9" of Hair and APL..HOW MANY????


Well-Known Member
How many of you have 9" of hair on your head from the root and are APL? I just wanted to know if that was a avg or not. I have only 9" from the root and I am APL. I was getting little discorage when I had been that length for some months now but I remember this may not be my heavy growing months. I was about to wear my hair out again and I realize that some of you have been hiding your hair for a year or more and still not a lot of growth and I am crying at a month or 2. So what I have decided is to try not to check my length again until the end of the year.

I am number 6 barly on the shirt.


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Im a shortie with a short torso so 9 inches was APL for me.

I am currently 10-11 inches and I am near BSL. For my body 12 inches is BSL/MBL I know cuz 12" weaves hang that long on me. And my 14' kinky straght hair is nearlw WL.

I try not to get too caught up in inches. I go by body landmarks.
same here 9 - 10" would be BSL for me too. I do go by inches and body landmarks. I count inches because it lets me see if all of my hair is growing around my head so I measure different parts of my head to see if we are still keeping up because I am layered.
My hair hasn't made that much of a progress in the Winter times, but it has been from about March til about now. It has upset me too and sometimes I felt like it didn't grow either but I've reassured myself that with just keeping my hair healthy and my body healthy it'll grow to what I want it to be. It's almost summer now, so hopefully you will be getting the growth. I know exactly how you feel, I could have had 1.5 inches more hair if my growing went the way I want it to go. But keep focused on keeping you and your hair healthy and pay no mind. I'd die to be APL right now.

Sad thing is my hair is about 9 inches on so many places on my head at this moment just not at the back, just sticking to SL here but everywhere else it's collarbone and beyond =/ just have to stay focused and in the game!
Thanks KumakoXsd I know we will be strong and keep focused. But the one thing that I am happy about is that my whole head is staying in tuned with each other. So I don't see any damage.
I guess it is funny once you took it out by itself. I didn't mean it in that way. I'm just saying that some ladies have said that.

yea that's why I said I knew you probably didnt mean it... but I had to read that part twice lol.

but that shows the importance of proper methods and handling. you can PS all you want but if you are detangling right or dont care for your ends all the PS'n in the world wont help with retention.
Hi I'm short with a short torso - I have about 8 inches of hair and I'm about 2 inches from APL, so yes, you're about right there. Not long to go for you - keep going :yep:
I am tryin to get to BSL by the end of the year if not longer so I can be closer to my goal of WL LOL
I'm 5"1, my nape would be apl at 9 inches I think.

My goal is for the hair up a little higher than nape to hit it tho so that hair needs to be 10 inches. Its 8 inches now, so by fall I should be there. I'm getting so excited and impatient to finally be past sl.

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I'm 5'9 with pretty average proportions (I think), and APL is a smidgen above 9.5" on my body. I currently have 9" of hair.

BSL is just a couple of inches away from APL, and WL (my ultimate goal) is at around 19/20".
@Shadiyah all this talk of length got me wanting to pull out my measuring tape. *and maybe take these nioxin vits. I have.
:lol: I know right that is my weakness. I am always measuring. what I am going to have a problem with is not measuring until the end of the year. But we have to be strong !!!!
I'm 5'9 with pretty average proportions (I think), and APL is a smidgen above 9.5" on my body. I currently have 9" of hair.

BSL is just a couple of inches away from APL, and WL (my ultimate goal) is at around 19/20".

From what I see on me I have 3" left for BSL and from my APL to WL is 10 more.
11 inches would be full APL on me.

Thats my goal for year end. I think at 11 inches it will hang freely to APL even with a little bump to it. I think at 10 inches I'd have to be pulling it/be bone straight.

I haven't really measured the other goals yet, bc I'm just been so focused on APL. I am thinking BSL will be like 14 and MBL at 17. And I have no idea about waist. Id say maybe 20. I was just able to wrap my mind around the possibility of MBL, I haven't really considered WL at all yet.

eta: these numbers are based on the hair just above my nape. I don't go by my nape.
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Okay so I just measured the length to be APL on my back from my nape. For me it is 10-11 inches to be APL. However, I did not check with my hair because my hair is in extension twists. I am hoping I will be APL for my length check in July.

ETA Oh I am 5'4.
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I'm tall, standing about 5'8" but am all legs. APL on me is about 9 to 10 inches and BSL is somewhere around 14 inches I think.
I have been cornrowing my hair and hiding it under a wig for a year now and retained almost all my length -- making SL in that time. I hope to be APL in another 10 to 12 months continuing the same routine since it's easy an works well for me.
What has helped me a lot with the anxiety about growing my hair is to stop looking at it and tugging on it all the time to see my length. Take a picture now and wait 3 to 6 months and take another picture. The difference will be more noticeable and reassuring. HTH!
So how much more do you have to go to get there???


I have 3.5 inches to go:ohwell:, which makes it til the end of the year. I am been bunning my butt off because of a set back I had a couple of months ago.

Thats my goal for year end. I think at 11 inches it will hang freely to APL even with a little bump to it. I think at 10 inches I'd have to be pulling it/be bone straight.

I haven't really measured the other goals yet, bc I'm just been so focused on APL. I am thinking BSL will be like 14 and MBL at 17. And I have no idea about waist. Id say maybe 20. I was just able to wrap my mind around the possibility of MBL, I haven't really considered WL at all yet.


Exactly, I could be very close to APL at 9 inches, however I would be stretching the heck out of it to make it look APL:lol:. 11 inches is APL without the struggle,lol.
I am a measuring maniac...in the beginning of May I had to turn over my measuring tape to my SO because I was obsessed...he is supposed to return it to me in Nov...since then I have begged and pleaded for it back but he is steadfast and refuses(I would hate for him to be my AA sponsor)...anyway I know my hair has grown since I transferred custody it was 11.5 inches when I relinquished her and i hope to be at least 14 by Nov....I miss her terribly

her=measuring tape
omegachick31, take it one day at a time.

I didn't measure to APL. I straight went to my waist. I'm currently 7" from my nape and from my nape to my waist is 16" - I can't say I'd want waistlength, but since I stay in a bun (esp. since my setback) its all good.

If the average for APL is 9", I suppose I have two more inches to go. My length sponsor (my son) says I'm almost at APL, but I'm not seeing it. I won't be concerned with length checking until next relaxer - I'm shooting for December.
I am a measuring maniac...in the beginning of May I had to turn over my measuring tape to my SO because I was obsessed...he is supposed to return it to me in Nov...since then I have begged and pleaded for it back but he is steadfast and refuses(I would hate for him to be my AA sponsor)...anyway I know my hair has grown since I transferred custody it was 11.5 inches when I relinquished her and i hope to be at least 14 by Nov....I miss her terribly

her=measuring tape

LOL :lachen: That is so me... that is what I am saying I have to do.
My hair is 9" and just got a cut 2 weekends ago back to blunt APL.

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@omegachick31, take it one day at a time.

I didn't measure to APL. I straight went to my waist. I'm currently 7" from my nape and from my nape to my waist is 16" - I can't say I'd want waistlength, but since I stay in a bun (esp. since my setback) its all good.

If the average for APL is 9", I suppose I have two more inches to go. My length sponsor (my son) says I'm almost at APL, but I'm not seeing it. I won't be concerned with length checking until next relaxer - I'm shooting for December.

I guess we all have sponsors lol