A Burden.....


Well-Known Member
Have you ever had a burden for something or someone, it takes your sleep away?It fills your mind all day? It causes you to weep before God continously? Thats how I've been feeling for people that don't know Christ. Especially for the ones who are deceived and think they know Him but they really dont. I've always felt bad for them, but this burden has been especially heavy. Like push my plate away, and just stand in the presence of God type of heavy. It's like my spirit cries out for them. My problems and situations have seemed soooo small, since I've gotten this burden. It makes me mad at the devil,it makes me hate sin even the more. Last night, I was laying in my bed and I began to think "God how many people have died in the last minute and didn't know you"?

I see these false prophets giving false words and false hope. There are people that are really hungry for God, but these wolves in sheep clothing are driving them away.In prayer God told me "My sheep are wandering, they are lost. No one to repair them, no one to heal them. Where are my shephreds?"

Yall lets arise and preach the Gospel like never before. There is a remnant out there. Let's live the word of God, let lift Christ up, so that He may draw all men unto Him. Let's not compromise our standard to fit in with the world. Let us be crucified so Christ may live in us.

God Bless
Have you ever had a burden for something or someone, it takes your sleep away?It fills your mind all day? It causes you to weep before God continously? Thats how I've been feeling for people that don't know Christ. Especially for the ones who are deceived and think they know Him but they really dont. I've always felt bad for them, but this burden has been especially heavy. Like push my plate away, and just stand in the presence of God type of heavy. It's like my spirit cries out for them. My problems and situations have seemed soooo small, since I've gotten this burden. It makes me mad at the devil,it makes me hate sin even the more. Last night, I was laying in my bed and I began to think "God how many people have died in the last minute and didn't know you"?

I see these false prophets giving false words and false hope. There are people that are really hungry for God, but these wolves in sheep clothing are driving them away.In prayer God told me "My sheep are wandering, they are lost. No one to repair them, no one to heal them. Where are my shephreds?"

Yall lets arise and preach the Gospel like never before. There is a remnant out there. Let's live the word of God, let lift Christ up, so that He may draw all men unto Him.
Let's not compromise our standard to fit in with the world. Let us be crucified so Christ may live in us.

God Bless
I feel the same way! I feel like the church lacks zeal! We have to ignite that passion and serve God wholeheartedly and do something for him! His heart is with the lost and with those who sheep who are wandering without a shepherd! But I just have this nagging feeling that the watchmen are sleeping...I'm about to do what I can in my own sphere to spread the gospel. I have to do it! It's his will that I do it!
Yes! Yes! Yes!!

The shephreds (not all) are no longer seeking the face of God, but they are seeking to please men. Therefore the sheep go lacking.

I feel the same way! I feel like the church lacks zeal! We have to ignite that passion and serve God wholeheartedly and do something for him! His heart is with the lost and with those who sheep who are wandering without a shepherd! But I just have this nagging feeling that the watchmen are sleeping....
I feel you on dying to live for Christ! I started a blog, I'm about to go hard sharing the word on it and whatever way I can. I have been reading Don't waste your life by John Piper and it really has gotten me fired out. Sorry Mr. Piper, but it's so my anthem right now! If you have time, please read the prayer by him at the end of the book--it so eye opening.

Yes! Yes! Yes!!

The shephreds (not all) are no longer seeking the face of God, but they are seeking to please men. Therefore the sheep go lacking.
The 'watchmen' have been weary, for many bear the burden (such as yourselves) that others have not yet carried.

I think of Moses in the heat of the battle. As long as he kept the 'Rod' upheld, the children of Israel were winning the fight. However, his arms would tire and begin to lower down, and that's when the 'Children' were being beaten. So Aaron and Ur stepped in and each girded up the arms of Moses and he held the Rod again up high. They continued to hold Moses' arms until the battle was over and won.

The watchmen need armour bearers; everyone needs to pitch in and do what God has called them to do. :yep:


Firstly, let me say I thank God for people intercessors' who take heed to God’s call to travail for lost souls. I believe that is the only reason I’m alive today because someone fasted and travailed before God for my soul. That is why I have made up in my mind to do the same. Sometimes you may be travailing for people you don’t know or will never meet.

