9 Reasons Why Being Single is Good for you


Well-Known Member
Reasons Why Being Single is Good For You

As a single man of God in my season of singleness I’ve spent years studying the beauty, love, gift and purpose of singleness. Many singles act as if being single is like a disease. The truth of the matter is that true singleness is a very important step before getting married. Singleness is about becoming spiritually, emotionally and financially whole without dependence on another man or woman. From Adam we learn that he was going about his life in the Garden of Eden doing what God told him to do. God had to interrupt him to let him know he needed a help meet. This lets us know as singles we should have our focus on what God has called us to do. This week I am going to explore 9 reasons why being single is good for you:
1. Being happy alone is a prerequisite before we can have a successful marriage or serious relationship. We have to learn how to be happy alone. We can’t allow emotions or emotional brokenness to cause us to seek out people just for companionship or a warm body because we are alone. Being able to be alone with God shows emotional health and spiritual maturity. Having a healthy concept of self will allow us to truly love our future mates without reservations or co-dependency.
2. Singleness gives us the ability to have all our attention on God. Paul teaches us in 1 Cor 7:26-28; 32-35 that an unmarried person should be concerned about the affairs of the Lord. Singleness is a time for complete devotion to God. This is the season where we grow our spiritual roots. When we get married we have to divide our time between our mate and our call to God.
3. Singleness is our opportunity to develop character and heal from deep emotional wounds before we get married. When we neglect to take the time to heal we only hurt ourselves and others.
4. Singleness is where you learn to become an asset and not a liability.
5. Singleness is where we learn our Godly roles for being a husband or wife and develop relationship skills .
6. Singleness is where we determine our value system. I don’t believe in lists, but I do believe in having common values and character in a potential mate or dating partner.
7. Singleness is where you become financially stable and learn to be a proper steward of what God gives you.
8. Singleness is where you prepare yourself to be what you are expecting from a future mate.
9. Singleness is where you learn to manage your emotions and not allow emotions to be your decision making tool. Don’t live in the moment of emotions and do things you will regret later or that will cause consequences not easily changed.
What other reasons can you think of?
This is a good post, especially when it seems like everyone around me is getting paired up and married and looking at me like, "Um, so when are you getting someone?" :ohwell:
Assets mean you contribute to the progress and growth of the relationship. Such as you can contribute financially with your own career or knowing how to properly budget an one-income family, spiritually by being a strong praying and bible centered woman, emotionally by not making emotional decisions all the time etc.

Liability means your a taker in the relationship. You take and spend his money like there's no tomorrow, he carries you spiritually in everything, you are emotionally draining him by being unsupportive, nagging, combative, etc.

I like this post. Can someone please explain number 4 to me?
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I was going to come in here and disagree with the title, but after reading the article I agrue. Great points.

It is important to have some time to yourself and reflect on some of the things mentioned. Some people go from relationship to relatiobship without EVER taking a break and reflecting and taking stock.
Why were you going to disagree with the title?

She's not alone, my initial reaction was: being single can be good for you? I usually do not feel this way, I've been single for five years and I have my good and bad days like everyone else.
3. Singleness is our opportunity to develop character and heal from deep emotional wounds before we get married. When we neglect to take the time to heal we only hurt ourselves and others.

I agree and disagree with this point. You can deal with some things about yourself that you are aware of. Yet there are some wounds you're not even aware of that only the intimacy of a marriage can force you to address like issues you may have had as a child toward your parents, etc.
4. Singleness is where you learn to become an asset and not a liability.
6. Singleness is where we determine our value system. I don’t believe in lists, but I do believe in having common values and character in a potential mate or dating partner.
8. Singleness is where you prepare yourself to be what you are expecting from a future mate.

I especially agree with these points.

I get so annoyed with women that want there husband to look like Boris Kodjoe/Idris Elba, dress like David Beckham, got money like Diddy, educated like Barack, and love Jesus like Paul the Apostle. Yet, she not even half that and its like, "What make you think if this man existed, he would be attracted to you (physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually)?" "Besides your list of demands and credit debt, what do you offer him that contributes to his bottom line?"

Thank you for posting this!!! I have a friend that continues to get into relationship after relationship, and fails to realize that at the end of the day, if you don't like who you are by your self, just because you're with someone doesn't mean you will all of a sudden fall in love with yourself. Thats just not how it works!