A Compelling Reason (for me) to Go Natural


With Love & Silk
I'm NOT going natural, but if I ever did it would probably have a lot to do with the fact that I do not like depending on a stylist. I am a do-it-yourselfer, but I can't self-relax. I've tried--wasn't pretty.

I woke up this morning at 5 am to get ready for a 6 am salon appointment. She was not there! This once happened to a friend that I referred to her also.

I remember specifically asking my stylist when we made such an early appointment if she was sure she'd be there at 6 am. I called her and she was wide awake and just said she'd accidentally put me down for next Friday. I am off work for the summer and I ABHORRED getting up so early this morning, so imagine my feelings when I got there and she wasn't there. She said she would be on her way shortly. I did not want to wait, and asked to reschedule.

Normally, that would be it for me. I would not continue patronizing her business after such conduct. But I am trying to practice giving out grace, as I know I am given some everyday by God. Plus, she has taken the effort to get to know my hair and does not have a problem listening to and indulging my suggestions.

Anyway, she did apologize and I told her I forgive her. Then she thanked me and said she was glad I was not like other people. While I felt good that I acted beyond rational in this situation, I had to raise an eye at the "not like other people" comment, because it made me wonder "okay, how often DO you do this?"

Thank you my dear sisters, for letting me vent!
Wow...I applaud how you handled yourself with her. I have very little patience for people who waste my time. You definetely have good karma coming your way. You get an A+ for your understanding and patience with your stylist.
You did good. People have off days and the fact you showed grace and understanding should be applauded.
I'm gald you handeled it like that. I'm natural and I have in the past had problems with stylist literally taking all day to do my hair-(blow dry/flat iron) I think in genral (natural or relazed) some stylists can be very unprofessional. Since that happened to me I haven't gone back.
Next time she does this to you you know not to go back. If she wants to keep her customers happy and get paid she will be a professional. I know if I wanted to get paid and took it seriously I would have been up @ 5. But sometimes you do have to give ppl the benfit of the doubt.
Natural or relaxed if you are dealing with a stylist to do your hair you may be subject to this. Heck I used to go to a BARBER to keep my boy cut cut short and cleaned up (I had less than 1 inch of hair) and that fool was 45 minutes late on an appointment I had on the books! I arrived *drove 30 minutes after work* and NONE of his staff would tell me where he was.

I left out that day without a cut and never returned and decided at that point to grow my natural hair out! It was ridiculous and I was a loyal customer who always tipped well. Go figure.
This was my reason for going natural....after I left New Orleans, I couldnt find a stylist who got it right...it being, the sense of professionalism, and the talent I was accustomed to. I will never again take any foolishness from a stylist that doesn't have it together. Hair services are not cheap, and I'll be:censored: if I let someone have me in a shop all day, then make a mess in my head. I'm taking my SO's approach. If we go to a resturant, and the the server isn't handling business quickly enough, we are out of there. If I make an appointment (I'm on time) and I'm not in the chair at that time, I'm just going to leave. Yes sometimes there are legitimate excuses for people being late, but we all know thats not always the case, and I'm not taking it anymore.

I guess I need to go learn how to buy a nice wig..not a lace front though...i'm still wet behind the ears on that one
I think you did the right thing to forever her, but I'd try self-relaxing before I went natural.
I can't tell you how many times my stylist would come late for early morning appointments, or didn't come at all, or was over booked, etc. I am so thankful to God that I went natural and don't depend on a stylist for nothing. I can see your point, these stylists though human are something else. This is one of the only fields I know where you are paid to abuse people in one way or another. :sad:
Natural or relaxed: independence and self-sufficiency has its benefits. God bless your longsuffering 'cause when that happened to me, I did not give the stylist another chance.

and "going natural" is more than just a notion.... Don't do it out of anger/rebellion against hairdressers. That's like burning up your own town in racial protest (that's on my mind as this month is the 40-year anniversary of the Detroit riots....)

That history tidbit didn't cost y'all nothin':afro::peace:
I commend u for being nice about the situation.
I am n a customer service oriented position and if I ever makea mistake I would offer a discount so when u told this story-u would b endin it with that. then u wouldn't hav such abad taste n your mouth. sorry about the typin - I'm on my cell phone

Natural or relaxed: independence and self-sufficiency has its benefits. God bless your longsuffering 'cause when that happened to me, I did not give the stylist another chance.

and "going natural" is more than just a notion.... Don't do it out of anger/rebellion against hairdressers. That's like burning up your own town in racial protest (that's on my mind as this month is the 40-year anniversary of the Detroit riots....)

That history tidbit didn't cost y'all nothin':afro::peace:
I'm NOT going natural, but if I ever did it would probably have a lot to do with the fact that I do not like depending on a stylist. I am a do-it-yourselfer, but I can't self-relax. I've tried--wasn't pretty.

I woke up this morning at 5 am to get ready for a 6 am salon appointment. She was not there! This once happened to a friend that I referred to her also.

I remember specifically asking my stylist when we made such an early appointment if she was sure she'd be there at 6 am. I called her and she was wide awake and just said she'd accidentally put me down for next Friday. I am off work for the summer and I ABHORRED getting up so early this morning, so imagine my feelings when I got there and she wasn't there. She said she would be on her way shortly. I did not want to wait, and asked to reschedule.

Normally, that would be it for me. I would not continue patronizing her business after such conduct. But I am trying to practice giving out grace, as I know I am given some everyday by God. Plus, she has taken the effort to get to know my hair and does not have a problem listening to and indulging my suggestions.

Anyway, she did apologize and I told her I forgive her. Then she thanked me and said she was glad I was not like other people. While I felt good that I acted beyond rational in this situation, I had to raise an eye at the "not like other people" comment, because it made me wonder "okay, how often DO you do this?"
Thank you my dear sisters, for letting me vent!

That's what having Christ Jesus:grin: "in us" will do . Give her a second chance ...if she continues then you make other arrangements

How many times have you tried? I can relax myself like a pro.....NOW, but it took me years to perfect it. I'm glad now b/c there were many times I couldn't get to a stylist and had to take care of myself. Have you tried the suggestions of others here? There have been so many great tips that I've adopted that have left my hair soft and healthy while cutting my time in half.

As for ole girl, if you're going to keep her around, I would handle her like a two-year old. I would tell her EXACTLY the day, date, and time and make her repeat it back to me. I would also check AGAIN one to two days before the scheduled appointment. (Have her repeat day, date and time to you that she has written down. Don't give her an out by telling her. She could say "yeah, uh huh" without really checking it.) If she messed up again after that, you will need to find someone who truly values your time and money.
I can't tell you how many times my stylist would come late for early morning appointments, or didn't come at all, or was over booked, etc. I am so thankful to God that I went natural and don't depend on a stylist for nothing. I can see your point, these stylists though human are something else.
This is one of the only fields I know where you are paid to abuse people in one way or another.

It's so sad...yet it's true ...:nono:
Wow...I applaud how you handled yourself with her. I have very little patience for people who waste my time. You definetely have good karma coming your way. You get an A+ for your understanding and patience with your stylist.

Ain't that the truth.