A little curious...Who DOES NOT Rollerset?


formerly qtslim83
I myself am considering not rollersetting anymore:nono:. Although my hair is healthy, everytime I rollerset I get alot of hair on my comb. I'm doing everything right (or so I think) but I still get clumps of hair, some of the strands are broken too:wallbash:. When I blowdry, I only get a few strands of (shedded) hair. How many of you ladies do not rollerset and why? Thanks in advance!
qtslim, I only started rollersetting a few weeks ago...before that I had only done one once or twice in my life. So it isnt mandatory....but for me its better. Im losing less hair as opposed to airdrying bc the cuticle lays flat, and my hair looks and feels much better. Blow drying isnt an option for MY hair bc Ill get split ends galore. My hair cant take the pulling and tugging when wet. I used Macheries method of detangling and I lose only a tiny amount in a rat tail comb when I used to get almost a handful of hair when Id comb it out.

What about ponytail rollersetting? Less manipulation is required than regular rollersets.... I only go thru each section with my regular wide tooth bone comb (not a rattail comb bc the sections are too big) and it still comes out smooth. I might switch over to this method for good out of laziness bc its much quicker too.
I'm currently not rollersetting my hair wet because I kinda sucked at it. I've been practicing on my dry hair, and it's been coming out really good. I want to give it another go though because my hair doesnt need to be flat ironed at all after a good roller set... Maybe the roots just a bit, but overall, no. Right now, I've been air drying or sitting under my bonnet dryer with my hair hanging down straight.

Another reason my rollersets arent coming out right I feel is because I've been using a soft bonnet dryer and not a salon style hard dryer. I'm getting a standing salon dryer, and I think that will yield better results from my sets.
What exactly is I used Macheries method of detanglin?

qtslim, I only started rollersetting a few weeks ago...before that I had only done one once or twice in my life. So it isnt mandatory....but for me its better. Im losing less hair as opposed to airdrying bc the cuticle lays flat, and my hair looks and feels much better. Blow drying isnt an option for MY hair bc Ill get split ends galore. My hair cant take the pulling and tugging when wet. I used Macheries method of detangling and I lose only a tiny amount in a rat tail comb when I used to get almost a handful of hair when Id comb it out.

What about ponytail rollersetting? Less manipulation is required than regular rollersets.... I only go thru each section with my regular wide tooth bone comb (not a rattail comb bc the sections are too big) and it still comes out smooth. I might switch over to this method for good out of laziness bc its much quicker too.
What exactly is I used Macheries method of detanglin?

Well, Im sure its common sense to most people, but Im a little slow so a light turned on for me. I did always detangle from the ends up, but I still tried to pull the comb all the way through my hair. The way she does it is just make sure its really good and wet and kind of picks the tangles out.....it works and I lose wayyyyyy less hair. No need to drag the comb all the way through your hair even when u are smoothing it to put it on the roller...u can just kind of come the surface if that makes sense and it still smooths it out.
qtslim, I only started rollersetting a few weeks ago...before that I had only done one once or twice in my life. So it isnt mandatory....but for me its better. Im losing less hair as opposed to airdrying bc the cuticle lays flat, and my hair looks and feels much better. Blow drying isnt an option for MY hair bc Ill get split ends galore. My hair cant take the pulling and tugging when wet. I used Macheries method of detangling and I lose only a tiny amount in a rat tail comb when I used to get almost a handful of hair when Id comb it out.

What about ponytail rollersetting? Less manipulation is required than regular rollersets.... I only go thru each section with my regular wide tooth bone comb (not a rattail comb bc the sections are too big) and it still comes out smooth. I might switch over to this method for good out of laziness bc its much quicker too.

Hi! I've been rollersetting for a few months now and I although I see aolt less breakage, I still get a bunch of hair loss. When I was younger and went to a stylist, she used to rollerset me and I remember seeing alot of hair too.

I've purchased Macherieamour's DVD and it's wonderful. I follow it to the "t". I even noticed less hair loss, she was actually very helpful. I just don't like seeing hair on my comb like that. In the past few months, i've also noticed that my hair is thinner:nono:
Hi! I've been rollersetting for a few months now and I although I see aolt less breakage, I still get a bunch of hair loss. When I was younger and went to a stylist, she used to rollerset me and I remember seeing alot of hair too.

I've purchased Macherieamour's DVD and it's wonderful. I follow it to the "t". I even noticed less hair loss, she was actually very helpful. I just don't like seeing hair on my comb like that. In the past few months, i've also noticed that my hair is thinner:nono:

Also...are u sure u arent losing just as much blow drying and maybe u just arent seeing it bc it blows around the room? I dunno...I just dont think blow drying is the answer to your problems...I think it might make it worse. Maybe just dry it hanging straight down under the dryer so at least then u arent pulling on it while combing/brushing it to dry? Do braidouts/twistouts work for you?
Also...are u sure u arent losing just as much blow drying and maybe u just arent seeing it bc it blows around the room? I dunno...I just dont think blow drying is the answer to your problems...I think it might make it worse. Maybe just dry it hanging straight down under the dryer so at least then u arent pulling on it while combing/brushing it to dry? Do braidouts/twistouts work for you?

