i wear mine in a wet bun also. i put it up in a ponytail, ultra moisturize, braid and do the baggie trick. i leave it like this all week without taking it down. sometimes i do take the baggie off when i get home the first day to let the hair finish drying (i usually wash in the mornings).

anyway, i went to this picnic sunday and wanted to wear my hair down. so i took it out of the ponytail and put it in a banana clip. i had a big wavy bush in the back. i loved it. lol! the next time i try this, i might put it in the banana clip the night before, put a few small braids and curl the braids so it won't be so big. i do get waves because of braiding vs. bunning the ponytail.
I tried the wet bun thing and it went well. For me it means an easier way to style my hair as i plan to rinse every other day.

Refering to Marcia's comment about getting breakage on wet hair, I do not see how i can cause my hair to break if i put it in a ponytail and wrap the ends around to form a bun(this is what how i did my wet bun). I loose more hair when i roller set cos of combing each section with a fine tooth comb.
aikaa71 - i think you misunderstood, the way i do it is by gathering it as if putting it in a ponytail, twisting it and than coiling it around, all the while its wet and that causes it to break. At least that is what happened to me and I was just trying to see if anyone else experienced that as well. Your way seems fine.
for me i see hairs in the scrunchie if i dont bun it tidily and it tangles in the scrunchie and the ends come out as i pull it out