A little bit angry with myself *pics included*


New Member
So, my aunt who is a licensed cosmotologist, came over to my house for the week-end and did everyone's hair. She colored (and is soon to cut) my grandmother's hair and pressed my mother's hair (I made sure my mother was wearing heat protectant). All seemed to be well. I had the strict goal of not caving into the urge to let her do anything to my hair. I was just going to rock a braid-out and call it a week-end. But the braid-out fell through and my NG was horrible, so I got the brilliant idea to ask her to flat-iron my hair. All I had in my hair was AOHSR conditioner, which I was using as a leave-in, and coconut oil. I asked her if I should put a heat-protectant in my hair, and she said "No, you have enough stuff in it already". Well, the flat-ironing ordeal took FOREVER (I had a lot of NG), and I lost A LOT of hair in the detangling process. What is more, she pressed my hair on the highest heat setting, claiming that my flat-iron doesn't get hot enough (I have an Andis wet/dry tourmaline ceramic). My hair was so stiff feeling afterward. Long story short, I feel my hair is damaged. It looks deceptively shiny (After the ordeal I put avocado oil and coconut oil in it, trying to heal my hair :rolleyes:), but all that lost hair freaked me out. I was going to wait two weeks to wash it and deep condition it, but I'm so worried that I may have damaged my hair that I want to do all of that sooner. What do you ladies think?

Right After Flat-ironing:


The Next Day:



It looks fine to me, but if you feel it may be damaged, go ahead and deep condition. Don't wait. I wouldn't wait just so I could allay my fears and/or start to repair any damage if there is any.
Its hard to see damage at times in pics , but it does look like heavy product from what I can see

it might not be damaged at all. But if it were me and I were truly worried, I WOULD hurry up to deep condition and assess my hair and not wait. You might be able to do things now that will save you a lot of heartbreak later, So check it out now

your first steps were good, the oils! :yep:

but you need to see how you hair does/feels/looks after washing/deep conditioning, or even a CoWash/Deep Conditioner, you might be able to do a protein treatment if the high heat was damaging, it might help restore your hair, so let the oils do what they do first then go take care of your hair-don't delay

your posting about this, so you probably wont have any peace until you do it and know where you stand anyway
She did a very good flat ironing job. But if you feel like it's damamged, go ahead and deep condition it.

I really think it was the products you already had in your Muffins. Sorry lady.
Well just make sure you use a good reconstructor on your hair when you wash it, up your moisturizing conditioner treatment and your protein treatments, if your hair is damaged make sure you baby it, i suggest protective styling in buns. I'm sorry your aunt damaged your hair, hope it all works out.
Girl if you'll feel better, then DC.
But I'd just moisturize like crazy each day/night and just wear my hair in a loose bun for a week or so, then try washing and DCing and seeing what's up.
Thanks ladies. I feel bad because my aunt is still here. If I were to wash it and undo all of what she did, I might hurt her feelings. She spent a long time flat-ironing my hair, and was very patient. She'll be gone tonight, so I'll probably wash and deep condition my hair tomorrow. I could be trippin' though. I asked my mom to look through my hair and feel it to see if it was damaged, and she said that it felt soft and looked healthy, but I know all that can be deceitful. I did a strand test, and it was pretty strong. Next time I do anything like this I will be using heat protectant to save myself all this worry.
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Thanks ladies. I feel bad because my aunt is still here. If I were to wash it and undo all of what she did, I might hurt her feelings. She spent a long time flat-ironing my hair, and was very patient. She'll be gone tonight, so I'll probably wash and deep condition my hair tomorrow.
well the oils will help for now

I would spare not her feelings and spare my hair

but I understand:yep:
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I think that I'm proud of you for being worried about too much heat on your hair. It looks nice to me though, I don't see anything wrong with it. What I know about other people detangling your hair for you is that they yank more and break it more.
I hope your hair isn't damaged.

