2013 COWASH CHALLENGE THREAD (1/1/13-3/31/13)

i finally figured out how to add a pic. to refresh i am texlaxed
4b or c
past nl on longest layer and my goal is bsl
i will cw 1-2 times a week. i usually dc on dry hair then cw it out w/vo5 extra body, wen pomegranate, wen 613, wen fig, eden body works jojoba monoi or mill creek keratin

it looks like i will shampoo once abt every 30 days



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Co-washed on Sunday using Trader Joe's Tingle Treat.

Co-washed on Monday by rinsing my whipped Shea Aloe as a pre-DC treatment.
Cowashed this morning with AO Blue Chamomile. I have been diluting this conditioner. I wonder if it works better as a cowash undiluted. Will have to try soon.
Update photo...cowashing works for me!! I am now about WHIP length, I think. My first roll (LOL) is my non-existent waist. The pic cuts off at my hip, so I am between WL and HL and my hair wasn't completely straight (still falling from being barrel curled).

WHIP Length??
co washing tonight with as i am coconute cleanser and AO WC can not wait

Eta: been cowashing nightly since my protein overload (the most ive gone without cowashing is 2 days). I think my hair really likes it. It is getting softer and softer everyday and noticing more suppleness in my curls. Still havin problems eith. Frizz though. Still having trouble holding curls if i dont use eco styler but I think I am going to. Continue nightly cowashing for the rest of this challenge.
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Cowashe tonight with AO WC. I need to pay more attention to how my hair feels when I use it straight vs. when I dilute it. There wasn't enough slip to finger detangle when using it straight. Will see how it is when I dilute it.
The last two days I haven't used a leave in. I just sealed freshly CW hair with JBCO...that's worked out pretty well. I still need to get to the store to buy a reconstructor.
Cowashed this evening with Nature's Gate Chamomile Conditioner. Left a little in and added my other leave-ins. Hair is full, soft, moisturized, and smells great! Gonna stock up on more Nature's Gate, Tresemme, VO5, J/A/S/O/N, and AO Conditioners for cw's. Will CW 2-4 times/week now that Spring is rolling in.
Cowashed this morning with the last bit of vo5 Moisture Milks conditioner I had on hand. I have a few bottles of Suave conditioners to go through so will update as I go through them.
In twists so cowashed last night with 50%water 50%ACV then with diluted AO WC. Hoping to cowash twice a week while in braids, spritizimg once or twice a day. With water
Finally get to cowash and deep condition today after having my hair flat ironed for a week. I have been trying to let my hubby enjoy my length more.
Since using coconut milk in my mid cowash rinse I haven't needed AORM and I'm almost 13 weeks post. Still cowashing daily with AOHSR mainly.
I cowashed with Jane Carter Solution's Creamy Conditioning Cleanser
Very liquid-y but really nice. My hair is in mini twists and I don't want to use a thick conditioner to cowash with, so this worked great. My hair feels really clean and smells amazing!