A HUGE difference since the shower filter!!!


New Member
OMG, my hair felt 20 times softer after showering with my shower filter. Plus, since it's a handheld I was able to wash my hair without actually getting in the shower. I did a condition wash, a good gentle massage with Aubrey's Island Naturals Cream Rinse, then I slept in (I was extremely tired) the Jojoba and Aloe Revitalizer. But when my hair was dry, it was sooo soft and shiny, no dryness what-so-ever. I am so glad I purchased this. Thanks to kasey for suggesting the sprite shower filter.
kedala, I just did a google search on sprite shower filters and of course a lot of them came up. Did you buy this in a store or online? I would love to know more about this as Getting in and out of the shower while following my hair washing regimen is quite a chore.
I ordered mine online from thstore.com. I got the white royale handheld for $45 because it has 5 different settings. They have a variety of shower filters and prices, not just sprite.
My skin loves the shower filter too. I don't have to use as much body lotion as I used to. I still use distilled water on my hair along with the shower filter, because my water is extremley hard and needs softening also. When I buy a house I getting a softening system for the whole house..plus still use a shower filter.
I know this is an old post but I wanted to testify to shower filters. I recently bought one on ebay (I saved more money this way
) called "aquasana". After 4 washes, I noticed that my new growth and texturized hair is a lot softer. I was trying to think what could I be using different then I just remembered the shower filter. For you ladies thinking about shower filters, go for it because it is sooo worth it.
I've been using a showerfilter for a little under 2 months now and while I didn't notice a difference right away, I now notice that my skin is so soft even if I don't put on lotion. So, it has to be doing something different to my hair, too! The water "feels" softer.