A Hard C & G challenge. Don't join if you can't hang.

Right now I am rocking cornrows with just my hair. I really want to put some twists in it but I am lazy. Q
my braids are a HAM. I'm not redoing them until December.

same here. i was planning to re-do them on the 16th but i haven't been able to go home; i'm still at university. i'm also going to be working here over christmas, so the earliest i can really get fresh braids put in again is mid-december when i go home for a couple of days. i cannot wait!! however, i don't even miss my hair under these braids; i could probably braid up for a good 1 1/2 years. it's a weird stage in terms of length and right now, i'm not happy with it. i loved it when it was short but as it's a little longer than a twa yet too short to get good looking twists and my twistouts aren't cute anymore. i will probably feel better about it when it's longer. my hairline is growing back very well though. it has thickened up a lot.
I'm still in. I took my cornrows with extensions out after 6 weeks (originally, I'd wanted to keep them in for 11 weeks). I am currently wearing my hair plaited in medium sized plaits with the ends secured with tiny black rubber bands. I'm loving my plaits and I'm planning to keep them in for 5 weeks. I'm still in the wig challenge and I've started deep conditioning my hair twice weekly. I'm happy with my progress :grin:.
Ladies, I will be updating the list soon. It's so many of us. There's no more signing up for the year challenge. To much time has passed. You can still sign up to do 9 months or shorter. You have up to Jan to switch from the 6 months to the year challenge. You have up to Jan to sign up for the 6 months challenge.


Hi Shyness, can you sign me up for the year challenge now? I'm loving my plaits and I want to keep my hair plaited up like I use too.:yep: Godwilling, I want to give my husband a nice gift for his birthday next November.:grin: Some healthy, thick, long hair!!!!:look:
I can't hang :nono:!! I missed my hair too much. I'm just going to grow it out the good ole fashioned way!

Good luck to the rest of you ladies!
Well i am out. I took down my sew-in last night and I just don't feel well enough to sit down for microbraids. After the baby I should feel better though. 2 more months to go!
I am still in. I will probably take my sew in out in couple of weeks. (Laughing) can't remember when I put it in. Let's see...I BC in August. The first sewin since I BC lasted about 2 month or a little over. This one I just can't remember. But the new growth is nice.this is my peak time. Everyone else get their's in the summer, mine is between October and Dec. and then again maybe in the spring. But still hanging. I still need to get some Infusium 23 I keep forgetting.
I am still in. I undid my first set of braids on friday (after 2 months). I thought I was going to keep them for 3 months, but the growth was unreal. It's even harder managing it without the braids. I'm getting some cornrows done 'moro and hopefully they'll last a month (for some strange reason, I think I'm using more product on the hair with the micros, hence my stash gets depleted earlier than planned :perplexed) I'll then braid after that for 2 more months and see what happens after that. My hairline has grown is growing out so well at the moment, I just cant wait to see what will happen at the end of the 6 months!
How's it's going ladies. I started redoing my braids. I was thinking about doing 6 months but I'm still in it for the year. I just have that I want to take these braids out ache. I will be over it in Feb. I just have to fotki hunting to keep me from taken out my braids.
How's it's going ladies. I started redoing my braids. I was thinking about doing 6 months but I'm still in it for the year. I just have that I want to take these braids out ache. I will be over it in Feb. I just have to fotki hunting to keep me from taken out my braids.

I talked to fast last week, when I said I wanted to keep my hair plaited up for a year.:nono: I really miss my hair and I was telling my husband today that I have a good bit of new growth and I should take them out. He told me to keep them in and do my edges over. He said he's glad my hair is plaited up because now I can't mess with my hair.:rolleyes: So Shyness, I think I'm going to take little baby steps and do my 6 months first. If I can hang then I would go for a year.:yawn:
I'm still hanging. Don't miss my hair at all. Still touching up one braid at a time but keep being tempted to bring out the ruler and see how many inches I've acquired. Haven't given in to the temptation yet though. Still loving the ease of whipping my "hair" into a style in no time. Don't even think I will want to take my braids out after a year. :look:
nonie, i co-sign with you! i'm not missing my hair either and i like that this is so low-maintenance. the only thing that's killing me is that my braids look like a HOT MESS :nono::drunk:. i'm stuck at university for a while because although the semester is over, i cant go home as i have a job here right now. i don't miss my hair at all, i just miss fresh braids :look:

i also think i can continue this for more than a year. in fact, i've already planned it so that i'm braided up for a good 1 year 5 months. it wont be loose until feb 09 (2nd year being natural). and even then i'll leave it loose for about one month and then braid up again in march for one month then i'll leave it out until university is over with in june 09.
Hey Tocktick,

I'm assuming what's looking a mess is mainly the roots? Well, you picked a good time to have this problem. Since it's getting cold, start sporting cute hats that hide the mess. You can do braid outs, and wear cute berets straight or tipped to the side, woolly caps, busboy caps, or floppy berets. Even a bandana would work really well with big hoops:
I'm still in. I've been wearing my hair in medium size plaits for two weeks now. I plan to keep them in for three more weeks. :yep:
I am still hanging! I took out my micros..my hair was taking over after 1 1/2 months. I switched to twists with my own hair! I keep them in until they unravel and then I shampoo and twist again. I let my hair stay out for about 4 days; waiting for my braid appt that never happened. I will continue to wear the twists until I can get them back in. I have about 2 inches of NG..I love Boundless Tresses! That stuff is da' BOMB!. Even when I lost some braids along the edges..I just added BT and VOILE...hair! my hair is straighter too. My hair is strong..I LOVE MY HAIR! here is a before and after of my hair in afros and twists..I no longer have a TWA....

TWA and First Twists 9/07


New Growth and New Twists 12/07


I am staying strong and holding on...APL here I come!:grin:
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I am having trouble with my pics..so if you want to see the before and after...Please go to my FOTKI. They are pics 27, 28 in Big Chop and pics 10 and 18 in No More TWA. (~.~)

I am still hanging! I took out my micros..my hair was taking over after 1 1/2 months. I switched to twists with my own hair! I keep them in until they unravel and then I shampoo and twist again. I let my hair stay out for about 4 days; waiting for my braid appt that never happened. I will continue to wear the twists until I can get them back in. I have about 2 inches of NG..I love Boundless Tresses! That stuff is da' BOMB!. Even when I lost some braids along the edges..I just added BT and VOILE...hair! my hair is straighter too. My hair is strong..I LOVE MY HAIR! here is a before and after of my hair in afros and twists..I no longer have a TWA....

TWA and First Twists 9/07


New Growth and New Twists 12/07


I am staying strong and holding on...APL here I come!:grin:
I want to take my hair out soooo bad! I'm going to take it down for Superbowl weekend and then make an appt to get it redone the second week of Feb before I get tempted to keep it down. After that I'll only have two months to go!
Update: Haven't had a relaxer since February 2007 and have been wearing braids since April. I'm going to redo my braids this weekend and take the opportunity to check out how my hair is coming along. I intend keep wearing braids until June of 2008 so I have about 6 months and 21 days left. I've been struggling because I miss my hair but I'm thinking that it's the winter and whos actually paying attention to hair during the cold months.
i'm dropping out :ohwell: it's not that this challenge is very hard for me (i honestly could have gone for a good 1 1/2 yrs were it not for the reasons below) but i feel like i need to work out issues i never even knew i had to confront regarding my hair before i braided up. i took my braids out last night and was impressed with the growth.

however, the issues i had to confront were as folllows: feeling prettier with extensions that with my natural hair, thinking i look androgynous at best with natural hair, wanting to relax despite relaxers having damaged my hair very badly in the past and just yesterday running into one of my peers and feeling embarrassed that he'd "caught" me without the braids. it was like being natural is some secret, "shameful" identity that i was trying to conceal. i just kept thinking that i couldn't wait until i got my next set put in :perplexed. my feeling when i ran into him really surprised and hurt me.

but then i realised today that being natural is who i am. sometimes the stares i get because of it makes me feel awkward but i wouldn't feel this way had i learned to accept myself more. i think the only way i can do this is just to go back to university next year without the straight, long extensions and show everybody what my real hair looks like. the last time they saw it was from feb-march. that "friend" has seen my natural hair but between feb/march and now, we've had a 5 1/2 month summer break and i came back with that hair. my class is predominately white and when i first bc'd i had people thinking that i'd "cut my hair" when in actuality they'd only ever seen me with braid extensions. :rolleyes:

so i guess my reasons are more...i don't know... psychological? emotional? it's not like i don't plan to ever braid-up again though. c & g pretty much confirmed to me that my hair retains more length when it's in braids. i'm just going to have my hair loose until around early feb or late jan and then i'm going to braid it up again. but right now i just need to get reacquainted with my hair and become comfortable with it and myself again.

i still think this is a great challenge and it's taught me more than i ever though it would. thank you to shyness queen for starting it. good luck to everyone still remaining on the challenge :)
still hanging in here:lachen:i will be glad when june get here i want to wear my hair out. still washing and deep con and moisturizering and sealing all in braids once a week, my hair is getting fuller only heat when i deep con my temple is still not acting right:wallbash::wallbash: i am trying like hell on one side and nothing seem to work:nono: and i am trying EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN :perplexed ALL I HAVE IS FUZZ CANT EVEN BRAID IT :nono::rolleyes::wallbash:but its growing every where eles:yep:well every body have a happy holiday and stay bless in the new year:yep:
Okay Im In, after reading all the threads, I'm on the C & G b and wagon now.:clap:

Anyways, I have had micros for the last months any how. so I can stick it thru for a year (I have worn braid for 3 years before, and had tons of growth until I took them out and relaxed my hair, wanting to look like my friend.:nono:)

Back to square one for me for a bout 2 years now, just could not get that shoulder lenght again, so the only way to achive it is braids for me.

I have had this set of braid in since last week of October 07. I will be getting my braid re-done again in January 08, I usally keep then in for about 2 1/2 months, then take them out before my hair gets weird. I will deep con 1 x a week. SPray my braids with Sta Soft Fro, and take extra care of my edges as braids makes my hair line hair weak and fragile, if I keep them in too long. wish me luck!:)
I'm still hanging in there. I'm back in twists. I recently rediscovered the joys of S-Curl, I don't know why I ever stopped using it. My hair is definitely reaping the benefits of constant protective styling.

Hang in there ladies! HHG
I did a bad thing! :look: I had an appt to get the top of my hair re-braided on Sat so I started undoing them...and then I undid ALL of them! AND cancelled my appt. It's been 3 months and I was just bored. My SO was so happy - he didn't want to let on how much he prefered my hair out -- even in a constant Bun, vs the braids.

However -- my hair is HUGE. I have about 4" of NG unstretched and it's taken over. I'll probably put braids back in eventually, but for right now I'm enjoying the break....I still haven't decided whether to transition or not -- but seeing my hair now I know I can't put that off forever. :perplexed
Hi ladies!
Still hanging in there but like everyone has been saying, it's really a struggle cos of the new growth. Right now I couldn't care less about the way my braids look!
I had my braids redone in the middle of Nov and now the roots look like a bushy bush! I just can't redo them individually cos I accidentally closed a car door on my right index finger and it's in a band-aid, we're preparing to travel for christmas and did I already mention that I couldn't careless how they look?:look:
I intend to keep scarfing the braids till I can take it no more and then I'll redo them individually.
Sorry to hear that some of the fine ladies dropped out-whatever the reasons, do what's best for you!
For the rest of the troopers, remain strong with/without the bushy bush!:grin:

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
I'm also still hanging on. I don't miss having my hair out coz I'm too lazy to deal with styling daily. I do enjoy "playing" with it while watching TV: by playing I mean satisfying my HIH disease by touching up as many loose braids as he time allows. So they're still looking fairly neat, if not all of them.

I did make a slight change though. I took the extensions out in front and twisted the hair sans extensions so now I have bangs. :grin: The rest of my hair is still in extensions.

Im in - this will be easier for me. Can I start in January. I have to take out my hair for a reveal in April (AAA and MN challenges) but apart from that I hereby affirm that I will keep my hair in cornrows twists and braids for 6 months.
I'm still hanging in there. Many are the times I am tepmted to drop, but hell naw!! I'M NOT GIVING IN. I really miss my hair, but I am just trying to think of what my patience will reap in the long run :yep: That's what's keeping me going as of now. But the new growth :lick: meeeeeen! Just two more months. I'll have to braid or do something that I know will last me those two remaining months. else the 'devil' :grin: might tempt me otherwise.