Yep, I'm sure. I airdry 80% before using a blowdryer on the roots, no attachments or combs. I notice alot less hair loss this way. I only started rollersetting a few months ago before that I airdried and flatironed. Also, I don't blowdry often...I like airdrying. I've tried braidouts/twistouts before and they cause tangles. I just wanted to see if there were any other ladies that don't rollerset. I know there are a few here...
Yep, I'm sure. I airdry 80% before using a blowdryer on the roots, no attachments or combs. I notice alot less hair loss this way. I only started rollersetting a few months ago before that I airdried and flatironed. Also, I don't blowdry often...I like airdrying. I've tried braidouts/twistouts before and they cause tangles. I just wanted to see if there were any other ladies that don't rollerset. I know there are a few here...

oh well if it works for you then by all means do what works! sounds like u know what u are doing!:yep:
Today was the first one that I rollerset and when I combed, the hair that came out had very little bulbs on the end :wallbash: My hair is sooooo hard to detangle. I may go back to washing in two braid pigtails and when it dries, rollerset with a spray bottle.
I have never done a rollerset, just seems like to much 'work' for me. I airdry with fermodyl 619 in a loose bun. Once it gets 75% dry, I moisturize and seal, and tie it down with a satin scarf. My hair always dries smooth.
I have tried them, but I do not have time to roll nor sit under a drier at my current length I love the results though, but I have found that I can get the same affect for my hair by using 2 bantu knots after I have air dried my hair.

Some Long Haired Ladies use the multiple pony tail method, but I have not mastered that. Maybe later when I get some girlie time for me, then I can experiment.

I used to rollerset regularly when my hair was short. Now that it's longer, I wet wrap it. It takes less prep time.

Newbie here! First post!

I have hair neck-length hair at this time and I tried a rollerset a few weeks ago, and it didn't work for me. :sad:

I don't have the length right now and it looked a mess. So for now, I just sit under my hood dryer, blow dry the roots, and then flat iron.

I WANT to rollerset in the future, though. Maybe when I get some more length.
I want to- I really want to but I'm no good at it. My first time was a debacle- i had to pick some of the double pronged clips out of my hair. Its in my Fotki- my hair was a hot mess. I'm almost to scared to try again- but I think Ill do it as a Christmas present to myself- if i don't like it I can always regift!!!!

Newbie here! First post!

I have hair neck-length hair at this time and I tried a rollerset a few weeks ago, and it didn't work for me. :sad:

I don't have the length right now and it looked a mess. So for now, I just sit under my hood dryer, blow dry the roots, and then flat iron.

I WANT to rollerset in the future, though. Maybe when I get some more length.

:welcome4::welcome3::woohoo: Welcome to the board!
I do rollerset but. I want to stop, it's too time consuming and mine never come out smooth enough for my liking. I'm just trying to figure out which alternative method will give me the smoothest hair.
I'm currently not rollersetting my hair wet because I kinda sucked at it. I've been practicing on my dry hair, and it's been coming out really good. I want to give it another go though because my hair doesnt need to be flat ironed at all after a good roller set... Maybe the roots just a bit, but overall, no. Right now, I've been air drying or sitting under my bonnet dryer with my hair hanging down straight.

Another reason my rollersets arent coming out right I feel is because I've been using a soft bonnet dryer and not a salon style hard dryer. I'm getting a standing salon dryer, and I think that will yield better results from my sets.

OT: foxieroxienyc- them abs are awesome. :yep:
I almost never rollerset anymore because my stylist does not do it. My hair feels so good with they way she does it - my cuticles always feel nice and sealed and my ends feel great. The last time I got a rollerset my hair felt way to heavy. I think they just put too much product in. I have yet to see if I an withstand blow drying and flat ironing once a week. It is a lot of heat. But my hair is doing much better now than when I did my no heat styles of wash and go and bunning.
I just had my first successful set this past weekend. even though I didn't lose much hair at all while actually rolling the hair, it was a hot mess when I took the rollers and clips out. I had broken pieces of hair everywhere. I think maybe I was too rough when trying to secure the clips onto the rollers. I loved how it came out though, so I am going to continue practicing and hope to have it down to a science like macherie
I don't rollerset - I don't have the patience to sit in one place for long enough for it to dry, and I figure I'd have to press my roots or something anyhow, and just no. :ohwell: