A Question To The Ladies w/ Bra-Strap and Longer...


Well-Known Member
I have been washing my hair 2 times a week. I am noticing that the ladies with long hair only wash once a week. It that because of time constraint or a deeper meaning for the change in regimen because of the longer hair?

Is your regimen suppose to change when going from shoulder length to mid-back and beyond?

Advice Very Appreciated!:yep:
While I am not even BSL or APL, I would assume that their reasons would be because it would be more time consuming. In addition I would also assume that as your hair grows, you're experimenting from time to time in order to tweak your regimen and your hair's needs.
its more a thing of EFFORT...

and plus, i'm very happy with my hair right now, so i dont feel i need to do more washing - which really helped growth in the past

  • Im into lo-mani so thats one reason.
  • Hair products cost toooo much (Im a over user with eveything; down to the fabric softner and dryer sheets).
  • I will not be a slave to my hair.
  • I wash every 14 days and im fine with it.
  • yes, length is a factor.
I wash my hair only once i week because i feel that is all I need to do. It is very time consuming too becasue i take my time when i do every step in my reggie. length and time is a factor.
Im currently waist length and I still wash my hair twice per week. Ill even CO wash everyday depending on my workout schedule. Its still very easy for me because all I do is bun anyway.
I'm about 1 inch and a half past BSL. I wash 2x/week during the warmer months and once a week during the winter. I don't find it time consuming when I do wash my hair twice a week. I usually wash my hair on sunday and rollerset it. The 2x time is midweek and I let my hair airdry. I use shampoo on sunday and do a co-wash midweek . I deep condition both times . My hair loves it , so its all about what works best for you :grin::grin: .
I went from washing 2x a week to 1x recently b/c I like to keep things simple. My hair is doing fine so far, so why take the extra effort? It was mainly a matter of tweaking my regimen, like someone said upthread. I noticed most people do fine on a once a week schedule. Plus I stretch, so it's a bit much to deal with my hair twice a week after about 8wks post.

If I notice anything different in the growth or health of my hair, then I sure will go back to 2x.
Less manipulation is better, according to my stylist, especially those of us with type 4a/b hair.

Once a week is fine, but once every two weeks is best for me, because I don't have time to go to the salon every week for hair, nails, facial, etc.
I have been washing my hair 2 times a week. I am noticing that the ladies with long hair only wash once a week. It that because of time constraint or a deeper meaning for the change in regimen because of the longer hair?

Is your regimen suppose to change when going from shoulder length to mid-back and beyond?

Advice Very Appreciated!:yep:

Pretty much have always done once a week or longer. When I tried to do it more frequently (like 3-4 times a week) I found I lost WAY too much hair to it being wet too often. I know others can do it often, but not me. That's too much manipulation for my hair personally.
With increased shedding in the autumn, reducing wash day manipulation is key. So in winter, I wash my hair once a week or once every two weeks. Because of less handling, I usually have more growth in winter than during the summer when I co-wash 2-3 times a week.
I usually go every 4-7 days. Usually 7 in the fall/winter.

Washing/conditioning/drying/styling takes so much time and life gets in the way OFTEN.
I used to wash my hair more often. However, I just don't have the time to wash it more than once a week at this time. Besides, I find that I don't really have to wash my hair more than once a week.
On average, I wash my hair a few times a week. I've tried washing it just once a week or a little longer and my hair was not happy. :nono: Washing my hair is not difficult even as my hair continues to get longer. Actually, I love doing it. :love:
I'm about 1 inch and a half past BSL. I wash 2x/week during the warmer months and once a week during the winter. I don't find it time consuming when I do wash my hair twice a week. I usually wash my hair on sunday and rollerset it. The 2x time is midweek and I let my hair airdry. I use shampoo on sunday and do a co-wash midweek . I deep condition both times . My hair loves it , so its all about what works best for you :grin::grin: .

I agree. Everyone's hair is different.
Typically I wash 1x a week because I wear my hair straight a lot and that requires combing with a fine tooth comb for rollersets. I'm not willing to do that to my hair twice a week, partly because I get tangles. However, I sometimes do a mid week wash and wear it in a twist out which doesn't cause any hair loss. I do it for moisture (if it's feeling dry) or just to enjoy a nice twist out.
I wahs when I feel like it! That may be once a week but this past was 2 weeks! It is a pain in the tail to be bothered with. I soooo understand why Slyver and the other long haireds (sp) wait longer! I have a love/hate feeling about wash day......:look:
I've been washing 2x each week all along (Cathy Howse method). I'm pretty used to it. The good thing is that my hair is always moisturized this way. :)
I wash once a week but condition wash every other day or once a week depending on the weather.

My hair loves moisture and when I do not wash or do condition washes it breaks off or sheds more.

I am currently shedding like an animal, so washing a bit more and it seems to be helping a bit.

Condition washes and washing is the secret to my growth.
I don't wash more than once a week, usually it's every 2 weeks in the winter and the main reason is to keep manipulation down. When the hair gets longer it takes more manipulation during shampoo'ing with de-tangling and styling and all. I keep my manipulation low which helps me keep more hair.
I wash this stuff twice a week. Except when I conditioner wash everyday for a week(really I just let water run over my hair which is in a loose pontail slap some conditioner on it let it marinate, wash it out and moisturize and oil it and put in a bun.).The co-washes really help keep my hair thick and helps it grow fast(so it seems).
I'm past BSL and I wash 1-2 times a week. Honestly it's a matter of convience for me now. The longer and thicker my hair gets, the longer it takes to do certain things (detangle, airdry, rollerset, flat iron...). I'm a full-time college student and I work so I can really only do it once a week.
I wash on Sunday and try to co-wash mid week. I have noticed my hair will start to get extra dry and extra tangled if I don't. I try low manipulation but for me keeping my ends moisturized as much as possible seems to be working best.
I love washing my hair, it keeps it from getting tangled and keeps it moisturized. I shampoo once a week, and co-wash once a week or more if I feel like it (it relaxes me, the warm water on my scalp and hair is just invigorating :lick:)

A really gently co-wash is great when I don't feel like detangling. I just put the conditioner on my fingers and gently put my hands up under my hair and distribute in a downward motion, thus barely manipulating it.
My hair is just too time consuming to wash more than once a week. With detangling and drying and styling it takes a whole day. ANd I have cut wash n go's out of my regimen because I end up w/ridiculous knots and tangles.
I wash once a week. If I did more than that my head would be sore cause it's used to being manipulated once a week. Now....sometimes when my hair is in twists and it's summertime and hot as hell, I'll rinse them and let them air dry.
I typically wash 2x a week which helps me keep tangles under control, however with the cooler weather now, I'm considering washing only 1x a week by maintaining a rollerset style.
My scalp would love it if I washed daily however my hair likes it about 2-3x a week. However, I only have the time and energy to wash it 1-2x a week. Also, I don't like manipulating my hair a lot so washing 1-2x week also fits in with that. I have noticed on weeks that I only wash once my ends to feel drier even if I add more moisturizer.