosperity gospel" at work if you will. Well, I did not just give to my church but I gave every where I could. I did not give because someone made me but I wanted to see His Glory. I did it with the heart of a child, it was fun and even days when I did not have money I was sad. Well a year later and even this year, I'm still reaping and something Laela can agree with I hope from the Bible is that I am reaping were I didn't sow.

My point is Christians have to be generous beings whether you give in the church, a non for profit, you share your christmas gifts, you buy groceries for a needy family. Because by taking care of the kingdom of God, not just the church, but like Jesus said, the children and the widows, you are sowing in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prosperity Gospel is sometimes fun to listen to but you should ask God: How o you want me to so into you kingdom and not care so much about the pastors, etc. But you want to make sure that when you die you not only have eternal life but that Jesus can say "well done my faithful daughter or son".

We are all call to grow in the Lord and also pray for others to grow and stay strong. I can say that one reason why David was so loved by God is that he had respect for those appointed by God even when they were flawed. He could have killed Saul in self defense, but he knew that God said do not touch my anointed.

We should all be careful in pronouncing judgements against any servant of God, I used to do that but they are consequences. Just pray for them and anyone else you know who needs it.

God bless all of you guys.

Have you considered the Scripture in 1 John 2:27 where it states "we all have an anointing?" Unfortunately, many only apply that to Pastors and Bishops etc. when it comes to "the anointing, and use Saul and David and "touch not my anointed". Pastors do not have a different 'anointing'. There is 'one anointing' according to Scripture. It says He gave "gifts in men". It says there is One Spirit. That Spirit gives gifts severally as He wills. However, it says: One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism....One Spirit.

To claim that 'I am anointed' and other members of the body are not does not agree with that Scripture. ..."You ALL HAVE AN ANOINTING.....THAT ANOINTING TEACHES YOU....AND DOES NOT LIE...." and it was given within the context of a warning "regarding those who are trying to deceive you." 1 John 2:27.

I'll try my best to explain Religion vs Relationship... in the OT, there was the Law, commandments that, if broken, were punishable by curse or death. When Jesus came, he came not to do away with the Law but to fulfill it. HE became our High Priest, to replace the priest in the Tabernacle of the Congregation. He was cursed on the cross and died for our sins so we no longer have to bring sacrificial offerings for every sin (Exodus, Leviticus). So there is no need to do all these "external rituals" The Law has now been fulfilled internally, when we accept Jesus in our hearts. The Law (commandments) is now in me and I honor them in my heart.

That said....if I HAVE to do anything to honor God, it's Religion. If I do anything to honor God because I WANT to, it's a Relationship.

It's Salvation (accepting Jesus) that makes a person Righteous, not their works. Doing any anything 'good', like going to church, tithing, sowing seed in people's lives doesn't make me Righteous but because I am righteous, I will do those things.

Months later, this was truly a good thread. So, I'm responding. Per the bolded, many protestant people wrongfully assume that only they are free from "religion" but religion is the vehicle through carrying out the commands of the scriptures. Jesus commands us to love one another. That is not an option. Would someone then assume that it's a religion rather than a relationship? He commands us to get baptised. He commands many things and has actually told us He didn't come to change the scriptures at all.

There are many non-orthodox faiths under the umbrella of christianity that don't force dresses, but expect it for women on Sunday. They also expect tithes. Church weddings? Religion or relationship? Your church is the "religious" physical vehicle through which you observe your spiritual relationship with God. Me thinks that people do not comprehend that "religion" doesn't take precedence over the relationship with God because without it, there wouldn't be any "religious" observances at all.:yep: