A New Hair Type: 5a for Relaxed Heads


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has been posted before. :ohwell:

So I was looking at stuff online and I came across this site called HoneyFig.com. It has pretty great stuff on it. When searching for products you can shop by Hair Type. They have every hair type to shop by including a new one 5a. I said, What the h*ll is this? So I read and I was pretty intrigued by their insight on categorizing Relaxed hair in a class of its own because once you relax you have to treat the hair differently (Which is very true).

This is the article from HoneyFig.com:

Now, this may go against all that you have read about Hair Types. You might say that relaxed hair does not have a category of its own, but we beg to differ. Relaxed hair is definitely in a class unto itself. Once the hair has been chemically altered, you will have to respect it and treat it differently from the other types.

That being said, you should focus on the moisture retentiveness and rebuilding any lost protein. To prevent damaged to your hair it is suggested to apply a treatment oil or conditioning mask prior to shampoo, then moisture wash, deep condition (use a protein treatment biweekly and follow with a moisturizing conditioner); afterwards moisturize with a styling lotion and then, seal in the moisture with light natural oil. The reason for these additionally steps, is due to the fact that once your hair is chemically processed, its moisture retention ability is reduced dramatically; hence, dryness and breakage, if not cared for properly.

One additional factor to consider is that you should refrain from over combing the hair, once it is wet. Simply detangle with a wide teeth comb. Air dry and/or cool air blow dry. Keep brushing, to an absolute minimum, due to its fragility, and be selective with your natural bristles and paddle brushes. No circular brushes here. You can achieve great lengths, if you choose to relax your hair; you will simply have to pamper it a little more.

Do you agree? Should relaxed hair have a type of their own?

Should I start saying, "I am 4a 5a" now:look:? What do you think?
Yes. I'm gonna start saying "I'm a 5a". I've been wondering about this since I got here. We talk about hair types, but some of us have been relaxed so long that we don't remember what our natural hair looks like. And even if we did, we can't use products for that hair type because we are relaxed. We do need a hair type too! Thanks so much for starting this thread!
I knew it was from Honeyfig.com when I read the title, it's the only place I've seen it lol. Ummm...I really have no opinion on this, I used to think that all relaxed hair was the same but apparently relaxed 3-type hair is different from relaxed 4-type hair :s I asked the question once, but no one answered.
Yes. I'm gonna start saying "I'm a 5a". I've been wondering about this since I got here. We talk about hair types, but some of us have been relaxed so long that we don't remember what our natural hair looks like. And even if we did, we can't use products for that hair type because we are relaxed. We do need a hair type too! Thanks so much for starting this thread!
:yep: ITA!
No not really just because relaxed hair texture still varies from person to person. My relaxed hair is still looser than my moms. So I guess there would be 5a, 5b, and 5c? I think its easier to go by the natural hair.
Yes I agree relaxed hair should have a type of its own.

But keep in mind that not everyone relaxes bone straight. Some texlax, some texturize, some relax only 80 percent. So not all chemically altered hair is equal.
Hmm...I wouldn't think of relaxed hair as a 5 just because the hair types get curlier as the numbers increase. Since the point of relaxing the hair is to get rid of the curl I'd say the number would be in the 1's and 2's.

If I were relaxed I'd say something like "1a relaxed" if my hair were bone straight. Really, I just think it's easier to say relaxed because after the chemical hits it, the hair type doesn't matter.
Relaxed hair is different from all the other hair types and has it's own concerns. You can't treat relaxed hair like 1A nor 3B. I think a lot of relaxed people don't even know the texture of their natural hair... but I do think people get too caught up in the whole 3B 3C 4A 4B hype. If you are Black mostly likely your hair is naturally curly or kinky or you're relaxed... the whole number letter thing makes things more complicated then they need to be. I think density is more important than classifying with the number/letter thing. Like fine hair vs thick hair... I've known about the Type 5 classification for awhile... I don't think it will help or hurt... it's whatever
i agree with shtow...relaxed hair isn't all one type either. my relaxed hair was MUCH different from my sister's, which was different from my mom's.
Relaxed hair is different from all the other hair types and has it's own concerns. You can't treat relaxed hair like 1A nor 3B. I think a lot of relaxed people don't even know the texture of their natural hair... but I do think people get too caught up in the whole 3B 3C 4A 4B hype. If you are Black mostly likely your hair is naturally curly or kinky or you're relaxed... the whole number letter thing makes things more complicated then they need to be. I think density is more important than classifying with the number/letter thing. Like fine hair vs thick hair... I've known about the Type 5 classification for awhile... I don't think it will help or hurt... it's whatever

I agree. Hair typing is just way to complicated.
I knew it was from Honeyfig.com when I read the title, it's the only place I've seen it lol. Ummm...I really have no opinion on this, I used to think that all relaxed hair was the same but apparently relaxed 3-type hair is different from relaxed 4-type hair :s I asked the question once, but no one answered.

That's what I was thinking. If you make one for relaxed hair, and all hair types don't become identical once relaxed, wouldn't you need new types for all chemically altered hair from types 1-4?
I knew it was from Honeyfig.com when I read the title, it's the only place I've seen it lol. Ummm...I really have no opinion on this, I used to think that all relaxed hair was the same but apparently relaxed 3-type hair is different from relaxed 4-type hair :s I asked the question once, but no one answered.
:scratchch hrmmm i didnt think of this lol
That's what I was thinking. If you make one for relaxed hair, and all hair types don't become identical once relaxed, wouldn't you need new types for all chemically altered hair from types 1-4?

I was thinking this as well. :perplexed

They should work on fixing the hair typing system that is already in place instead of added new letters and numbers. :look:
That's what I was thinking. If you make one for relaxed hair, and all hair types don't become identical once relaxed, wouldn't you need new types for all chemically altered hair from types 1-4?

Good point. I really hope that ladies who know their natural hair type but relax their hair explain this.
I agree a little with everybody. Not all relaxed head are created equal. I can often tell someone's natural hair texture by the sheen of their hair after flat ironing.

Hair typing is way too complicated because at the end of the day we ALL need moisture, protein (not in the same quantities) and a little TLC.
I find the idea intriguing. Even though different people have different relaxed hair, once the chemical hits the strands, the need for protein replacement and a significant emphasis on moisturzing is the same.
ITA about the different levels of relaxation but I think starting a new hair type is a step in the right direction. I think there is a consensus that chemically treated hair requires special handling and care?

The porosity of my strands alone wouldn't allow some 1 type products to work for me.
I agree a little with everybody. Not all relaxed head are created equal. I can often tell someone's natural hair texture by the sheen of their hair after flat ironing.

Hair typing is way too complicated because at the end of the day we ALL need moisture, protein (not in the same quantities) and a little TLC.

My thoughts exactly!!
Just start using your natural type with a -t or -r suffix, e.g., I'm a 4br (4b natural -relaxed). YES, I just made up a new nomenclature! :lachen:
Yes trust me a 3a/b/c know they are different than 4a/b/c vice versa and etc. The truth is in the new growth. However to group all relaxed hair as 5a is not right b'c I still feel like when my 4b/c hair was relaxed I needed to use different products than other people with 3b/c hair.
I think it's dumb.

1) Relaxed hair is not a natural texture.

2) There are many different degrees of relaxed hair. From lightly texlaxed to bone straight.

3) People with different hair types relax their hair.

4) Is permed hair 5b? Brazillian Keratin is 5c? Now for flat ironed we should label it 6a. Heat trained, 6b. If our hair is colored, 7a. Bleached hair would be 7b.

Some someone with relaxed, flatironed 4a hair with highlights would be, 4a/5a/6a/7b :lol:

Get where I'm going? We don't have to have labels for what we do to our hair. Just use your words, folks. With all the things we do to our hair, we should have a lot more labels because why would we stop at just 5a?

5) We already have a word for hair that has been chemically straightened - RELAXED.

I don't think there is accurate 'typing' with relaxed hair. 3a relaxed hair behaves and responds and looks different from 4b relaxed hair. Also, there are different stages of relaxing from the lightest texlax to bone straight hair. (as evident from pix on the board alone) They're both chemically processed, but very different in texture/type.
I still believe it to be unique, lol. Hair product manufacturers classify it as different than other types by making shampoos and conditioners etc. specifically for chemically treated hair just as there are anti-frizz etc for curly hair.

Some even have warnings not to use them if your hair is relaxed. I realize its not natural though...
I guess it can't hurt to have a new class for relaxed heads. You DO have to care for your hair differently than say if you were transitioning or natural. Heck, you can bleach your hair and then you have to start doing different things.
I find the idea intriguing. Even though different people have different relaxed hair, once the chemical hits the strands, the need for protein replacement and a significant emphasis on moisturzing is the same.

Not exactly true. Chemicals touch my head and my reggie is exactly like a few naturals but nothing like relaxed heads even though I am one. I use protein when I feel like and I actually find it easier to moisturize my relaxed hair than to moisturize my natural hair.

Isn't a hair type supposed to indicate similarities in curl size and nothing else? So relaxed heads would technically be 1 if they have no curl, 2 if wavy etc. I would still be a 4a/3c :lachen:
yeah, I've seen this before. Im relaxed but my natural curl/coil pattern is 4b with a sprinkle of 4a. So when I talk about my hair I say that I am relaxed 4b with fine strands. Saying that Im just a 5a does not encompass nearly any of the characteristics of my hair. All that says is that Im relaxed...Also, since my hair naturally is tightly coiled I find that even with chemicals in my hair it responds better to products geared toward curly/kinky hair, not straight hair.
Interesting but apart from differentiating between relaxed 3a-c, and 4a/b types, they would also have to take into account what type of relaxer people are using, i.e. lye or no lye. Additionally as some people have mentioned there is also the variable of how "relaxed" the hair is. There are so many variables that I see this being as confusing as the established hair typing system has been. Buuut I get where they're going with this and their advice is pretty good. Prepoo, shampoo, deep condition and regular protein. I just hope the non-lhcfers who read this take their advice.
I agree. I did a bc twice and your hair texture changes the longer you are natural, so your new growth is not necessarily your hair type. And yes, i have to treat my hair differently when relaxed.