A&D Ointment for growth?????

Lady Kay 21

New Member
My mom told me shes using this to grow out her hair, and I remeber their was a thread a while back about it, but it wasnt very specific. Any ladies using or have used this as a growth aid. and does it really work???:perplexed
My mom told me shes using this to grow out her hair, and I remeber their was a thread a while back about it, but it wasnt very specific. Any ladies using or have used this as a growth aid. and does it really work???:perplexed

OT-- LMAO I just threw a tube of this away the other day as I was saying to myself- why do I still have this and my son is no longer in pampers. :lachen:

I'll think twice before I start getting rid of ointments these days.
LOL! My mom uses the regular one not the cream, and her hair has definitely grown longer than mine in less time. She doesnt even take care of her hair the way I do. shes known for overlapping relaxers, not covering her hair before sleeping, no moisture whatsoever and she even uses that nasty brown gel all the time. I feel like everytime I come home for break her hair is longer and longer and I always wondered how she retained so much length when she doesnt even take care of her hair. one day as she was telling me not to wash myhair so frequently :ohwell:I noticed her rubbing it on her scalp. When I asked her what she was doing she just stared at me blankly and said that the A&D oinment was what made her hair grow. Earlier today i asked her what was in it that she thinks is giving her the growth and she said it has cod liver oil in it....:perplexed
I started using this about three weeks ago, and I am seeing a lot of new growth. :grin: I have about an inch of new growth, which for me is good because I only get half an inch per month.
I'm four weeks post and I am going to be in braids until the end of april or the beginning of may. I will do a big reveal with comparison pics and all that good stuff by may which is when I'm taking out my braids!:yawn:
So, does this tingle when you put it on your scalp? I've been using A&D for my daughters diaper rash but never even thought it would sped up hair growth.

I can't wait to see your big reveal!​
Mine has petroleum and light mineral oil in it's ingredients. Does this mean that it should be avoided or does it really matter?
a & d as in the ointment that you use for minor cuts and scrapes and such. The kind that used to come in a white and yellow metal like tube?
Sounds like the principal would be the same as MN. The A&D kills bacteria and yeast that can inhibit growth and cause flaky scalp. Flaky scalp blocks follicles so preventing or treating it would appear to increase or optimize growth rate.

A bit less embarassing to buy than MN though. :look:
The ingredients are: cod liver oil, lanolin, petroleum, light mineral oil and microcrystaline wax.
i'm not one of those people who are against mineral oil and petroleum and it works for me so im using it.

The brand is A+D original ointment brand.
Hmmmmm....like Soliel said, less embarassing than MN. I stay getting looks with my 3-4 boxes of MN at the register. Never fails.
The ingredients are: cod liver oil, lanolin, petroleum, light mineral oil and microcrystaline wax.
i'm not one of those people who are against mineral oil and petroleum and it works for me so im using it.

The brand is A+D original ointment brand.
Thanks for the ingredients.. I'll have to pass. I've given up petroleum products.
Sounds like the principal would be the same as MN. The A&D kills bacteria and yeast that can inhibit growth and cause flaky scalp. Flaky scalp blocks follicles so preventing or treating it would appear to increase or optimize growth rate.

A bit less embarassing to buy than MN though. :look:

i used it on my son when he had craddle cap. it did help fill in the dry bald patches he had.