$6.50 membership paid - I want my Monies Worth!!


Well-Known Member
:grin: Hi ladies,

My name is Nasdaq! I've been a lurker on this site for a little while now. I've learned alot, and felt like today would be the day to make it official and just pay the d@m $6.50. I'm excited about my new purchase, and the prospect of gaining new friendships in the process!

More about me: U.S Army Reserves soldier Hooah!

I'm a 3b/c natural haired diva. I've been natural for a little over 6 years now. My hair is currently grazing SL. I'm very interested in henna and ayurvedic haircare. I enjoy working out..so much so that I've considered one day soon becoming a figure competitor. Ok, I think that's enough for now. Any more questions, please hit me up!
Welcome, so glad you finally paid that $6.50.

We have another figure competitor here. Her name is brownchiq. I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning her name.
Welcome! Fellow Soldier here......active duty and currently deployed. I've been natural for 10 years and joined LHCF a few monts ago. I've used and still use henna, cassia, and amla......all out here! And questions......let me know!
Hey there!!! Glad you decided to join us, as I recognize you from Fab Hair Project. When I saw your name, I was like "What is she talking about, she's already a member here?!". My mistake, but welcome and enjoy your stay.