4a/b's cowash or rinse with success?

Wen always seemed like a ripoff to me why not use a shikakai cowash instead for a fraction of the cost. You get the cleansing, strengthening, and moisturizing all in one. Oh, I am a 4a/b and I cowash just about everyday and have done so for years.
Yodie, I have had good success w/ cowashing. I have type 4 hair (dunno if its a,b or z).

What works for me is:

Aussie Moist
Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle
Trader Joe's Nourish Spa
Tresseme Naturals
and my Absolute favorite is Hair One(Jojoba).

The thing about cowashing for me is that I still have to include shampoo in my regimen. I know some heads don't, but for mine it is neccesary. Luckily for me I still have green CON left, I will be so lost when my stash is gone. When I do use a shampoo w/sulfates I put conditioner on top of the poo to buffer when I rinse it out.

Cowashing leaves my hair moist, which is great because my hair is naturally DRY.
You ladies are a wealth of knowledge. Looks like cw'ing is successful on type 4 hair.

Here's what I noticed about my hair. It really is about knowing your own hair. My dry hair stemmed from cw'ing on hair w/too much product. Water wasn't penetrating too well.
So, I used non-sulfate shampoo this Sunday and did a steam treatment. I also used a different condish to cw. My hair felt a lot better after that. Today I rinsed and let my hair air dry. It wasn't dry at all!! I sprtized with S Curl and my hair feels pretty good.

I've come to the conclusion that I must use some form of shampoo to eliminate buildup. Steam treatments really work well for me my hair. I need to try something else other than V05.

Thanks again ladies.
Oh, I'm finding that my hair responds verrrry well to jojoba oil. This will replace my castor oil (after I use it up) at some point.

Can anyone suggest a good balancing condish to cw with? Probably Aubrey's GPB, huh?
I cowash regularly, two or three times a week. I use whatever cheap conditioner I have on hand and then I twist with Rusk Deep Shine Brillance conditioner(which I LOVE!!) and that is about it. My hair stays moisturized for a few days and then I start it again.
Yep Yodie, you gotta find what works for you, and try a little of this and that until you find something that works cool for you. I'm glad to hear your dryness has alleviated.

Keep up the close tracking, that is imperative to our success with anything. Starting today I am journaling my hair.
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As much as I liked co-washing a couple of times a week, I had to stop because my hair couldn't take it. I'm a 4a natural with fine strands. Co-washing twice a week made my hair mushy.

In order for me to do more co-washing, I would have to increase my protein conditioning, otherwise my hair will become mushy and break.

So as it stands I just do the ocassional co-washing when I don't have time for a full wash, with conditioners like Suave Coconut, Trader Joe's NourishSpa & Hello Hydration.
As much as I liked co-washing a couple of times a week, I had to stop because my hair couldn't take it. I'm a 4a natural with fine strands. Co-washing twice a week made my hair mushy.

In order for me to do more co-washing, I would have to increase my protein conditioning, otherwise my hair will become mushy and break.

So as it stands I just do the ocassional co-washing when I don't have time for a full wash, with conditioners like Suave Coconut, Trader Joe's NourishSpa & Hello Hydration.

See, that's the thing about 4a, I feel you on the fine strands thing. I think because of my 4b I am able to co-wash daily. As a matter of fact natural 4b hair cannot be combed without some sort of water or moisture applied before hand.

When is the last time you did a protein treatment? I haven't done one I think but once since I've been growing my hair after shaving it in December. See, that's why I started a journal in my blog here to keep up with my head.
4AB here.

I can only co-wash once per week. I'm juicing every day and it wasn't necessary.

My regimen is simple.

Cowash every Sunday using Hair one. I use my Leave In conditioner and twist my hair into 12 to 14 twists. I spray with S-Curl and go to sleep. In the AM, I loosen the twists and spritz once more and off I go.

Every other Sunday, I Clarify using ACV.
Apply a protein treatment of Egg whites and yogurt and then DC with EVCO, Honey and EVOO.
4AB here.

I can only co-wash once per week. I'm juicing every day and it wasn't necessary.

My regimen is simple.

Cowash every Sunday using Hair one. I use my Leave In conditioner and twist my hair into 12 to 14 twists. I spray with S-Curl and go to sleep. In the AM, I loosen the twists and spritz once more and off I go.

Every other Sunday, I Clarify using ACV.
Apply a protein treatment of Egg whites and yogurt and then DC with EVCO, Honey and EVOO.

Good regimen you got going. That's absolutely on point of doing what works for you. I'm such a minimalist in general terms, that I am afraid to branch out and add more things to my already simplistic approach.

I am with you on not co-washing daily while juicing. My texture doesn't come out the way its suppose to if I co-wash daily, it takes a few days of juicing to get the results I want, then before I know it I gotta co-wash again to get out all the gel build up from the activator. So, I believe I have to co-wash every 1.5 weeks. I'll be more in tuned with my head now I'm blogging my hair journal here.
I cannot cowash everyday because I get them single strand knots(I am 4b texlaxed). What is working for me know is cowash at least twice a week. It is easy since I am wearing buns so all I do is cowash my hair and put it back up in a bun. Really easy.
I cannot cowash everyday because I get them single strand knots(I am 4b texlaxed). What is working for me know is cowash at least twice a week. It is easy since I am wearing buns so all I do is cowash my hair and put it back up in a bun. Really easy.

That's great! And your hair looks good girl!!!
I love love love to co-wash. I co-wash 3 times a week. I'm 4a/4b transitioning and it is amazing for my new growth. One week I went without co-washing and my hair was near impossible to detangle (I only detangle once a week). So idk what it is about co-washing that makes my hair easier to detangle later during the week but it's definitely a keeper for me!
For me, maintaining moisture. I stopped moisturizing and sealing because it never did anything for me and my hair is soooo soft I think because I co-wash often. My hair's going to grow regardless but I think because it maintains moisture, it helps in retaining length.
I guess it has potential to inc growth a bit because you would be stimulating your scalp by massaging it and getting the blood to circulate but....I'm not quite sure that's the reason behind it. Well it's not my reason behind doing it.
I always thought cowashing was about growth.

I think the reason you think that is because CWing means increased moisture which may mean better retention. But the main reason is always for moisture. CWing is just conditioning the hair w/o shampooing it first. There are people who massage it into their scalps (I don't) but if that makes any difference I'd say it's just because of the massage--which would work anyway even without the conditioner. Growth comes from cells under your skin and CWing has no effect on those, except in the case of massage--which also happens with shampooing and even without products for those who do it. What CW can do is keep your hair in good condition so it's not breaking and therefore you retain what you grow and thus see length.
See, that's the thing about 4a, I feel you on the fine strands thing. I think because of my 4b I am able to co-wash daily. As a matter of fact natural 4b hair cannot be combed without some sort of water or moisture applied before hand.
When is the last time you did a protein treatment? I haven't done one I think but once since I've been growing my hair after shaving it in December. See, that's why I started a journal in my blog here to keep up with my head.

I use a light protein on a weekly basis. Even my leave-ins contain protein, so there is always some form of protein on my fine strands.