A Shedding I will go....Relaxed LHCF's

golden bronze

New Member
Hey Ladies:

I got a relaxer in March after not having a full strength relaxer for about 9 years. Before March my hair was growing like a weed, and now it is still growing, but it is shedding, though it isn't breaking.

I've been keeping it hydrated with lots of cowashes and good oils. Also been baggying. I also do protien treatments often to keep the hair strong.

I'm about 7 weeks post relaxer and I feel my hair starting to go into the growth phase again. Any ideas on what I can do to to keep my hair long and happy during my stretch?
I am shedding a lot right now, too.

Could it be the season?

I got lots of shedding over the past few weeks and EVERY strand had the little white bulb.
HoneyDew said:
I am shedding a lot right now, too.

Could it be the season?

I got lots of shedding over the past few weeks and EVERY strand had the little white bulb.

You two climbed into my head and created the thread I was planning to post tonight! My hair has been shedding like CRAZY for the last three weeks. I'm only five weeks post but I'm tempted to relax at six or seven to see if it helps.:sekret:

Like HoneyDew, I check each and every hair that falls to make sure it has the white bulb on the end...and almost all do. I'm at my wits end with this! I noticed that I've been eating a lot less meat than usual and drinking more coffee/caffeinated beverages...wondering if that's it. When I get a chance, I'm going to do an internet search to see if there's a link between caffeine and shedding.

If it's the season, I may be bald by the time autumn rolls around...:ohwell:
funny thing....i just started relaxing my hair again after 7yrs, bakc in november and it was shedding like crazy. i went to the dermatologist and she said it was a protein deficiency and that i needed to eat meat (as if meat was the ONLY way to get protein) anyway....i think it was just the traauma of such a harsh chemical after so many years.......
Katt73 said:
You two climbed into my head and created the thread I was planning to post tonight! My hair has been shedding like CRAZY for the last three weeks. I'm only five weeks post but I'm tempted to relax at six or seven to see if it helps.:sekret:

Like HoneyDew, I check each and every hair that falls to make sure it has the white bulb on the end...and almost all do. I'm at my wits end with this! I noticed that I've been eating a lot less meat than usual and drinking more coffee/caffeinated beverages...wondering if that's it. When I get a chance, I'm going to do an internet search to see if there's a link between caffeine and shedding.

If it's the season, I may be bald by the time autumn rolls around...:ohwell:

Okay so we relaxed at the same time. I am 5 weeks post right now, too. The shedding has been a lot more for the past 2-3 weeks than it was the last few months. I really thought it was that spring/summer growth spurt everyone talks about it. Well, I was hoping that was it - :look:
HoneyDew said:
Okay so we relaxed at the same time. I am 5 weeks post right now, too. The shedding has been a lot more for the past 2-3 weeks than it was the last few months. I really thought it was that spring/summer growth spurt everyone talks about it. Well, I was hoping that was it - :look:

Girl...let's hold on to that thought! I hope that's all it is!
I think that after not having strong relaxers for years your hair reacts. I don't regret my decision to relax, but I do notice my hair requires different kinds of treatment. I have been doing heavy prot. treatements, and they seem to work out well. I notice my hair is getting more and more elastic.
It does have something to do with the seasons. Whenever you go through temperature changes (like change of seasons) or climate changes, a lot of people will be prone to see more shedding.
After living in in 4 states in the last seven years, I can conclude that the climate is a factor in the shedding of your hair. When I was in Hawaii, I was the queen of shedding, Missouri duing the Fall/Winter months I sheded less and the summer more. Louisiana/North Carolina shedding in the Spring/Summer is worst than Hawaii some times due to the humidity.

Now one other thing, I was told by my new stylist, is she notice my hair had some textlax parts and some totally relax sections and this contributes to my shedding and why I have to add extra conditoner to comb my hair out.

But girls we will fight this shedding war and win.
A lot of people shed due to medicatons. Even if one's medication doesn't list hair loss as a side effect, doesn't mean it can't happen. I had a co-worker Google the name of her medication along with 'and hair loss'. She was surprised.