4b's- How does your hair airdry?


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4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

If you put basically nothing on your hair but a leave in and a little oil, how does your hair air dry? Mines very poofy almost like a tame afro. Is that normal? I wouldn't mine at all if I was always gonna rollerset or flat iron or something striaght. Then it wouldn't really make a dif because if I roller set it, it comes out smooth. But.......if I wanna try to airdry with slight waves or if I wanna air dry with a braid out or something I'm afraid it'll be a little too poofy. But if others have done it, I'll try. So I'm wondering....how does your hair air dry (this is a question for anyone hair type. I specified 4b because that's mine and it would probably make a difference, but I'm still curious about everybody)
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

Im a 4a and my hair also dries poofy if I do nothing to it. I always dry my hair with a ponytail and a scarf, when it is dry I have beautiful waves! Ive never tried a braid out for fear that I will end up looking like Ronald McDonald
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

If I put NOTHING on my hair it would dry like crunchy cardboard. ORS Olive Oil helps that out. Once I forgot to put some on my hair and LAWDY... crunchy Ruffles chips had nothing on my hair!!! It usually shrivels up at the ends too.
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

<font color="brown">Here is what works for me:

I always apply leave-in conditioner, my oil moisturizer, and some type of styling fixative (styling cream, spray or mousse) before I air dry. I comb it straight down and let it dry - - and then I DO NOT TOUCH it until it is dry. The styling fixative smooths the hair and keeps it from getting poofy. Also, letting it dry completely will keep it from getting poofy.

If I am going to do a braid-out, I let it get 80% dry and then I braid it. Once I have completed the braids and put a roller on the ends, I spritz it with distilled water to reactivate the styling fixative. The reason I let it dry a little before braiding is because I do not like braiding wet hair - - I have more control when it is simply damp.

AngieK </font>
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

I am a 4b and to see how my hair airdries look at my August picture with the gray t-shirt on. It's a huge poof ball!
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

I just finished washing my hair. I blot my hair with a towel,spray olive oil sheen on it,and let it dry. I don't comb it while it's wet. When it dries I have long loose S curls. It only gets frizzy when I comb it out.
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

It would be wavy if I just washed and conditioned it and let it air dry! Once I get a little more length, this will be a styling option for me. However I would put a little leave in mixed with oil, then let it air dry!
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

I'm mostly 4a but my hair is more 4b around the front and at the sides. I was worried about frizz and hard hair when I first started air drying but I got the hang of it. I use a light leave-in and a serum on wet hair, let it hang straight to dry a bit, and then apply a little bit of profectiv break-free before braiding or putting in a bun or whatever. My hair dries smooth this way without frizz. I recently let my hair dry straight all the way so I could cut it, and it actually dried pretty straight without the usual bun. (see my pics in my sig)
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

Hey Ladies,

If you are having trouble with hair drying frizzy try the John Frieda Texture Correcting Serum (part of the RELAX line). It works for me because the same thing used to happen to me. You have to put it on soaking wet hair (not dripping wet -- just wring all of the water out of your hair then apply). This is a staple for me whether I rollerset or do a braidout. I follow it with a nickel-sized amount of a creamy leave-in (Elucence conditioner).

Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

I have 4b natural hair...
The way I dry my hair is, after washing it, I put some Shea butter in it... I comb it with my WIDE tooth comb, then, I slick it into a pony with my GOODY brush (you know, the one with the pink rubber in it w/the white plastic bristles?) That's the key to getting natural hair waved when air drying. I just braid my ponytail.
Then, right before my hair starts to frow spring out of place, I slide my wrap cap (female wave cap) on it. I let it air dry overnight.
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

If it a couple of weeks after my touch up I look actually pretty good. But if i'm close to in desperate need of a touch up, I look like black Q-Tip!!!! I have to wrestle it into a pony tail and then find products that will soften the roots.. Its a tough job, but someone has got to do it!!!
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

Usually, it tries quite hard, depending on if I have put any products on my hair, I comb and style my hair in flat twists, while it is wet anyway.
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

This is an interesting question. Because I am 4b and air drying is not an option. I mean that my hair is SOOO bushy I wouldn't be able to get it into a smooth ponytail. For me, pressing is my only option. Funny though, when my hair is pressed you would NEVER guess that it's thick/ bushy and it also presses out so nice that it looks relaxed (for the first day anyway...)
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

Thanks for all of your responses guys!

Babygurl- When you say you dry with a ponytail and scarf, where do you put the scarf? Around your head or around the actual ponytail? And what do you do to the actual ponytail, how does it dry smooth?
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

I put the scarf around my actual hair for the waves and if I dont want the poofy ponytail look Ill put a small magnetic or foam roller on the end of my ponytail. Comes out great every time.
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

If I don't roller set my hair after washing it, it'll be one big ball of frizz, with or without oil.
Re: 4b\'s- How does your hair airdry?

my hair still comes out a lil frizzy, I put leave in conditioner, oil and sometimes setting lotion on my hair and it stills comes out a lil frizzy on the ends, when I do a braidout (after I finger comb it out)