Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
If I have to "allow" him do anything for a change, what's that saying?
I could be misunderstanding this, but that sounds like a man needs to get a break every now then so he can remember/ be reminded he's a man.. correct me if I'm wrong..
I see what you're saying there about strenghth in weakness... I agree. But if there's balance in a marriage, IMHO, there'll be no need for either spouse to have to prove anything.
There are men who have traditionally "feminine" roles at home, i.e. cooking/cleaning/babysitting and that won't make them any less of a man.
Doing the budget can be handled by the spouse who is better with numbers, and it's not necessarily always the man. It doesn't mean she's doesn't "need" him. Cooking is for whoeverso can, and that's not necessarily the woman. It's even optimal if both cook and share in the household chores. A man secure in his manhood wouldn't see his contributions to family life as doing the "woman's job" and same for the woman .... that perception means puts either spouse in the position to take action to assuage any feelings of inadequacy.
We're in this together shouldn't translate to: You Tarzan, Me Jane OR I am Woman, I am Invincible, I am Pooped. Both are extreme opposites.
I could be misunderstanding this, but that sounds like a man needs to get a break every now then so he can remember/ be reminded he's a man.. correct me if I'm wrong..
I see what you're saying there about strenghth in weakness... I agree. But if there's balance in a marriage, IMHO, there'll be no need for either spouse to have to prove anything.
There are men who have traditionally "feminine" roles at home, i.e. cooking/cleaning/babysitting and that won't make them any less of a man.
Doing the budget can be handled by the spouse who is better with numbers, and it's not necessarily always the man. It doesn't mean she's doesn't "need" him. Cooking is for whoeverso can, and that's not necessarily the woman. It's even optimal if both cook and share in the household chores. A man secure in his manhood wouldn't see his contributions to family life as doing the "woman's job" and same for the woman .... that perception means puts either spouse in the position to take action to assuage any feelings of inadequacy.
We're in this together shouldn't translate to: You Tarzan, Me Jane OR I am Woman, I am Invincible, I am Pooped. Both are extreme opposites.
Women who 'allow' their men to lead are indeed the strongest of all women.
Yes...'we' are. We're not afraid to 'trust'. We're not afraid to be who we are as women, whiich 'physically' we are weaker in comparison to men.
Why does any woman have to work so hard at proving that she is just as strong as any man and that anything he can do, she can do, not just also, but better. Hmmmmm, no trust.
We're stronger when we 'allow' ourselves to trust 'him' to be our 'man' all the way. If I take out the trash, I'm saying I don't trust him to do it. If I pay a bill, that he normally pays, I'm saying, I don't trust him to be responsible; ;and that I'm the strong one, not him.