A question about conditioner?


New Member
Hello lovely ladies,

I have been wearing spiral curls for quite some time now and my hair seems to be thriving. I wash my hair once a week and redo the spiral curls with rollers. During the week if any fall I just dampen them slightly and recurl it with rollers. Airdry and go. My hair seems to be thickening up and getting longer with the removal of heat from my regimen. I am also about 3mths post relaxer. I have one more week and It will be 3mths:) . Actually I had no intention of stretching this long. The spiral curls just made it so easy and before I realized it I was almost at the 3mth mark. Usually when I wash the curls out I have to put conditioner on first so my hair doesnt tangle. I was wondering when I go for my perm next week, if it was okay to put conditoner on to detangle, leave it on so it will airdry and then go for the perm?? I was wondering if there will be some weird chemical reaction because I will have dried conditioner in my hair when I get the relaxer. I just really wanted to detangle well before my relaxer. Any suggestions???
Hi! :wave: I use regular conditioner as a moisturizer, sometimes and I used to relax my hair (transitioning, now) w/o any problems from doing so. Some ladies mix conditioner into their relaxers. So, I don't see why you couldn't leave some conditioner on your hair.
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