5 Steps To Recover From Product Junkism


Well-Known Member
Are you someone who gets wind of the next “magic in a bottle” hair product and run immediately to get it?

Do you have shelves upon shelves of hair products but still go to the store to buy more?

Do you use something once and then put it down and go buy a new hair product before you even finish the jar for the other one?

Do you have income set aside JUST for hair products that’s $60 bucks or more?

Do you constantly ask about new products to use in your hair even though you aren’t even finished with the ones in your closet?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, YOU MY FRIEND suffer from Product Junkieism!

But there is help. I myself am i a former product pusher who had to ween myself off of buying everything when i step foot in the store. I would stand on an isle for hours upon hours upon hours on end reading labels and buying products even though i already had tons in my closet that i hadn’t even scratched the surface off. Nowadays if i do go crazy in a store, i’m stocking up on my staples.

STOP FALLING FOR EVERY SINGLE LITTLE WHIM THAT YOU GET ABOUT A NEW PRODUCT BEING THE “BEST THING” SINCE SLICED BREAD! It may actually be good , on somebody else’s hair. So now you have spent your money on a product that doesn’t even work well in your hair and you could have used that money for something else.

STOP LYING TO YOURSELF AND TELLING YOURSELF THAT YOU NEED MORE AND YOU HAVE 5 BOTTLES AT HOME! No body in the world needs that much gel, conditioner, shampoo, whatever the hell else you buying. And at that it’s not even the same conditioner! I could see if it was on sale and your getting it while it’s cheap, cool. But if you can’t even see the walls of your closet, get out of denial, don’t buy anymore, and CONTROL YOURSELF!

Make a promise to yourself that you are only going to buy something new once you run out of 1 product. If you have millions of products, promise yourself that you are only going to buy something new if you run out of 2 or 3 of your bottles of products.

IF YOU HAVE FOUND WHAT WORKS FOR YOUR HAIR STOP LOOKING TO FIX SOMETHING THAT’S NOT BROKEN! If your deep conditioner works fine, USE IT. If your conditioner works fine,USE IT. If your moisturizer works fine, USE IT. Stop looking for something better when you have already found what works. This way you can truly see if the product works well in your hair as well as save money. Give it a chance before you go cheating on it sheesh…

AND FINALLY STOP LOOKING FOR A PRODUCT THAT WILL TURN YOUR 4B HAIR INTO 3C. ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN! I find that alot of the product junkie’s , when i was one myself included, have not accepted the fact that their hair will never look like the next person’s hair. Mwezdi’s hair will never look like Empressri’s hair. But each head of hair is beautiful in its on way. I would kill for either one of these women’s hair but you, the PJ, have got to stop comparing apples with oranges. It just doesn’t work. Every style doesn’t look good on every natural just like every product doesn’t work the same on every natural. It’s just not how nature intended. So stop trying to alter your hair texture thinking “if i could just find that one product”. If you hair doesn’t have a curl pattern it doesnt have a curl. pattern! Nothing is wrong with that, you just have to find styles that work with your hair.

Just a post for fun :grin: http://strawberricurls.com/2011/06/30/5-steps-to-recover-from-product-junkism/
IF YOU HAVE FOUND WHAT WORKS FOR YOUR HAIR STOP LOOKING TO FIX SOMETHING THAT’S NOT BROKEN! If your deep conditioner works fine, USE IT. If your conditioner works fine,USE IT. If your moisturizer works fine, USE IT. Stop looking for something better when you have already found what works. This way you can truly see if the product works well in your hair as well as save money. Give it a chance before you go cheating on it sheesh…

AND FINALLY STOP LOOKING FOR A PRODUCT THAT WILL TURN YOUR 4B HAIR INTO 3C. ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN! I find that alot of the product junkie’s , when i was one myself included, have not accepted the fact that their hair will never look like the next person’s hair. Mwezdi’s hair will never look like Empressri’s hair. But each head of hair is beautiful in its on way. I would kill for either one of these women’s hair but you, the PJ, have got to stop comparing apples with oranges. It just doesn’t work. Every style doesn’t look good on every natural just like every product doesn’t work the same on every natural. It’s just not how nature intended. So stop trying to alter your hair texture thinking “if i could just find that one product”. If you hair doesn’t have a curl pattern it doesnt have a curl. pattern! Nothing is wrong with that, you just have to find styles that work with your hair.

