4 Weeks Progress on MTG (Homemade) OH MY!!!


Well-Known Member

These pics blew me away!!! The one in the black is 10-11-2006 after a fresh relaxer. The one in the white shirt is from 2 weeks ago at approx 4 weeks post. I just relaxed again on 11-26 and it looks longer than this!:cool: (forgive quality of pic 2)



Sorry so huge!:lol:

ETA: The white pic isn't as ugly as it looks, my ends look way better, not sure how I got all my hair on one site and the walmart people double exposed my pics!!!:mad: But hopefully you can see the difference in length:)

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kbragg said:

These pics blew me away!!! The one in the black is 10-11-2006 after a fresh relaxer. The one in the white shirt is from 2 weeks ago at approx 4 weeks post. I just relaxed again on 11-26 and it looks longer than this!:cool: (forgive quality of pic 2)

Sorry so huge!:lol:

ETA: The white pic isn't as ugly as it looks, my ends look way better, not sure how I got all my hair on one site and the walmart people double exposed my pics!!!:mad: But hopefully you can see the difference in length:)


What is your homemade MTG recipe? How are you applying it and how often are you using it? I'd like to give it a shot for my edges. I hope you don't mind me asking. You can PM me too if you want.
Congrats on the progress. It must feel great!:)
I originally started with Naturallady's version which is EVOO, Coconut Oil, and the sulphur from Baldwins that's in MTG. Now I just make my own with coconut oil and sulphur. I plan to try a mixture of sulphur and castor oil next time. I use the $1.69 Color applicator bottles from Sally's. The one I got from Caisha had a wider nozzle but that was a bit messy so I use the smallest nozzle possible and I don't get greasy. I apply daily or every other day. I'm going to start alternating between this and the Lenzi/Capsazin mixture to get mega mega growth!:cool:

Congrats!!! That is great growth.

I am a true PJ. I thought I healed but I didn't I spent a hundred dollars on new products today and yesterday. I don't have it like that but I always have to run out and get stuff now. Waiting on my Lenzi Request, Emu oil, I think I will do the MTG mix. I had the sulfur since Jan05 sitting on my dresser. How do you prevent getting those balls in the mix.
kbragg said:
I originally started with Naturallady's version which is EVOO, Coconut Oil, and the sulphur from Baldwins that's in MTG. Now I just make my own with coconut oil and sulphur. I plan to try a mixture of sulphur and castor oil next time. I use the $1.69 Color applicator bottles from Sally's. The one I got from Caisha had a wider nozzle but that was a bit messy so I use the smallest nozzle possible and I don't get greasy. I apply daily or every other day. I'm going to start alternating between this and the Lenzi/Capsazin mixture to get mega mega growth!:cool:

Resouceful, beautiful and a chemist! What a combo! WTG on that growth! And thanks for sharing your blend with us!

Now what's the Lenzi/Capsazin mixture? I'm so behind, LOL
Good growth, Kbragg. I'm moving toward more organic products for my hair. Ingesting sulfur was never user friendly toward me although MTG really does help with growth but putting it on my nape is a no, no, no as I developed nodules on my neck when I used it, any other area no problem. I found this out via elimination and observation of product usage. I may try homemade MTG then observe whether it is the sulfur or the oils in the MTG. Never want neck nodules again!
Precious_1 said:
Congratulations on your growth! I have heard of Lenzi's but whats Capsazin?

It's Arthritis cream (Don't try to swap out for Ben Gay though!:lachen:You gotta use the Capsazin)

Trudy said:
Congrats!!! That is great growth.

I am a true PJ. I thought I healed but I didn't I spent a hundred dollars on new products today and yesterday. I don't have it like that but I always have to run out and get stuff now. Waiting on my Lenzi Request, Emu oil, I think I will do the MTG mix. I had the sulfur since Jan05 sitting on my dresser. How do you prevent getting those balls in the mix.

Haven't quite mastered that yet. I read somewhere that you gotta put it in the blender (powder alone). I'll give that a shot next time. Right now I just stick a straw in there and do it manually LOL!

