A new line that looks delicious: hydroquenchsystems

I filed and won my paypal dispute about my missing item from HQS. I'm officially done with this company. I wanted to like and support this company but the lack of CS plus the products not working for me just left me with a sour taste.

I've had my share of 'bad' Vendors exhibiting 'bad' Behavior. It is quite maddening to say the least.

And when you have to get a 3rd Party involved, it turns you off further.

Glad you got it resolved.
I'll be getting to some of this real soon.

Was trying to use up a couple things before I got into these.

I sold "The Slip" and Coconut & Mango DC'ers on the Exchange Forum.

What I have left is:
x2 16oz Cleansing Conditioners (Brazilian Chocolate and Coconut & Lime)
x3 12oz Greaseless Moisture
x1 Peppermint DC'er
x1 4oz Lime & Coconut Oil (open)
x1 8oz Coconut & Mango Oil (open)
I have to look through my stash but I have a few things left. Maybe like a few dcs, slip leave in, a cowash left. With me not wearing my hair out as much since I've been wearing wigs it hard to use up most of the stuff I have.
LOL!! Have you guys run her out of business? :rofl::rofl: I clicked the link in the original post and got the message
Uh oh!
Sorry, the member you are looking for does not exist. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
This company has taken my money and not shipped my merchandise I ordered the beginning of July. My order has the nerve to show up pending payment when I check my order status on the site. I will contact Paypal this weekend. I cam e on here to see if anything was going on with health wise but that doesn't seem to be the case.
This company has taken my money and not shipped my merchandise I ordered the beginning of July. My order has the nerve to show up pending payment when I check my order status on the site. I will contact Paypal this weekend. I cam e on here to see if anything was going on with health wise but that doesn't seem to be the case.
The last time I ordered from her, my order stayed "pending payment" for so long, I threatened to escalate a complaint with paypal. The next day I got a shipping notice and the products showed a few days later.
I used to stan by this lady, but she's losing credibility with me. I'd love to take advantage of the 40off, but it comes with too much anxiety. I don't have money to lose like that.
Is anyone still using their DCs, I would love recommendations?
I'm trying to finish up the Mango. It's a great protein condish. You will feel the protein. Lots of slip. The Honey Pineapple is my favorite. It smells so yummy. Both HP and the Peppermint are equal, imo. The Slip is another a nice protein, but I don't think it smells as yummy as the Mango. It's kind of generic. I really love the Go Deep for straight up moisture. However, the scent is generic to me. I think all of her conditioners have slip to them. I haven't had any bad experiences with them.
Personally, I would recomment the Mango condish if you are NOT protein sensitive, and the Honey Pineapple. These are the two I ususally buy. The HP is a "repair mask", but it has no protein and I find it acts like a moisturizer. If you like Peppermint and the "tingling" that goes along with it, then you can't lose with that one. It's another protein free repair mask.
If I were you, I'd just get sample sizes of all the condishes and use that 40 OFF code if it still works.
Back in business!! Issuing refunds and continuing the 40% off sale with no restrictions. Read about my surgery on my new blog site www.bjwdaily.com

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I'm back!! Shipping orders, granting refunds and there's a new Blog!!
Hey guys! It's been a long sabbatical. I had a Myomectomy in late Spring to remove a fibroid tumor and the website wasn't supposed to be taking orders during my recovery, although some slipped through. I explain the entire surgery process ( plus pictures, they're graphic so this is a heads up) as well as my plan to compensate all who were inconvenienced by my absence on my new blog site. The blog can be accessed from the main Hydro Quench Systems website as well... I've also extended the 40% off sale (No Restrictions) as I know lots of people weren't placing orders, due to a lack of response. I apologize. I'll be calling my customers and emailing you guys throughout the weekend.


Thank you for all of you support and well wishes!! Please be sure to check out the blog site.

- Bianca