These two are the truth!!!!!
Why are you trying to blow my high? What have I ever done to you?

*shuffling around while scratching body parts that don't itch*
I think I've been cured of product junkyism :yep:. Been cured for a little while now I think. Well, my main issue was constantly trying new things. I just got tired of spending all my money on hair products. I've just about tried it all anyways and what really put things in perspective for me was looking at what has been consistent and appreciating what hasn't failed me. I still may try stuff every now and then, maybe, but for the most part I'm pretty much done. I've found my staple shampoo (so glad I took the chance on that terressentials), conditioner, leave in, and moisturizer. I know what my hair likes and loves so that makes it easy to just stick with things that work and keep it moving. I don't really need variety with my hair products anymore.

Can't say the same for my body stuff. I've grown very fond of Lush as of late.lol What can I say? I love to smell good. Its no where near my hair product junkyism though.

I can't say that I ever expected to change my hair though. :ohwell:
I can't say that I ever expected to change my hair though. :ohwell:

I think there is a lot of truth in what she said regarding this because there are too many threads (too many....too too many threads) asking for products that will "pop" one's curls, or make one's hair feel silky, or make one's hair have more hang time or hair heavier to decrease shrinkage...too many to count.
I'm just like :look: and stroll on by.
I was border line PJ. I wanted to try everything. But I'm following my budget. So until I hit the mega millions, I can't afford to be a PJ. Everything in moderation I suppose.
If being a product junkie is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Took the words right out if my mouth. I actually like trying new things out and having a variety of things to rotate that my hair loves.
No difference from my make-up, shoe and clothes junkyism. If there's room in my budget I will buy.

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There are folks that just like trying stuff for the sake of it being new...and if so take a break from the boards at all costs!! And hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo wallet from Coffee cause her reviews will have you singing "please please please" like James Brown!
Buying products is my hobby. I dont care about the latest/greatest, my hair is where I want it to be health-wise, and my regimen doesn't change, just the products. As long as I can afford it, I aint hurtin nobody.
I too was a product junky and had tons stored away "for future use". Then one day DH cured me. Here's my story...

DH: Why do you want me to pay for your next Gucci purse or Benz service when you can pay for it yourself?

PJ: (In my sweetest DW voice) But, but, I don't have it in my budget.

DH: If you stop buying and giving away hair products, you will. Just sit down and calculate how much you spend on hair products versus how much you give away.

PJ: (Looking downward and speechless...)

DH: And don't think I don't see you giving away hair products to your sisters and nieces in those shopping bags.

I've been cured ever since and DH buys nice things for me again. :giggle:
I too was a product junky and had tons stored away "for future use". Then one day DH cured me. Here's my story...

DH: Why do you want me to pay for your next Gucci purse or Benz service when you can pay for it yourself?

PJ: (In my sweetest DW voice) But, but, I don't have it in my budget.

DH: If you stop buying and giving away hair products, you will. Just sit down and calculate how much you spend on hair products versus how much you give away.

PJ: (Looking downward and speechless...)

DH: And don't think I don't see you giving away hair products to your sisters and nieces in those shopping bags.

I've been cured ever since and DH buys nice things for me again. :giggle:

Well thats 1 way.. lol
In terms of being a "Product Junkie Lite", I learned not to buy from new companies based on the bad to horrible experiences people have had here and NC; from spoiled, rotten products to the multiple 'gates over the past year with horrible customer service to match.

I usually let the dust settle before ordering anything new.
hides in shame. Yes I am a junkie, from clothes to shoes to make up to exercise equipment to hair products. The cycle continues.
Are you a PJ when you are new to the board? Or do you get a grace period while you try different things to see what works? :grin: It took me damn near two years of buying up stuff to *sorta* figure out what works. But by then, its hard to stop.
Well, actually... I don't think I really have a problem :look:

Denial is the first step

I just made an inventory of everything I have that is hair related and not edible.

