I was so exited to try this, I took my twists out after only one week.
Lol, let's just say, it was a lot harder and longer than it seemed to be for her. I didn't have a brush, so I used a wide tooth comb.
I think I have twice as much hair on my head than she has, which is good, because I lost half of it trying to comb it out. I may attempt it again next week, just to see if my hair being more detangled now will have an effect. But I'll only try one section, and if it's the same, I'll just do what I was doing before.
Her hair is sort of fine and... idk. My hair, when wet, is more like a big poofy sponge, or something.
But this might work for someone else. It's an interesting technique.
I do like the banding of the roots. I mentioned trying this way up thread.
When it's dry I'll see how it turned out. Glad to have my hair out and be able to experiment again.