But in my opinion, what's done is done, and I personally would keep it the 2 weeks you were planning to keep it straight- just don't put any more heat on it. At least you'll get a lil something out of it if it is damaged...(not that I'm saying it would've been worth it)...Anyway, that's my logic. All the deep conditioning and damage control can come after wards.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you
I don't mean to discredit my aunt's skills or anything. She really is a great hairstylist. She applied most of the heat to my roots, saying that my ends are already straight so they don't need much. She may have swiped my relaxed ends one time. The real thing that's bothering me is that fact that I didn't use heat-protectant :wallbash:. I should have known better because the conditioners and things I use on a daily basis are no-cone, so I didn't even have a lick of -cones in my hair. She told me that oils are fine to use for pressing hair, just as long as you have something in there. She's caucasian though, so she might be able to do that and not receive damage.
Thanks ladies. I feel bad because my aunt is still here. If I were to wash it and undo all of what she did, I might hurt her feelings. She spent a long time flat-ironing my hair, and was very patient. She'll be gone tonight, so I'll probably wash and deep condition my hair tomorrow. I could be trippin' though. I asked my mom to look through my hair and feel it to see if it was damaged, and she said that it felt soft and looked healthy, but I know all that can be deceitful. I did a strand test, and it was pretty strong. Next time I do anything like this I will be using heat protectant to save myself all this worry.

I hear you. Spare your Aunt's feelings. She will be gone tonight.
But as soon as she's gone, do what you feel you must! :yep:
I was in your boat the first time I got my hair pressed as a natural.. I kept it in for a day and washed it. Thank God I did because she had burned alot of my hair and I ended up having to do a lot of treatments and alot of cutting.. Go with your first instinct and DC!
I don't mean to discredit my aunt's skills or anything. She really is a great hairstylist. She applied most of the heat to my roots, saying that my ends are already straight so they don't need much. She may have swiped my relaxed ends one time. The real thing that's bothering me is that fact that I didn't use heat-protectant :wallbash:. I should have known better because the conditioners and things I use on a daily basis are no-cone, so I didn't even have a lick of -cones in my hair.

You're just LHCFer sensitive :yep:. Once we know better, we do better, i.e. heat protector when using irons.

However, try and relax. I'm sure there is no damage; if you have been caring for your hair, it should be healthy enough to resist some heat.

If your hair isn't breaking off in your hands as you touch it and it doesn't feel brittle, you should be in the clear. Let us know how it turns out.
I was in your boat the first time I got my hair pressed as a natural.. I kept it in for a day and washed it. Thank God I did because she had burned alot of my hair and I ended up having to do a lot of treatments and alot of cutting.. Go with your first instinct and DC!

Lord had mercy, let me try not to faint, lol. I don't think I'll be doing this again anytime soon.

You're just LHCFer sensitive :yep:. Once we know better, we do better, i.e. heat protector when using irons.

However, try and relax. I'm sure there is no damage; if you have been caring for your hair, it should be healthy enough to resist some heat.

If your hair isn't breaking off in your hands as you touch it and it doesn't feel brittle, you should be in the clear. Let us know how it turns out.

Thanks. No, it's not breaking off in my hands or anything. When I DC it I'll let you guys know how it goes :yep:.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I know how it is when you don't want to hurt someone's feelings, but to thy own self be true. Seeing as how it's laready Sunday and she'll be gone tonight, you might as well wait, but next time, just ask her to spritz your hair with some heat protectant because your hair is very sensitive to heat. That's what I would say. I hope all's well in the end!
Hey Muffin....