Many times during prayer, I’ve felt the urge to pray for a particular thing for another person. Then there are times when someone’s face will come before me and I began to cry out to God the burden would be heavy. Often my burden is for the souls of our children especially those growing into adulthood. Recently, God touched my heart to fast and pray for my nephew. God is moving in his life. By faith God is going to save his soul and his children.

Jesus is soon to come I believe that is one of the reasons why God is dealing with the prayer warriors so heavily. In addition, we don’t know what lies ahead for this nation and world. I also believe that is another reason for our heavy burdens. Only God knows for sure, but I too am going to keep praying…


Firstly, let me say I thank God for people intercessors' who take heed to God’s call to travail for lost souls.

I believe that is the only reason I’m alive today because someone fasted and travailed before God for my soul. That is why I have made up in my mind to do the same.

Sometimes you may be travailing for people you don’t know or will never meet.

Many times during prayer, I’ve felt the urge to pray for a particular thing for another person. Then there are times when someone’s face will come before me and I began to cry out to God the burden would be heavy. Often my burden is for the souls of our children especially those growing into adulthood. Recently, God touched my heart to fast and pray for my nephew. God is moving in his life. By faith God is going to save his soul and his children.

Jesus is soon to come I believe that is one of the reasons why God is dealing with the prayer warriors so heavily. In addition, we don’t know what lies ahead for this nation and world. I also believe that is another reason for our heavy burdens. Only God knows for sure, but I too am going to keep praying…

InVue... I know that I am a product of someone else's prayers and intercession. I was just a 'kid' and thought that I knew God and that because I 'thought' that I was a nice person, that I was Heaven bound.

Not so... Oh not so. :nono: I was surely bound for hell and but the grace of God and the loving people that He placed me into the lives of, I would not 'Saved', I would not know Jesus, I would not be written in the Lamb's Book of Life...

SOMEBODY prayed for me... I thank God for placing me into their hearts for surely I could not have done it for myself.

Praise God!

Alicialynn86 Thank you for posting this thread. It's surely giving glory to God and how much He wants "ALL" to be Saved. :yep:
Amen Shimmie!

Thank God for the 'Watchmen' who weren't sleeping whom God placed me onto their 'watch'.

Thank God they had the mind and heart of God to neither 'slumber nor sleep', and that the same God who watches over Israel was watching over me.

Thank God! Somebody... prayed for me. The little hard head that I was gave them no other choice. I wouldn't listen because I thought they were being a nuisance with their 'talk' and 'tryna' invite me to Church and I wasn't hearing none of it, cause according to me, I knew God already.

It is no small wonder that women of God such as Alicialynn, Sidney, You InVue, and so, so, SO many others here and outside of this forum, who have such a heavy burden upon their hearts, the hard heads aren't listening.

But praise God, they WILL listen for God is not One to give up on those whom He loves.... In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Have you ever had a burden for something or someone, it takes your sleep away?It fills your mind all day? It causes you to weep before God continously? Thats how I've been feeling for people that don't know Christ. Especially for the ones who are deceived and think they know Him but they really dont. I've always felt bad for them, but this burden has been especially heavy. Like push my plate away, and just stand in the presence of God type of heavy. It's like my spirit cries out for them. My problems and situations have seemed soooo small, since I've gotten this burden. It makes me mad at the devil,it makes me hate sin even the more. Last night, I was laying in my bed and I began to think "God how many people have died in the last minute and didn't know you"?

I see these false prophets giving false words and false hope. There are people that are really hungry for God, but these wolves in sheep clothing are driving them away.In prayer God told me "My sheep are wandering, they are lost. No one to repair them, no one to heal them. Where are my shephreds?"

Yall lets arise and preach the Gospel like never before. There is a remnant out there. Let's live the word of God, let lift Christ up, so that He may draw all men unto Him. Let's not compromise our standard to fit in with the world. Let us be crucified so Christ may live in us.

God Bless

There is definitely a famine for the unadulterated word of God! I did some videos of Youtube, but they were things the Lord gave me and I have to get a camera, but I feel such a pull to go harder for God, because people are being deceived right in the pews and led to hell! I really feel the urgency. The Lord has been dealing with me about that and really going in prayer for those he lays on my heart!! Wow looking at the board wow! God is awesome and he speaks loudly and universally because we have like 2 seconds to go!