Silk Dreams Whip My Hair Cleansing Cream
Silk Dreams Vanilla Moisturizing Conditioner
Silk Dreams Destination Hydration Conditioner
Silk Dreams Shea What Conditioner
Silk Dreams Leave-in Conditioner
navratna oil (um, it was a gift)
Dabur Jasmine Hair Oil (um, my friend sent me this too)
Trader Joes Nourish Spa Shampoo
Trader Joes Nourish Spa Conditioner
Lianage Shea Butter Relaxer
Lianage Shea Butter Neutralizing Conditioner
Nupur Henna
Karishma Henna (For goodness sake, it was a gift)
Hana Henna (I still don't know if this is indigo or not)
Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner
1 oz Sample of Nature's Gate Biotin Conditioner
approx 2oz of shealoe butter that I mixed myself :look:
La Bomba Deep Conditioner (I need this to help wash the henna and indigo from my hair)

Stuff used sparingly or for emergencies
Proclaim Silk Glossing Polish
Mizani Rose H2O Nighttime Cream
Motions Nourish Leave-in Conditioner

Um... so um yea... :look:
I am definitely cured of my pj-ism. My problem was, I kept trying to find products to make my hair FEEL a certain way. I kept trying to FIX IT.

I had to realise that that was just the way MY natural hair feels. I had been comparing the feel to the way my relaxed hair felt. I had to remind myself that natural hair doesn't feel like relaxed hair. That difference is so difficult for me.
When I die, don't get a casket, just dump me into a vat of the latest sweet smelling miracle moisturizer, and sprinkle the latest growth oil on me, because I want to come back with my curls popping:D
My hallway linen closet, which is the width of two standard size doors and has shelves going from floor to ceiling, is packed full of beauty supplies. I have so much stuff in there that when I want to try something "new" I just go back and find something I bought a long time ago and didnt finish! SMH, its a darned shame. Its like a Korean Beauty Supply up in there--conditioners, oils, butters, wigs, and tools! :lachen:

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Unfortunately OP, your assessment of why ladies buy product and in BULK (which seems to have garnered some attention lately as being a problem) is off.

In addition, what is "PJ" to one certainly would not be a "PJ hauler" to another. It's relative. For instance, most hair lovers would not classify 20-25 products on hand at any given time a junkie. It maybe for others, but their thinking is not the same as a hair lover. Some heavy hitters would not consider 50 different bottles of Suave, VO5 or cholesterol apart of being a PJ either. This person buys in bulk of the things they like. I notice no one was talking about "PJ" when ladies were posting notices on where they could buy CON green and go buy the remainder of their inventory.

Furthermore, the post belittles someone who likes trying new products, is looking for more out of their hair (nothing wrong with wanting 2nd or 3rd day hair for a natural, a decent dry shampoo to get swing back for a relaxed head, or wanting more stretch). This is not symptomatic of self-loathing, just trying to work it out.

Some ladies were spending a mint on their hair before, they were just giving it to their stylists, others were already into buying product and the forums just helped broaden our knowledge of what's available. There are all types of ladies on this board, with a broad range of professions and budgets. We are not all young, not all students, not all broke, and not all on limited or purposefully tight budgets.

There are ladies in the fashion forum buying $650+ shoes and bags and ladies hauling makeup and skincare in the makeup forum, so let's keep things in perspective.

This is Minty's last long post.
This is Minty's last long post.

I have to disagree.
Her post was an opinion post. As such, I liked it very much.
Just because it touched something in some people does not invalidate its worth, make it wrong, or make it belittling.
Note: I am a person who buys in bulk cause I'm cheap like that.
I think there is a lot of truth in what she said regarding this because there are too many threads (too many....too too many threads) asking for products that will "pop" one's curls, or make one's hair feel silky, or make one's hair have more hang time or hair heavier to decrease shrinkage...too many to count.
I'm just like :look: and stroll on by.

I'm not saying there isn't truth in what she's saying. But to that particular point, I don't believe it applies to *me*. I have never been deluded to think that my 4b(whatever) coarse nappy hair could or would ever look like ringlets. Popping my kinks and napps is not an interest of mine. Using products that help my hair be moisturized is a primary concern of mine and has been since forever.

I will say that at the end of the day, I think I'm still a PJ at heart.lol Maybe I'm still a PJ in another way. Instead of trying tons of new things and seeking variety (and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that), I buy large amounts of what my hair loves.