I think you've been doing really good things with your hair so there's no need to worry too much. Go ahead and DC and use a great reconstructor and you should be fine.
It sounds like you care for your hair really well and I just hope that it will be alright in the end. I would be worried too but your so sweet for sparing her feelings because she did mean well.
Thanks ladies. I feel bad because my aunt is still here. If I were to wash it and undo all of what she did, I might hurt her feelings. She spent a long time flat-ironing my hair, and was very patient. She'll be gone tonight, so I'll probably wash and deep condition my hair tomorrow. I could be trippin' though. I asked my mom to look through my hair and feel it to see if it was damaged, and she said that it felt soft and looked healthy, but I know all that can be deceitful. I did a strand test, and it was pretty strong. Next time I do anything like this I will be using heat protectant to save myself all this worry.
I would wait until tonight. I promise your hair will not fall out in 8 hours. :imo: That would be very discouraging to her and I am sure she will not be happy. If it was a few days, I would say accidentally get it wet and be forced to wash it. :blush3: But since it is just until tonight.......wait until she leaves.:yep:
I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad. I think it's more likely that your hair is fine.
When my hair was heat damaged, I FELT a difference.

I know a lot of people don't like Oprah's stylist Andre.

But he does O's hair. It's healthy and beautiful.

He says he NEVER use heat protectant and he uses the highest heat setting. He says he don't belive ANY heat protectants can protect hair styled with these hot appliances. Whether it's true or not, O's hair is healthy.

So just maybe yours is too. Your aunt sounds like a good stylist to me. But do what YOU need to do. It's your hair.

I don't mean to discredit my aunt's skills or anything. She really is a great hairstylist. She applied most of the heat to my roots, saying that my ends are already straight so they don't need much. She may have swiped my relaxed ends one time. The real thing that's bothering me is that fact that I didn't use heat-protectant :wallbash:. I should have known better because the conditioners and things I use on a daily basis are no-cone, so I didn't even have a lick of -cones in my hair. She told me that oils are fine to use for pressing hair, just as long as you have something in there. She's caucasian though, so she might be able to do that and not receive damage.
I would wait a day or two and try not to manipulate it. I thought I had a HORRIBLE setback 2 weeks ago, even posted it on here...after 3 days I noticed that I was CALMER and better able to assess my hair needs (And it wasn't so bad after all). We are lhcf-sensitive sometimes (not to downplay your feelings). Plus, you take great care of your hair. Like the above said...it can handle these things. I say wait a few days unless your gut feeling is to DC. :bighug:
Hey Muffin....

I think you've been doing really good things with your hair so there's no need to worry too much. Go ahead and DC and use a great reconstructor and you should be fine.

Thanks. Do you have any reconstructor recommendations? I currently use the Giovanni Direct reconstructor, but I'm not sure if it will be good enough. It usually makes my hair feel strong, but I might need something better if it's damaged.

It sounds like you care for your hair really well and I just hope that it will be alright in the end. I would be worried too but your so sweet for sparing her feelings because she did mean well.

Thank you. I don't want to hurt her feelings, because I would like for her to press my hair again in the future :lachen:. She's good at what she does. She got my hair relaxer straight. It's my own fault for not slapping some heat protectant in.

I would wait until tonight. I promise your hair will not fall out in 8 hours. :imo: That would be very discouraging to her and I am sure she will not be happy. If it was a few days, I would say accidentally get it wet and be forced to wash it. :blush3: But since it is just until tonight.......wait until she leaves.:yep:

Yeah, she wouldn't be happy if I did that. She takes her work seriously, and she stayed up until, like, 12:30 in the morning pressing my hair and doing my grandmothers hair. I won't insult her by washing it out in front of her face.

I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad. I think it's more likely that your hair is fine.
When my hair was heat damaged, I FELT a difference.

I know a lot of people don't like Oprah's stylist Andre.

But he does O's hair. It's healthy and beautiful.

He says he NEVER use heat protectant and he uses the highest heat setting. He says he don't belive ANY heat protectants can protect hair styled with these hot appliances. Whether it's true or not, O's hair is healthy.

So just maybe yours is too. Your aunt sounds like a good stylist to me. But do what YOU need to do. It's your hair.

