Well-Known Member
I'll answer the ones I know about from my own experiences...
Hope this helps a little bit and that others would chime in with their experinces as well.
After reading 4 pages of post here are my Henna (Karishma) questions:
1. Is it recommended not to use lemon juice? If small amounts is okay, what do you suggest?
African Americans have naturally dry air and it is recommended to hold the lemon juice but if you are anxious for the color to release quickly add just a little bit of it to your henna mix. (personally, I do not add lemon juice because of an extremely drying experience I've had with it. I even had breakage so for me, this is a. My hair is wayy too fine for this anyway.
2. Should I be mixing the henna w/ tea? I
f yes, do I make it like I would drink it (a cup) and pour it in? You may or may not mix with tea but if you do, it should have the consistency of a yogurt-like paste. I do not use tea but many ladies do. I am uncertain of the actual benefits of adding tea to henna.
3. Do I have to let the Henna sit overnight (I want the color)?
There are differnet ways you can do this. For example, I just henna'ed my hair last night. What I did was made the henna, allowed it to sit for only about an hour applied it to my hair and slept in it overnight. The color released while it was in my hair and I washed it out this morning to save a whole lotta time.
4. How long do I let it sit on my head? Do I have to use Saran wrap? Can I use a plastic cap?
I feel that if you do not wrap it tight enough, air gets to it and it starts to dry up and this would make it harder to wash out, hence breakage might result. So what I do is wrap my hair first, then put a plastic cap over it to secure it better. Now in refernece to how long you let it sit: You can also let the color release a few more hours (6-10 hours) to overnight and apply the henna the next morning and let it sit on your hair for about 2-4 hours, cowash and DC as usual.
5. Should I use heat?
You can use heat if you like but this is not absolutely necessary for the color to deposit into your hair. I do it if I don't have too much time on my hand and I want quick results, however, I found a way around that by sleeping with it in my hair now.
6. Should I clarify first? Do I wash it out with Poo or Con?
In order for the henna to deposit color really well, it is recommended to clarify the hair first just in case there is some product buildup on the cuticle. I would recommend deep conditioning since henna is pretty drying, although you'd need to DC again afterwards as well to restore the suppleness of your hair.
Hope this helps a little bit and that others would chime in with their experinces as well.