How long does it take your hair to airdry?

My hair is between APL & BSL and it takes about 30 minutes to dry without any product. It takes a bit to get my hair soaking wet when washing. I don't know if this means my hair is porous or has low porosity. Adding product to my hair makes the dry time much longer.
1-2 hours...specifically the that bad? Lol

I am MBL btw but the crown has always taken the longest
My hair is veryyyy thick and the strands are huge. I also have a large head so drying takes forever. I am a wash n go girl, so I have wet hair most of the time lol. It is dripping wet for a few hours. After that it is still very wet, but it only drips if I shake it lol. It doesn't dry for about 24 hours. I use gel and leave in products so I'm sure that contributes to the slow drying time as well...
My hair takes 24 hours to dry and I'm at BSL. I usually plop my hair if wearing it out or before putting it in a bun otherwise, it takes forever to dry.
To completely air dry, hmmmm :scratchch

If it's a day where I'm out and about, maybe 5-6 hours. If in the house, 7-8 hours. My hair is relaxed. I keep it MBL usually, but sometimes it's closer to my bra strap or down to my waist, just depends on the way the wind blows...
Wow, there is a large difference in drying times. I use very light products, and my SL hair dries in 30 minute, while in two large flat twist.