I'm really excited about my growtrh as that's as much as I usually see anually!

kbragg said:

These pics blew me away!!! The one in the black is 10-11-2006 after a fresh relaxer. The one in the white shirt is from 2 weeks ago at approx 4 weeks post. I just relaxed again on 11-26 and it looks longer than this!:cool: (forgive quality of pic 2)



Sorry so huge!:lol:

ETA: The white pic isn't as ugly as it looks, my ends look way better, not sure how I got all my hair on one site and the walmart people double exposed my pics!!!:mad: But hopefully you can see the difference in length:)



Girl you make me wanna get back on the MTG bandwagon. I remember posting pics in my album over 2 seperate 4 month periods and I could def see the difference.

That was mine over a 1 month and 11 day usage. The first pic was after a fresh touch up.

These were after touch ups the same day. The small pics were a 4 month growth period WITHOUT MTG. The bigger pic was with on and off MTG use.

Congrats on your growth!!!:) After my 'session' on LHCF I'm gonna go wash my braids and apply a lil mixed with Castor Oil.

Sorry to hijack with pics, but just wanted to prove the MTG/Sulfur growth really does work.
kbragg said:
Haven't quite mastered that yet. I read somewhere that you gotta put it in the blender (powder alone). I'll give that a shot next time. Right now I just stick a straw in there and do it manually LOL!

I'm really excited about my growtrh as that's as much as I usually see anually!


kbragg I'm so happy for you! I might try this sulfphur mix because I tried the MTG, but I (and the other people complaining around me) cannot deal with the smell:ohwell:. How much sulfur do you mix in?
hmm i wanna try this too cause my hair grows way too slowly for my liking. ok where do you get the sulfur from and how do you mix it with coconut oil?
Are you still using baldwins sulfur? what are the measurements, i am going to try it with just coconut oil, i had naturallady's and i did get results, but i wasn't to consistant :(
kbragg said:
I originally started with Naturallady's version which is EVOO, Coconut Oil, and the sulphur from Baldwins that's in MTG. Now I just make my own with coconut oil and sulphur. I plan to try a mixture of sulphur and castor oil next time. I use the $1.69 Color applicator bottles from Sally's. The one I got from Caisha had a wider nozzle but that was a bit messy so I use the smallest nozzle possible and I don't get greasy. I apply daily or every other day. I'm going to start alternating between this and the Lenzi/Capsazin mixture to get mega mega growth!:cool:


Wow chica you did get some good growth in a small length of time. The info you posted is great. I am going to have to try this stuff finally. I have been procrastinating for a while but I used to love some sulfur 8 grease back in the day:lol: .

Do you think this would work well with my texturized afro and puffs?
Errah off topic Stilletto your hair color is so pretty. You got some mad new growth in your avatar pic too chica. :)
OH wow, congrats!!!!! Is this flowers of sulfur? What is the brand name of the sulfur, I don't know what Baldwin's is , is that a store chain? You're going to have me spending money because I'm going to try this!
Hey ya'll I'm back! Ok fess up, who gave me 3 stars??? I'm worth AT LEAST 4!:lol: :lachen:

I use the Baldwin's sulphur: http://www.baldwins.co.uk/ (In the search box search for "sulphur") I bought the 100g and it was a LOT! It costs like $10 US including shipping and got here in about a week.

I couldn't get the blender to work for me with the lumps, but what did work is take the sulphur, put it in a large zip lock bag, get all the air out, and roll it with a rolling pin flat. Any residual lump in the oil just smush with a pencil eraser.;)

kbragg said:
Hey ya'll I'm back! Ok fess up, who gave me 3 stars??? I'm worth AT LEAST 4!:lol: :lachen:

I use the Baldwin's sulphur: http://www.baldwins.co.uk/ (In the search box search for "sulphur") I bought the 100g and it was a LOT! It costs like $10 US including shipping and got here in about a week.

I couldn't get the blender to work for me with the lumps, but what did work is take the sulphur, put it in a large zip lock bag, get all the air out, and roll it with a rolling pin flat. Any residual lump in the oil just smush with a pencil eraser.;)


thanks for the info
Does it matter what kind of sulphur you use? I have the natural MSM powder sulphur. I don't plan to take it orally. I wanted to use it the same way you use your's.