Abstinence 30 Days Before Wedding


New Member
We live together with 11 days till our wedding...

I'm no virgin, but I'd like our wedding night and honeymoon to be somewhat special, more than just another night of sex.

So...I suggested we abstain for 30 days. We actually started a week early so this is week 3. It's sooo hard. I want to give in now but he hasn't gone this long in over a decade, and a little over 3 years for me. I want the frenzy of not being together, the excitement of waiting for something, the thrill of not being able to wait till we get home to be with each other, and the knowledge that I intend to make up for the lost time. :lick:

He literally wrestled with me the first two weeks to see how strong my will was and I didn't give in as hard as it was. Now I'm being the bad one feeling him up in bed. We're teenagers all over again.

Oh and I hope not TMI, but I've been using this time to "rejuvenate" myself "internally".

Just sharing...
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Well that's good that you both decided on that. I imagine it will make your honeymoon a night of passion. Personally, I don't think I would last. :lachen:. So hats off to yah! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and best of luck to you.
I think that was a good idea. :yep: It will make the honeymoon sooo great, all that built up sexual tension... :drunk: Have fun, and congrats!! :yep:
I think I'm going to do this too. My friend did it with her husband and she said it was a good thing to do. The tension made it sooo much better.
Congrats on your wedding.

That is something that I will never understand, abstience before the wedding. What is the purpose if you already had sex. When I got married we sexed the whole time but the night of our wedding was special because we were finally married. That is what made the difference.
Congrats on your upcoming wedding! My dh and I had initially decided abstain for 6 months; then 6 months became 5 and 5 months became 4....You get the idea of where this is going. We did make it to 30 days of abstinence, though. It was hard but well worth it.
We lived together first too, but we decided to abstain for about 3 months...to spice it up on wedding night, it was hard.
Congratulations!!! My fiance and I decided to do this when we got engaged. At first I suggested 6 months and he looked at me like :huh:
Congratulations!!! My fiance and I decided to do this when we got engaged. At first I suggested 6 months and he looked at me like :huh:

Yeah I tried to pull 3 months and he was like no-way. :nono: He wasn't thrilled with the 30 days, but agreed to it.
Congrats on your wedding.

That is something that I will never understand, abstience before the wedding. What is the purpose if you already had sex. When I got married we sexed the whole time but the night of our wedding was special because we were finally married. That is what made the difference.

For me I think it's because not only were we having sex, but we also live together. He felt the same...I already got the goods, what's the big deal. But personally for me, I wanted to look forward to something more than another night of sex on my wedding night. I mean even when we get so busy that we might go 5 or 6 days, just the tension from that is big, 30 days...whew, I can't wait!
We are trying to do this also. I took a pre-marital course and the minister over the course suggested abstaining until your wedding night to all of the couples, even if you'd already had sex, so I know several engaged couples that are attempting to do this as well. I think its a good idea.
We are trying to do this also. I took a pre-marital course and the minister over the course suggested abstaining until your wedding night to all of the couples, even if you'd already had sex, so I know several engaged couples that are attempting to do this as well. I think its a good idea.

Really? Why did the minister/course suggest this?
We tried it for 60 days. It didn't go so well:look:

Girl I understand, how long did you last?

I didn't think I'd make it last night. He asked could he lay on top of me...naked..:spinning:.I almost gave in but rolled my hair instead and went to sleep. Once I put rollers in I feel safe.
Mainly for several religious reasons obviously, but also think it can make wedding night sex better because of all of the tension that will probably be built up.

Sorry byut that sounds like a crock for me. A minister suggested that. It's not like you didn't have sex before. I could see if both parties are virgins but geez. If both parties have already had sex, you can't handle tension well, obviously.
Sorry byut that sounds like a crock for me. A minister suggested that. It's not like you didn't have sex before. I could see if both parties are virgins but geez. If both parties have already had sex, you can't handle tension well, obviously.
If it is for religious reasons and they are of the faith, I can understand the logic. I don't see what the problem is. Not only virgins are the ones waiting. If someone decides to wait, even if soley for religious reasons, hey. The tension will make things better, I think, as well.
Sorry byut that sounds like a crock for me. A minister suggested that. It's not like you didn't have sex before. I could see if both parties are virgins but geez. If both parties have already had sex, you can't handle tension well, obviously.

I don't know see what the problem is with his making this suggestion and folks wanting to follow it. You have your reasons for abstaining (whether you are or aren't) and other people have the option to have theirs, whether you agree with it or not and be it religious or not. If it makes them feel good and and closer to God, then so be it.

Also, I agree with song of serenity's points as well.
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Sorry byut that sounds like a crock for me. A minister suggested that. It's not like you didn't have sex before. I could see if both parties are virgins but geez. If both parties have already had sex, you can't handle tension well, obviously.

:dighole: :lachen::lachen: