A different wig everyday?

Would you/do you wear a different wig everyday

  • Yes, variety is the spice of life. Wigs are an accessory and I like to mix it up!

    Votes: 21 17.8%
  • No, that's crazy to switch up everyday.

    Votes: 64 54.2%
  • Sometimes I like to swap it up, but I mostly keep it the same.

    Votes: 28 23.7%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 5 4.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I've noticed a woman at work who wears a different wig everyday.

Example, this weekend. Friday she wore a midback length wig with ringlet curls. Saturday it was a asymmetrical bob with highlights. Sunday it was a short Halle Berry like wig.

Everyday people do a double take when they see her. One of my (white) coworkers asked me how she changed her hair so much. I was like :lachen:

I know when I wore a wig, I tried to wear the same one at least that week. I think I was just trying to maintain the illusion. Am I alone in this?
HEck! NO, My cousin and me had this discussion, I said I wanted it to seem more natural. I WAS TOLD I didn't know how to wear wigs, and I wasn't a Real wig wearer (R U SERIOUS, is that even a title) I was told if I was a real wig wearer I could wear long today short tomorrow.

I said SOrry I just kind of want to give an illusion of Real! LOL, and anywho what is a real WIG Wearer. I felt I have about 13 wigs, I felt like one would qualify me.
I would wear mine for at least a week then switch up. Only once or twice did I change in the same 2 or 3 day period.

Wasn't really going for an allusion, just kept that one out and ready for the next day.

But I guess she enjoys wearing wigs like some folks change up shoes everyday. Sounds like an accessory as well as the way of doing hair styles.

I have to admit I would be intrigued to see her come in every morning.
I've done that when I had a bunch of half wigs, but it was every few days. Since regular wigs are a bit more expensive, I don't do that as much. But I think it's fun and it takes away the pressure of feeling self-conscious about wearing fake hair (at least in my case it did). Everybody knew I wasn't trying to fool anyone.
Just to also say I wear wigs of similar lengths, like curly shoulder, straight shoulder, wavy shoulder. I like to give an illusion of natural. YEt I do have wigs that are different colors that like in my avatar that are obviously a wig, but my lacefronts are all to give the illusion of natural.
Do we work together? LOL

I have 2 strand extensions in right now but usually I am a wig wearing lady. I love my different wigs and just when someone at work or my real life friends think they know how I'm going to wear my hair, I have a different style. I style my real hair differently alot (but maybe not everyday b/c I have better things to do than style differently everyday)too. Whatever floats someone's boat, I don't see the big deal.
I've done that when I had a bunch of half wigs, but it was every few days. Since regular wigs are a bit more expensive, I don't do that as much. But I think it's fun and it takes away the pressure of feeling self-conscious about wearing fake hair (at least in my case it did). Everybody knew I wasn't trying to fool anyone.

me too! I switch probably like every three days or so and even rock my natural hair in addition to weaves, in between wig cycles; I have been working at my place of business for 7 years and I work around children who are very very curious and honest :lachen:

So switching it up shows people that I really don't take myself or my hairstyles that serious! Everyone at my job who wears fake hair I know and it's sad when they try to front like it's theirs and I think other people tend to be harder on them because of that

BUT that being said; I do tend to buy a nicer quality of hair that looks realistic and I don't think it's that's obvious to people who don't know me; they think it's a weave (or so I've heard :blush:)
I change styles every week

I dont care.

One coworker was like "your length constantly changes!" I smirked and told her I was a genie and left.
Absolutely not and I think its kinda tacky to go from red, to jet black, halle berry cut to MBL within days of eachother:nono: its like hey! look at me! I have fake hair on my head!!:meme::ohwell:

I like to keep things realistic even when I'm wearing fake hair...I would do different looks with the same texture and length and keep that up for at least a week or two before I switched the script.
I'm wearing wigs as another way to PS so I get bored after a while. I really don't care what people think or wonder. Last week I wore three diffrent wigs over the course of 5 days. One was long and curly/wavy w blonde highlights. Then I wore a shot bob like one that was dark brown streaked with lighter browns. Then on Friday I wore a shot asymmetrical blondish one. I loved it! I see it this way: my makuep isn't the same every day and I don't wear the same clothes every day so why would I wear the same hairstyle (wig) every day?
Whenever I wear my wigs, I switch them very often. Some days I like a curly look with my outfit or long hair..It depends my mood and such.
I switch often, different colors, styles lengths. I usually wear a wig for a few days then switch it up..depends on my mood. Everyone knows I wear wigs..fun to see reactions and hear the comments daily.
I don't have a problem with it. I've just recently discovered half wigs as a protective style and I LOVE :love: them! As my collection grows, there is no shame in my game with switching up. I'm not going to lie anyway if someone asks me about my hair...people have...and I tell them it's a wig. I'm not trying to fool anyone, I'm just enjoying rocking new and pretty looks...and since I have my own hair that's getting healthier, stronger and longer by the day....I don't feel self-conscious about wearing different wig looks....because just as soon as someone has something to say about my hair choices, I can show up with blow dried, flat ironed BSL hair (that is mine) and shut them allll up....so....whatever.

I admire the ladies who wear their wig styles for THEM...and not with the concern of what others think. Git it ladies! :yay:
I like to keep it consistent for at least 2 weeks. Then I'll change it up. My wigs generally have a similar texture to my hair so people have been occasionally fooled. I'll probably wear the one I recently bought for the next year :lol: or at least until I get sick of looking at it. But as of now, I love it :love:
I wear different wigs to the office all the time. I have even worn highlights one day and all dark brown the next. lol lol

The White coworkers do comment that I "change my hair so often" but they mostly do not ask questions about my hair.

One coworker, biker type guy, asked me on a conference trip (at the bar after a few drinks) about my hair changing so much. He admitted that he thought I just got new weaves put in almost each week. lol lol
I will wear a different wig everyday if I want to. I don't see anything wrong with it. Sometimes it depends on my mood, the weather, whether I feel like dealing with really long hair or not. Sometimes it depends on which hair looks best with the outfit I'm wearing. :look:
To me it's the same as wearing your natural hair up, down, spiral curled, braided or twisted. Variety is the spice of life.
It also lets you know who is really looking at your face and paying attention (vs. who is just remembering your hair).
I change mine so much that a friend of mine calls my wigs "Hats." He's like which "hat" are you gonna wear out tonight...lol...I get bored really reasily, so I can wear one wig for a week, then another one the next, Then my real hair. Just on Friday, I wore a puff in the morning and a wig at nite. I luv changing them. When I wake up, I'll be like "Hmmm, Do I wanna be Diana or Franchesca today?"
I don't see anything wrong with it... if ppl know it's a wig and you like the variety then why the heck not?
I am thrifty and it seems a bit expensive to change wigs daily, unless the wigs are rotated until they need to be replaced. I wouldnt do that where I work but the weekend I definitely switch it up. I am not trying to pass it off as mine, but I dont want the hairstyle to just be so apparently a wig. I appreciate a wig more if it has a realistic appearance.
Just to also say I wear wigs of similar lengths, like curly shoulder, straight shoulder, wavy shoulder. I like to give an illusion of natural. YEt I do have wigs that are different colors that like in my avatar that are obviously a wig, but my lacefronts are all to give the illusion of natural.

Um. . .. just out of curiosity, what brand and style are you wearing in your avatar. I think it's cute.
As long as the wigs aren't high-shine and extra cheap looking, do your thang. Otherwise you just look like a cheap hooker. (all of the hookers in movies wear a variety of cheap wigs. LOL)
whatever floats your boat. i try not to concern myself with what the next peep is doing/wearing.

as long as it looks good, you can change your wig every hour for all i care.
Why not change it up. There are worst things that you can be doing. Live it up. Who cares if someone knows? What are they going to do, sue you? It's like an accesory. We know that most woman don't have perfect red lips one day and pink the next. It's an illusion. It's about having fun.
If I could do this I swear I would, but due to the type of job I have wearing different hair would be a distraction and plus I would get the "side eye" from folks.
When I wear wigs, I usually wear the same one for a long time. I don't switch my real hair up either. I only like short wigs, and there are only a couple that I like, so it's not like I would have anything to change up with anyways.
I feel you OP. We are HERE. But Its a wig, obviously she doesn't care if people think its real or not. Everyone knows its fake and she's not trying to front like its not.

Different strokes for different folks right? Some people look at wigs like an accessory to their style. Yall remember how Regine from Living Single was.
I have a nice variety of half-wigs. I switch them often :lol: the only thing consistent about my wigs is that they are all 1b. :yep:

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