9" of Hair and APL..HOW MANY????

Girl my sponsor checked again and was like "ummi, you are at APL" Then I said, okay but not full APL. I need more layers to be there.

He turned around and walked out of the bathroom.
Girl my sponsor checked again and was like "ummi, you are at APL" Then I said, okay but not full APL. I need more layers to be there.

He turned around and walked out of the bathroom.

Masha Allah... you are there girl own it.
I am getting ready to show where my daughters is right now it is longer than I thought. I am really not likin the way my ends are feeling after I use that Jane Carter CDC in it I am getting ready to honey and cond over night so I can get my feel back.
Wow...I guess I need to break the flat iron out if APL is around 9" to 11" on everyone (on average). I just measured root to tip on the front of my hair and its just a tad over 12". Hmmmmm
I am 5.7 tall and full APL for me is 11inches:perplexed
but i am happy to have a high waist, which means that waist length is at around 16 inches!
i have between 9.5 inch and 8 inches(back) of hair, i really hope i can make it by the end of the year! (providing i leave the scissors alone:nono:, i am a scissors happy in recovery)

I'm 6'1 and my hair in the back measured 10.5 inches after my recent trim, so I am no longer APL. Full APL is 11.5 inches for me...hopefully in two months I will be there.
I'm 5'4". Currently my lonest hairs are 13 in. Im currently 1in away from BSL so BSL would be 14in on me. Its 4in difference between APL and BSL (I wear my bra low). So 9-10 inches would calcuated to APL for me but I didn't measure my strands at that time. I just did today and did some calculating.
I would love to be BSL by the end of the year so I can stay on track for WL but we will have to see if there will be any set backs.
I've solved the mystery of why I wasn't claiming APL. I have 12" from the top of my head down....but 8" from the nape down. So I have to grow a little further at the NAPE in order to be able to claim APL.
Okay so I was beginning to think I was crazy or disfigured...I was able to con by sponsor into just measuring my nape area to my bra strap according to him my hair will hit the middle of my brastrap at 14.5 in....that just seems really low and possible farther down then what I and he considered MBL...so I'm like am I wearing my brastrap too low or I'm the only person whose brastrap is lower than their MBL point...oh for you smarty pants no my lady lumps aren't saggy...
I must have line backer shoulders or have a learning disability cuz I'm measuring 11.5-12" to APL on me and I'm 5'4".:perplexed and this is from the nape.
I must have line backer shoulders or have a learning disability cuz I'm measuring 11.5-12" to APL on me and I'm 5'4".:perplexed and this is from the nape.

We are the same height. I'm thinking the difference is between TRUE APL and close-enough. On me, I agree its going to be in the 11 - 12" range for true APL. I will probably skim it in a few months or by the end of the year.
yes @ omegachick31 it maybe you wearing it low. so what lenght are you now?

Shadiyah Girl he would not measure my actual hair..he is like a hair Nazi!...only measured from the point one my nape twists started to the brastrap..I can't wait till Nov when I can get my measuring tape back...sigh...
11 inches would be full APL on me.

Same here. And it took FOREVER to get there. :ohwell: Unfortunately, my crown grows fastest and is easier to retain and is currently 14-15 inches. I have to trim it more frequently so it doesn't look ridiculous. I wish I had those 14 inches in the back.
We are the same height. I'm thinking the difference is between TRUE APL and close-enough. On me, I agree its going to be in the 11 - 12" range for true APL. I will probably skim it in a few months or by the end of the year.

makes sense. thx
I am a measuring maniac...in the beginning of May I had to turn over my measuring tape to my SO because I was obsessed...he is supposed to return it to me in Nov...since then I have begged and pleaded for it back but he is steadfast and refuses(I would hate for him to be my AA sponsor).---..

when I am talking about 9" I mean 9" of hair not 9" from nape to apl my hair measure 9" but 10" would be full apl. so 13" would be bsl because I only had about 3" away from BSL.
when I am talking about 9" I mean 9" of hair not 9" from nape to apl my hair measure 9" but 10" would be full apl. so 13" would be bsl because I only had about 3" away from BSL.

All around? I measured my hair from front...that is currently just over 12" but my hair at the nape is 8". So I have a really full SL but its going to be about 6 mos or so for me to get to APL.
I must have a huge head, because I'm short and my hair had to grow to about 14 inches (measuring from the crown to the ends) before I could claim APL. :ohwell:
Oh! I saw some of the previous posts and saw that the majority of you were measuring your hair from the nape of your neck. In that case, then 9 inches is right for me.

But why would you measure your hair from the bottom? Aren't the majority of your hairs (from the crown down) longer than the bottom if you have a blunt cut, and therefore provide a more accurate representation of how long your hair is?

When my stylist measures my hair, she does it from the crown, because most of my hair (except for the stuff in the back below the top of my ear) is about the same length as the crown hair.:look:
Oh! I saw some of the previous posts and saw that the majority of you were measuring your hair from the nape of your neck. In that case, then 9 inches is right for me.

But why would you measure your hair from the bottom? Aren't the majority of your hairs (from the crown down) longer than the bottom if you have a blunt cut, and therefore provide a more accurate representation of how long your hair is?

When my stylist measures my hair, she does it from the crown, because most of my hair (except for the stuff in the back below the top of my ear) is about the same length as the crown hair.:look:

For me, I measured from different areas of my hair to understand why if 11-12" is "average" length that people were claiming APL, why I wasn't able to do the same. I happen to have 12" from the crown but I am not APL yet.

Soooooo....I measured from the nape for two reasons:
1) Because you see lots of people take pictures claiming APL but grabbing a little section of hair from the nape.

2) Because I needed to figure out why I wasn't able to claim it when I clearly had the length within the "average".

Basically, I think for me to be able to claim it, I will need to be somewhere in the 14-15" range.
I must have a huge head, because I'm short and my hair had to grow to about 14 inches (measuring from the crown to the ends) before I could claim APL. :ohwell:

if your hair is in layers you would have to measure the nape of the hair to see if that part is already apl I have layers that is why my hair is the same number all the way round no matter where I measure. I hear some of you saying that you have 12" on top and 8" in the back that is because you are even all the way around and when I say that I mean when you wear your hair do all of it is falling at the same length. you have to cut your back short to meet the rest of your hair. I am not ready to do that and that is how I normally where my hair but not ready to cut the back of my hair off.
and I am reading and the 14-15" or so that you are claiming is in the crown of your hair and the nape is not 14" I guess you wouldn't be at apl you have to go by what ever the nape say if you are not layered. just measure the nape of your hair and tell me that num.
For my hair to be APL I would need 12" in the back and 17" in the front. Height and neck length make the required inches for APL different for each of us. I'm 5' 3", but I guess my neck is a bit longer than average. My current length is a little less than 5" and I am CBL. 9" of hair would make me shoulder length.
I knew I had a big head, but this is ridiculous! My hair at the nape is 7-8" and from the top of my head is 12" and just reaches past CBL. I have just about 2" to go before APL. My retention has been way off lately, so I have to step it up to reach APL by December length check.