6 Month Progress since joining...pics insidie


New Member
Hey Ladies! I cant believe its been 6 months since I started on my journey, I can believe the progress I have made.

Day 1

Day 60


Day 120

Day 210

Ignore how stringy it looks. I just needed to comb it but I was impatient. I just took my braids out and I wanted to trim because my ends look a little thin but I can't until the bootcamp challenge is over. I also just got a bone straight relaxer.

Thanks for all your knowlegde and support. Big shout out to Patient1 cause girl those braids grew the hell out my hair! :kisses: :notworthy
Thanks guys for all the wonderful comments

My regime is pretty simple (well maybe not so much). And considering I am a true product junkie I am sticking with Aveda . Im a 4a/b relaxed. I wash on Tuesday (Shampoo/Conditioner) & Saturday (Prepoo/Shampoo/Deep Conditioner). If I had a really sweaty workout I will do a Co-Wash during the week.

1) Pre-Shampoo with using Aveda Sap Moss Nourishing Concentrate(OMG this stuff gave me a brand new head of hair). Slather on damp, newly clarified hair and sit under the dryer for 20 minutes.

2) Shampoo- Aveda Hair Detoxifier to clarify (2x per week); Aveda Damage Remedy Shampoo

3)Conditioner- (1st) Deep condition with Aveda Damage Remedy Treatment then I follow it with Aveda Damage Remedy Conditioner (20 mins under hood dryer). This leaves my hard super strong and moisturized.

4)Rinse out (dont towel dry) and apply ULI Leave in and CHI Silk Infusion (this makes my hair feel like silk).

5)I will put my hair in one big braid and let it airdry

2x per day moisturize with ULI leave in, seal with coconut oul and sleep with a plastic bag on wrapped a satin scarf.

NO flat-irons (if I must maybe every 3 months with CHI 1 inch iron), blow dryers and curling irons.

Rollersetting with magnectic rollers and wrapping for straight look or leaving ends out for sexy bouncy wave look when I have somewhere special to go.

Oh I wear a bun everyday. And I know that this, in combination with baggying every night, have helped me maintain and retain my hair.
Ok, I've been silent for awhile.....but this is amazing :eek:

Very very good job!!!! Congrats on the growth.
Cholet, your hair looks FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin: You have done an awesome job with it!!!!!

You better grow on girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Keep up the beautiful work, sis!!!