Wow, I didn't know that Oprah didn't use a heat protectant. Her hair is thick and gorgeous :yep:. Thanks for the encouragement. That made me feel a lot better :).
I would wait a day or two and try not to manipulate it. I thought I had a HORRIBLE setback 2 weeks ago, even posted it on here...after 3 days I noticed that I was CALMER and better able to assess my hair needs (And it wasn't so bad after all). We are lhcf-sensitive sometimes (not to downplay your feelings). Plus, you take great care of your hair. Like the above said...it can handle these things. I say wait a few days unless your gut feeling is to DC. :bighug:

Yeah, LHCF has made me hyper-sensitive to things like heat. Realistically, I relax my hair and I don't freak out like this, and that's probably more damaging than a flat-iron. And the last time I heat styled my hair was probably almost a year ago. Thank you :).
your hair will be fine. why did you add so much oil when she was flatironing. that doesn't seem like a good idea. and that's probably why it feels still. you probably would have been better off doing it on hair with nothing in it.
your hair will be fine. why did you add so much oil when she was flatironing. that doesn't seem like a good idea. and that's probably why it feels still. you probably would have been better off doing it on hair with nothing in it.

It wasn't intentional. I had moisturized my hair earlier that day with AOHSR and coconut oil, not expecting that later that evening I'd want to flat-iron my hair (it was a spur of the moment decision). I'd read elsewhere that certain people use shea butter (which AOHSR has) and coconut oil as a heat protectant, so I let her continue.

Anyway, I have to wait it out for a bit because my shower filter broke and I have to buy a new one. My hair doesn't feel horrible, so I guess it can wait a week or so. And a positive aspect of it all is atleast I won't have to deal with taming my NG for a while. When I finally do DC my hair, here's what I'm planning on doing:

Prepoo: I'll probably use egg yolks, or something like that.
Shampoo with mild shampoo
Deep condition with Giovanni Nutrafix Reconstructor

I plan on nursing my hair back to health all of December, then sometime in January I will relax.
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IDK, I think you might be overreacting. It looks like a nice flat iron, I think it feels hard because of the conditioner you already had in it. Anyway, if it is damaged it's damaged. It's not continually getting damaged as each moment goes by, so if you want to wait to wash it, wait, it's not going to get worse in the meantime.

I hope you feel better. I wouldn't worry about it.
So, my aunt who is a licensed cosmotologist, came over to my house for the week-end and did everyone's hair. She colored (and is soon to cut) my grandmother's hair and pressed my mother's hair (I made sure my mother was wearing heat protectant). All seemed to be well. I had the strict goal of not caving into the urge to let her do anything to my hair. I was just going to rock a braid-out and call it a week-end. But the braid-out fell through and my NG was horrible, so I got the brilliant idea to ask her to flat-iron my hair. All I had in my hair was AOHSR conditioner, which I was using as a leave-in, and coconut oil. I asked her if I should put a heat-protectant in my hair, and she said "No, you have enough stuff in it already". Well, the flat-ironing ordeal took FOREVER (I had a lot of NG), and I lost A LOT of hair in the detangling process. What is more, she pressed my hair on the highest heat setting, claiming that my flat-iron doesn't get hot enough (I have an Andis wet/dry tourmaline ceramic). My hair was so stiff feeling afterward. Long story short, I feel my hair is damaged. It looks deceptively shiny (After the ordeal I put avocado oil and coconut oil in it, trying to heal my hair :rolleyes:), but all that lost hair freaked me out. I was going to wait two weeks to wash it and deep condition it, but I'm so worried that I may have damaged my hair that I want to do all of that sooner. What do you ladies think?
Did you let her do your hair from a braid out or did you shampoo and deep condition it prior to her flat ironing it? How did you lose so much hair in the detangling process?

I'm just curious, but since you made sure your mom had heat protectant on her hair, why did you ask her if you should put a heat protectant on your hair?

Since you want to spare your aunt's feelings, I would wait until she's gone and then do my hair over again.
I say go ahead and DC, do a protein if needed. The good news is that since you take outstanding care of your hair on a regular basis, one bad treatment shouldn't hurt you too much.

Your hair doesn't look damaged to me btw, but I would definitely proceed with a lot of tlc.