A Cautionary Tale (Pictures Included Of Course)

aww sorry about your disappointment/setback but I'm sure you will gain those inches to WL by December especially since she is going to try something in September.
It looks good Janet! I am looking at the ends and they look so much better than your starting picture. You know that your hair has grown just look at the roots! :yep:
Now with the TLC that you and your stylist will give it, it will start to retain. I can't wait to see the darker color. I am sure it will look stunning.

ETA: Thanks for having the courage to share the pictures. We got ya back!
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I feel your pain my hair is about the same length as my avi, thicker but I haven't been able to retain because I have had to trim off the rest of my blonde, mine was super light because I had blue and green over that. It was spliting little by little and I have been dustinging and cuting... growing and cutting. Its dissapointing but I know that when its ready my hair will be longer and stronger. I hennaed over it and that has helped a bit but I haven't even taken pitures in a long while... I don't want to see that its the same length.

Cheers to stronger hair!
I agree with those that said that you hair appears to be thicker. The ends may not be what you want but it is getting better over time. :yep:

You also seem to get good growth which is evident by how much dark hair showing now. :clap:

Once the blond parts are all gone, there will be not stopping your progress. Stay encouraged. You are doing a great job. Just remember to stay away from blond hair color. :grin:
Your hair is beautiful. No worries as you will quickly rebound from this temporary set back.
((((((HUGS))))) janet, Good progress and im saying this because the ends seems to have thickened up. It summer girly you will see the fruits of your labor in Dec :) :) dont give up.
DSD got skills - wow!!

Janet - sorry you're not where you want to be right now - it's only temporary. You'll definitely reach your goal length before you know it!!

Your hair looks great, swang it!
So sorry :bighug: that you didn't get the length you wanted YET. I know you are going to have some awesome progress come December. HHG beautiful lady
:bighug: Janet, be encouraged. Your hair is gorgeous, and I'm sure you will make your hair goals. If you decide to go darker, you could always add tracks of blond to get the color you want without the damage.

i feel your pain! been there and done that. i stayed at the same length for a year once...and it is very upsetting.

but remember, your hair is beautiful!!!! the bright side is that you didn't lose any length or need to do a major chop because of damage. that would really suck.

you look lovely. just lovely.

and remember what hershey said. you can always add blonde tracks. DSD can do that for you.
Hey there chica :bighug:

hope you feel better. that was a whole lot of news to get from one session. you were definitely not being a drama queen.

my hair is going through a thickening not lengthening period as well and it's definitely discouraging. but THICK IS GOOD. thicker hair is stronger and healthier so the news is not all bad.

with your new resolve i'm sure you'll reach your goals by december :yep:

btw: it's too bad henna and chemicals don't play well because otherwise your blond colour would give you a brilliant red with just 1-2 applications :sad:
Tbh, this thread scares me lol

I just coloured my hair red and I hope it doesn't stall my length (or take away any length)
Despite the color issue you hair is very pretty(beautiful) and I can see where it has grown and thickened up/filled in compared to your earlier picture.
Your hair is beautiful and thick and waaaaay longer than mine! I won't be at your length until the end of 2012. By that time, your hair will be butt length lol!

And as far as color protecting your ends, I think that is so true because I have only a temporary color on the front of my hair (Midnight Black by Natural Instincts Clairol) and those strands are noticeably thicker than the strands I didn't color. In fact I often refered to them as being "coated" because that's exactly how they look -- in feel and by sight. So I think the color will definitely help. -- Also I don't know if the darker color you're going for is going to be permanent or not. But I know you like light colors. I have had this midnight black in my hair since May 9. It's only supposed to last 7 washes. (and it comes with a 2-week color refresher). But since I only wash my hair with a sulfate shampoo (my weekly washes are cowash or sulfate free) once a month my color is still going strong, so much so that I'm almost tempted to do more sulfate washes just to get rid of the color because it's really hanging on! So maybe you can do that instead of a permanant dark color since you don't really like the dark colors. At least it won't be a permanent change to a color you don't like.
Janet' I concur with what everyone has said about your ends. They are thick and beautiful! It is a blessing that you have a stylist that can help you achieve your hair goals. It will happen in no time!
Janet' even though it may not be the length you desired, it looks healthier than ever! Your ends look thick and yummy :lick:. I can't wait to see what your hair will look like in the future once dontspeakdefeat gets your hair back on the path of what you want :bighug:
Tbh, this thread scares me lol

I just coloured my hair red and I hope it doesn't stall my length (or take away any length)

mikimix I labled this thread "A Cautionary Tale" for a reason :nono: :nono: Here's the thing though! Red is a much darker color than blonde--so don't think that all color is bad--it's not--and honestly, if I were not concerned so much about retention, the blonde would be just fine- I would just wear it till it grew out and then continue on from MBL...I'm actually looking at doing a red next and dontspeakdefeat seems to think that's a good choice for me...Other things of course, do matter- are you relaxed or natural? Is your hair prone to breakage anyway? Are you willing to invest the time/energy into maintaining a healthy head of tresses (i.e, deep conditioning, protein treatments, utilizing low manipulation/protective styling)? These are all questions that you might have wanted to ask yourself before you colored...If you feel good about those answers, don't worry! You'll be fine!

Did she offer any tips for growth with those of us who color to cover gray?

LadyRaider--dontspeakdefeat was so shocked by how much grey that I had, it really took her back--she said that she had never seen anything like it!!! She mentioned that for those who color, there is a "newer" process called "blending" that blends the grey in with the color instead of covering them...but honestly, she said that people--scientists are trying to come up with something that can overcome grey hair, but it is super strong and other than rinsing, perm color, and/or blending--there isn't really much else that can be done!!
It looks good Janet! I am looking at the ends and they look so much better than your starting picture. You know that your hair has grown just look at the roots! :yep:
Now with the TLC that you and your stylist will give it, it will start to retain. I can't wait to see the darker color. I am sure it will look stunning.

ETA: Thanks for having the courage to share the pictures. We got ya back!

wavezncurlz Thank you for the ETA...I was very close to not posting because I know how *WE (really including myself in this)* really love progress pics--so I was like, "'What do I look like posting a progress pic with NO DOGGONE PROGRESS :nono: :nono:...But the encouragement and upbuilding remarks are just what I needed!
Your hair is lovely. Now that you know what's been stalling your progress, you can take steps to address it.:yep:

See you at WL by Thanksgiving. :hiya:I'm calling it.
Girl your hair is beautiful and at least you didn't lose any length. I know you were disappointed but a lot of people would kill for your hair! You will get tp where you want to be!
Hey Lady!!

Thank you so much. I was an extreme pleasure being with you and doing your hair yesterday. Clients like yourself are the reason why I have so much fun doing what I love!

I am so glad that you had the courage to post. It is tales like these that help other ladies who maybe going through the same thing get through it. You are truly a "Hero"

I was looking at some of you pictures in your album and contrary to your belief, I see a lot of progress but I will discuss my evaluation when I talk to you later.

Your hair is truly fabulous and I really do believe that when can turn things around so your next update will be "I Finally Made it to Waistlength!" HHG


ITA w/everyone else - it looks even better than before!

BTW, sorry about harassing you last night about the pics :blush: You know how we get carried away with even a rumor about a length-check :lol:
It is disappointing to have a setback. However, your ends have thickened up very nicely and dontspeakdefeat did a wonderful job. :yep: